Team Update - Recent Ban Waves

March 25, 2025

Heroes of Arkesia,

We wanted to take a moment to discuss recent ban waves, publicly share some updated plans related to one of the core tenets of the Amazon Games Code of Conduct— Play Fair. Specifically, we want to discuss the ban waves, and provide a few policy reminders related to RMT and botting behavior.

Anti-Cheat and Anti-bot Measures

Do not cheat, bot, hack, or use other software or services that give you an unfair advantage through, for example, unattended gameplay or game modifications.

Combatting bots has been an ongoing initiative of collaboration between our internal Anti-Cheat teams, Easy Anti-Cheat, and Smilegate RPG. We are constantly evolving detection methods and limiting the impact that bots can have on the economy and general player experience, along with the the use of illicit programs that allow players to automate daily activities and tasks within the game.

After reviewing the ban waves, our team found that some accounts, which had no prior violations or bad behavior, used the program to automate daily tasks. While these accounts did not deserve a permanent ban, using the program still violates the Code of Conduct, and it warrants a serious infraction. As a result, these accounts will have their permanent bans reduced to a 30-day suspension. The days already spent banned will count toward this 30-day suspension.

We hope that these players will embody the tenet of “Play Fair” heading forward, especially with the recent changes to reduce the load of dailies by speeding up activities and only requiring a single Kurzan Frontline/Chaos Dungeon per character each day. Any further infractions or violations will result in the permanent ban being reinstated.

RMT Bans

Do not engage in real-money trading of in-game items and in-game currencies.

RMT Bans have and will, continue to rollout in an ongoing basis. We have seen a lot of community conversations discussing the bans, along with false narratives being publicly shared, so we wanted to provide a few reminders and clarifications. First off, RMT investigations are thoroughly vetted and manually looked into. Oftentimes, players are not willing to share the entire truth after engaging in behavior violating the Code of Conduct, which can lead to speculation and confusion in the community. Additionally, ban/suspension appeals are manually reviewed, not automatically declined. While there are response templates built to communicate a decision, they are not automatically sent out. These responses can be sent out quickly to communicate decisions after an appeal is reviewed, especially in cases where the evidence of illicit activities is concrete, or when the appeal provided was not relevant to the reason for the ban.

If you ever in doubt of whether or not an action is allowed, please review the Amazon Games Code of Conduct or Terms of Service. Thank you for your continued support, and we’ll see you in Arkesia.