Heróis de Arkesia,
A atualização de agosto chega amanhã a Arkesia. A interrupção começará no dia 16 de agosto às 161 BRT (8h UTC) e tem duração prevista de 15 horas. Com uma nova classe, Legion Raid, Guardian Raid, atualizações e eventos de progressão, reformulação do equilíbrio e muito mais, a atualização de agosto “Wield the Storm” está recheada de conteúdo. Com tantas mudanças adicionadas de uma só vez, incluímos um vídeo de Henry “HardcoreHenry” Stelter falando dos destaques!
Conte no YouTube se você gostou desse tipo de conteúdo da nossa equipe e quer ver mais. Quer todos os detalhes? Encontre a lista completa de conteúdo, eventos, visuais e outras atualizações abaixo!Destaque
Legion Raid Akkan
Após a batalha com o Plague Legion Commander Akkan em South Vern, Queen Ealyn guardou parte do corpo de Akkan para investigar o Legion Commander. No entanto, algumas dessas partes desapareceram e começaram a ser juntadas em Arthentine. É possível que Akkan, o emissário da morte, tenha concebido um terrível estratagema para restaurar o seu poder aterrorizante?
Lentamente, Aetanople vai se submergindo na água permeada com o poder da doença enquanto as almas dos mortos ainda vagam pelo mundo dos vivos, presas pelos feitiços de Akkan. Akkan precisa ser detido antes que toda a Arkesia sucumba à sua horrenda podridão e decadência.
Vá até Arthentine para combater o Plague Legion Commander em uma nova Legion Raid para 8 jogadores. Serão lançadas as versões Normal e Hard desta Legion Raid, cada uma com seus respectivos requisitos de nível de item.
Normal: É possível entrar nos 3 portões com o nível de item 1580
Hard: É possível entrar nos 3 portões com o nível de item 1600
“Corrupt Lord's Pandemonium Epidemic” é um modo mais fácil que permite que os jogadores pratiquem a Legion Raid Akkan em um nível de dificuldade menor. Os jogadores com nível de item 1500 ou acima podem entrar em “Corrupt Lord's Pandemonium Epidemic”. Os jogadores também ganham a Mark of the Plague in Epidemic, que pode ser trocado por vários materiais de progressão.
Classe avançada Aeromancer
A Aeromancer é a segunda classe avançada Specialist. Dotada do poder da ilusão mística, ela é capaz de manipular as condições climáticas para causar devastação no campo de batalha ou lutar para vencer os inimigos com floreios espetaculares de seu guarda-chuva. A identidade da Aeromancer é Sun Shower. O Sun Shower Raindrop Meter é preenchido conforme a Aeromancer consegue atingir inimigos com suas habilidades. Assim que o indicador chega ao nível máximo, você pode usar a Sun Shower e obter um duplo benefício de ataque e defesa. Ao usar a Sun Shower, os ataques básicos e a habilidade de movimento da Aeromancer evoluem enquanto estão ativos, os inimigos próximos sofrem danos constantes e o dano que a Aeromancer e o seu grupo recebem dos inimigos é reduzido.
Saiba mais sobre as habilidades e engravings da Aeromancer na Academia do Lost Ark: Aeromancer.
Guardian Raid Sonavel
Por muito tempo, Levanos, o Elemental King, protegeu Arkesia sob o manto da luz e da ordem. Ele abandonou sua missão de proteger a natureza, fez a opção pelo caos e se tornou Sonavel, obcecado pela raiva e imbuído apenas da escuridão como seu objetivo. Sonavel precisa ser derrotado antes que destrua tudo aquilo que um dia protegeu! Os jogadores podem desafiar Sonavel em um novo Guardian Raid, se tiverem nível de item 1580.
Os jogadores podem obter materiais honing, acessórios Ancient e uma chance de ganhar uma runa lendária “Galewind”, sorteada nas Guardian Raids Purification de Escala1 . Essa runa só pode ser coletada uma vez por roster. Há também um novo efeito de conjunto de cartas “Guardian's First Choice I” com a inclusão de uma “carta Sonavel”.
Evento Super Mokoko Express, suporte à configuração dos estilos de combate e South Vern Powerpass
Um evento South Vern Powerpass será lançado com a atualização para os jogadores usarem até 15 de novembro de 2023. Juntamente com o South Vern Powerpass, os jogadores poderão designar um personagem entre os níveis de item 1415 e 1540 em sua conta para participar do evento Super Mokoko Express, no qual terão descontos nas taxas de aprimoramento e ganharão materiais de aprimoramento para subir rapidamente de nível até o nível de item 1540 e além. Também há opções novas de suporte para configuração de estilo de combate para os jogadores definirem habilidades e engravings com maior facilidade por meio de pré-definições e conseguirem suporte de item para acessórios e Ability Stones. O personagem escolhido ganhará recompensas valiosas conforme subir de nível, incluindo Silver, materiais honing, Gems de alto nível, Engravings etc.!
O Evento Super Mokoko Express também inclui um sistema Engraving Support que permite que os jogadores escolham 5 engravings para entrarem em vigor no nível 3 durante o evento. É assim que se começa:
Após selecionar um personagem do Super Mokoko Express, o botão Engraving Support é aceso.
Clique no botão Engraving Support para abrir a página Engraving Support e então selecione as 5 engravings de sua preferência.
Pressione o botão Activate Engraving Support para começar a usar os efeitos.
Os efeitos do Engraving Support serão então exibidos no perfil do seu personagem.
O evento durará até 15 de novembro de 2023.
Atualizações de conteúdo
Chaos Dungeons
Receitas de Engraving do tipo Rare serão coletadas do Chaos Dungeons de Escala 3como recompensa.
Na reformulação da T2/T3, alguns materiais honing e recompensas de itens serão ajustados.
As recompensas especiais de Dispatch também serão alteradas.
O nível de item necessário para Chaos Dungeons e missões de dispatch especiais correlatas abaixo do nível 2 de Punika “Star” será ajustado.
Devido a mudanças nos requisitos de entrada em alguns Chaos Dungeons, a dificuldade de combate será alterada adequadamente.
Ao entrar em Chaos Dungeon de Escala 2 com Aura of Resonance esvaziada, os seguintes itens serão coletados
Perception Shard
Crystallized Disorder
Esses itens mudarão de T1 para T2
Guardian Shard e Crystallized Contempt serão removidos.
Se os jogadores tiverem esses itens, eles serão substituídos por Perception Share e Crystallized Disorder. As substituições serão enviadas para o Universal Storage.
Os materiais honing obsoletos e as bolsas Uncommon Engraving Recipe no NPC “Exchange Chaos Dungeon Shard” serão removidas.
O preço de alguns materiais honing do NPC “Exchange Chaos Dungeon Shard” será ajustado.
As poções de XP serão adicionadas como recompensas das missões de Special Dispatch relacionadas às seguintes Chaos Dungeons
North Vern: Resonance
Rohendel: Illusion
Adicionada Elgacia “Sky” às Chaos Dungeons
Sky Nv.1 1580+
Sky Nv.2 1600+
Para entrar nas Chaos Dungeons de Elgacia, os jogadores precisam completar antes a jornada de mundo de Elgacia “Breaking the Cage”.
Os jogadores podem entrar no nível “Sky” de Chaos Dungeon mesmo sem Aura of Resonance.
Após gastar toda a Aura of Resonance, os jogadores podem obter “Shards of Purification” e “Crystallized Longing”
É possível obter espólios de rodadas de chaos dungeon com baixa probabilidade.
Os jogadores podem obter uma grande quantidade de “Shards of Purification”, “Crystallized Longing” e exps de cartas vencendo monstros do tipo Lucky/Boss após gastar toda a Aura of Resonance.
Não é possível obter Bracelets ao entrar nas Chaos Dungeons sem Aura of Resonance.
Os seguintes itens foram adicionados à lista de trocas de shard de Tier 3 de Chaos Dungeon do NPC Magick Scholar Jeneca.
Radiant Honor Leapstones (vinculada), Refined Obliteration Stones (vinculada), Refined Protection Stones (vinculada)
Novos Dispatches especiais foram adicionados para reforçar junto à adição de novos níveis de Chaos Dungeon.
1 nova conquista adicionada.
Melhorias de qualidade de vida
Todos os monstros que aparecerem em Chaos Dungeons verão melhorias nas seguintes formas:
Velocidade de aparição
Velocidade de movimento
Alcance de rastreio do jogador
Os alcances de ataque de monstros baseados em ataque com alcance e monstros nomeados foram reduzidos.
A área de aparição de monstros no segundo estágio da Chaos Dungeon foi reduzida.
Secret Rooms não aparecerão mais ao vencer monstros de Challenge no segundo estágio de Chaos Dungeons. Em vez disso, as recompensas dos Secret Rooms foram ajustadas e melhoradas no novo sistema Fate Ember.
A rota geral do terceiro estágio foi encurtada.
Mesmo estando longe demais do objeto que dá o buff “Rift Flow”, o jogador ainda receberá o buff “Rift Flow”.
Novo buff passivo foi adicionado em Chaos Dungeons. Quando estiverem em um Chaos Dungeon, os jogadores estarão imunes a paralisias, empurrão e debuffs.
Para alguns itens, a quantidade de conjuntos por espólio foi ajustada. Isso não afeta a quantidade total dos itens que podem ser pilhados.
Abyssal Dungeon/Abyss Raid
O nível de item de entrada do Abyssal Dungeon será ajustado.
Ancient Elveria: 340 a 500
Phantom Palace: Nível de item 460 a 635
Ark of Arrogance: Nível de item 840 a 805
Devido a mudanças nos requisitos de entrada em Abyssal Dungeon de T2, o nível de item necessário para pilhagem das recompensas das seguintes Abyssal Dungeons será ajustado:
Ancient Elveria: Não é possível obter recompensas quando o nível de item for 805 ou mais (era 840 ou mais)
Phantom Palace: Não é possível obter recompensas quando o nível de item for 1340 ou mais (era 1325 ou mais)
O Abyssal Dungeon Reset Ticket foi adicionado como a recompensa de conclusão de primeira vez da Abyssal Dungeon de T2
A taxa necessária para ‘Additional Enhanced Reward’ na Abyssal Dungeon de T2 será mudada de Gold para Silver
As recompensas de Abyssal Dungeons de T2 serão mudadas em conformidade com a reformulação da T2
Os materiais honing serão obtidos como recompensas claras de todos os Abyssal Dungeons e Abyss Raids em T3
O nível de item necessário para entrar em “Aira's Oculus” e “Oreha Preveza" no modo Normal de “Oreha’s Well” em Abyss Raids será mudado de 1325 e mais para 1340.
Tipos de recompensa mais altos de “Aira's Oculus” e “Oreha Preveza no modo normal de “Oreha’s Well” em Abyss Raids serão ajustados para corresponder aos tipos do modo Hard
A concorrência de itens não estará disponível em “Aira's Oculus” e “Oreha Preveza" no modo normal de “Oreha’s Well” em Abyss Raids.
As recompensas de primeira conclusão de “Aira's Oculus” e “Oreha Preveza" no modo normal de “Oreha’s Well” em Abyss Raids foram removidas.
O nível de item de entrada “Argos” em Abyss Raids será mudado de 1385 e mais para 1370 e mais.
Field Boss
O nível de item recomendado para Field Bosses de T2 será ajustado em conformidade com a reformulação da T2.
As recompensa por derrotar Field Bosses de T2 serão ajustadas em conformidade com a reformulação da T2.
Ao vencer um Field Boss de T2, a concorrência do item não estará disponível.
Ao vencer um Field Boss de T2, os seguintes itens colecionáveis e pontos serão obtidos na taxa de 100%:
Giant’s Heart
Island Soul
Adventure Secret Map
Cooking Ingredients do Adventurer’ s Tome
Os Cooking Ingredients do Adventurer’ s Tome em todo o North Vern ~ Feiton estarão disponíveis como recompensa n taxa de 100%
Stone of Chaos estará disponível como recompensa após vencer o Field Boss de Punika “Moake”.
A probabilidade de conseguir Cooking Ingredients do Adventurer’s Tome a partir do Field Boss de Punika “Moake” aumentará consideravelmente.
A probabilidade de conseguir pontos Omnium Star
Punika - Moake
Rowen - Hermut ao vencer os Field Bosses aumentarão
Ebony Cube
Devido à reformulação na T3 (1302 – 1490), o requisito de entrada de 1st Forbiddance mudará de 1302 para 1250
O requisito de entrada em missões Special Dispatch correlatas e em Una’s Quest mudará adequadamente
A dificuldade de combate no 1st Forbiddance será ajustada adequadamente
“Honor Leapstones” serão removidas das recompensas de 1st Forbiddance.
Independentemente do nível do item do personagem, “Great Honor Leapstones” serão obtidas como recompensa
Recompensas de missões Special Dispatch correlatas serão ajustadas adequadamente
Adicionada a 4ª proibição do cubo de Ébano no nível de item 1580
Chaos Gate/Secret Dungeons
Recompensas obtidas de Chaos Gate e Secret Dungeons em T2 serão ajustadas em conformidade com a reformulação de T2.
Ao concluir Chaos Dungeons de T2, a concorrência não estará disponível.
Ao concluir Chaos Dungeon de T2, o mapa secreto Legendary será adicionado como recompensa.
A dificuldade de combate será ajustada.
Os tipos e a quantidade de recompensa serão ajustados.
O índice de pilhagem de Masterpiece em Secret Dungeons de T2 será levemente melhorado.
O requisito de nível de item para entrar em Chaos Gates em todo o Anikka ~ Punika será ajustado.
Anikka, Shushire, North Vern, Arthetine: 302 para 500
Rohendel: 460 para 635
Yorn: 802 para 805
Punika: 1302 para 1250
As recompensas de conclusão por estágio serão ajustadas.
Reformulação da entrada nas Integrated Dungeons
O sistema atual “Integrated Dungeon Entry” será reformulado para “Contents List”.
Guardian Raids
O nível de entrada necessário será ajustado.
Nível 1: Nível de item 500
Nível 2: Nível de item 635
Nível 3: Nível de item 805
Nível 4: Nível de item 960
Nível 5: Nível de item 1250
As recompensas do nível 1 a 5 de Guardian Raids serão ajustadas de acordo com as mudanças do nível de item de entrada.
A recompensa de primeira conclusão de Guardian Raids de nível 1 a 4 será aprimorada.
A quantidade de recompensa Guardian’s Will Harvest de Guardian Raids de nível 1 a 4 será levemente reduzida.
A probabilidade de pilhagem na fase inicial Skill Rune em Guardian Raids será melhorada.
A poção XP será adicionada como recompensas das missões de Special Dispatch relacionadas às seguintes Guardian Raids
Icy Legoros
Flame Fox Yoho
Mudanças na categorização
Agora que os jogadores foram escolhidos por Vairgrys, a categorização atual das Guardian Raids será alterada.
Após concluir a jornada principal “Call of Destiny”, as Guardian Raids serão categorizadas e alteradas:
Vairgrys' Test: Encare os guardiões da luz e ordem para desafiar o Vairgrys' Test.
As Guardian Raids das Escalas 1~6 anteriores podem agora ser desafiadas por meio do Vairgrys' Test.
Chaos Guardian Purification: É possível tentar purificar guardiões que escolheram trevas e caos.
Uma nova jornada relacionada à raid “Chaos Guardians”, “Rumors About the Guardian” foi adicionada.
Os jogadores podem aceitar a jornada visitando o NPC “Professor Ronatas” em frente ao objeto da Chaos Dungeon do Castelo de Vern. A jornada requer a conclusão da jornada principal “Call of Destiny” para ser iniciada.
Devido às mudanças nas Guardian Raids, nomes de Special Dispatchs e texto de orientação mudaram na dispatch station da Stronghold.
Devido a mudanças nas Guardian Raids, “Guardian Soul Harvest” foi alterada para “Collect Inherited Guardian's Will”.
Após concluir a jornada principal “Call of Destiny”, o nome da categoria “Recommended Skills” muda.
Anterior: Raid Tier 1 a 6
Agora: Test Tier 1 a 6 / Purification Tier 1
Ajustes de progresso
O número máximo de Guardian Raids por dia foi reduzido a 1.
Devido às mudanças na capacidade máxima de colheita por dia, as recompensas obtidas por colheita dobraram. A taxa de espólio para os itens soltos em certas taxas como Bracelets, Ability Stones e Skill Runes dobraram. A lista de Roster XP e First Clear Rewards permanece a mesma.
Com os ajustes feitos na colheita de Guardian's Will, as recompensas de conclusão da Guardian Raid Special Dispatch também foram ajustadas.
Se o Special Dispatch relacionado à Guardian Raid já tiver sido iniciado ou se as recompensas não forem reivindicadas antes da manutenção de atualização, o Special Dispatch será concluído e as recompensas serão enviadas para o Universal Storage do personagem.
A poção Combat XP enviada para o Universal Storage ficará disponível para uso antes da atualização de setembro.
Devido às mudanças no limite máximo de colheita de Guardian Will, a meta semanal de Una's Task será reduzida de 6 para 3.
Devido a mudanças no limite máximo de colheita de Guardian Will, os números marcados no Task Tracker (Contents Status) e na lista Contents foram mudados de 2 para 1:
Devido à mudança no limite máximo diário de colheita de Guardian's Will, as seguintes informações na Guardian Raid Special Dispatch mudaram:
Maximum Dispatch Limit Per Day (limite máximo de envio por dia): Reduzido para 1 (era 2).
Required Stronghold Action Energy (energia de ação necessária na Stronghold): Mudou de 3120 para 6240.
Stronghold XP gained from the Dispatch Completion (XP de Stronghold obtido com a conclusão do Dispatch): Mudou de 6240 para 12480.
Devido à mudança no limite máximo diário de colheita Guardian's Will, a XP para concluir a missão correlata em Ark Pass muda de 15 para 30.
Fate Ember
Fate Ember é uma nova recompensa especial que pode ser coletada em Chaos Dungeons e em Guardian Raids.
Ela pode ser coletada ao matar monstros em Chaos Dungeons de Tier 3 (Punika "Star" nível 1 e acima).
Ela pode ser obtida ao coletar Guardian's Will em Guardian Raids (nível 5 e acima).
Não é possível receber Fate Ember por meio de Special Dispatches.
Um dos seguintes itens será obtido ao se interagir com Fate Ember:
Pacote de seleção de cartas Epic
Pacote de seleção de cartas Legendary
Pacote de cartas Legendary
Menelik's Tome
Baú de Honing Material
O baú é vinculado ao personagem ao ser pilhado.
Itens de materiais relevantes ao nível da Chaos Dungeon/Guardian Raid.
A quantidade das recompensas concedidas é dimensionada dependendo do nível de Chaos Dungeon/Guardian Raid.
Os tipos e quantidades de recompensa podem vir a ser atualizados em lançamentos futuros.
A taxa de espólio de Fate Ember é maior quando o conteúdo é concluído usando Rest Bonus.
Quando Fate Ember for liberado, será marcado no mapa com um ícone.
Fate Ember não pode ser pilhado por pets.
Quando Fate Ember não for pilhado durante Chaos Dungeons ou Guardian Raids, será pilhado automaticamente ao sair da área. Ele será enviado por correio se não houver espaço no inventário.
Sistema Elgic Infuse
Novo sistema que aperfeiçoa Sidereal Unity para Sidereal Weapons
Se o jogador tiver um Sidereal Weapon com nível 6 ou maior, pode visitar “Balthorr” em Great Castle para infundir 'Elgic'.
Uma vez que “Elgic” for infundido, o nível de item da arma aumentará.
Assim que “Elgic” for infundido, alguns efeitos de Sidereal Unity serão atualizados.
Para infundir Elgic em Sidereal Weapons, é necessário ter “Mysterious Stone”.
“Mysterious Stone” pode ser confeccionado com o NPC “Balthorr”.
“Eye of Decay”, “Sidereal Energy”, e “Romantic Ingredient Kit” são necessários para confeccionar Mysterious Stone.
“Eye of Decay” pode ser obtido na Legion Raid “Plague Legion Commander Akkan”.
Guia da jornada relacionada à infusão de Elgic "[Guide] Sidereal Weapon": Infuse Elgic' foi adicionado.
A jornada pode ser iniciada tendo um Sidereal Weapon de nível 6 ou superior e pode ser aceita na seção Quest Journal - Guide.
Ancient Gear
A Legion Raid Akkan introduz um novo conjunto de equipamentos - Upper Ancient Gear T3 (nível de item 1525).
O Upper Ancient Gear pode ser confeccionado com materiais obtidos nos modos Hard/Normal da Legion Raid "Plague Legion Commander Akkan".
As seguintes condições devem ser atendidas ao confeccionar Upper Ancient Gear.
Alcançar o nível de item 1580
Obter a conquista “Prima Donna” nível 1
A conquista pode ser conseguida ao equipar 6 peças de Ancient Gear confeccionadas a partir da Phantom Legion Commander Raid, independentemente da opção e nível definidos.
A conquista anterior “Ancient Gear” mudou para “Prima Donna”.
Será possível fazer honing de Upper Ancient Gear para o nível 25.
O Upper Ancient Gear tem os mesmos efeitos dos conjuntos de equipamentos atuais de Legion Commander.
O Upper Ancient Gear pode compartilhar o efeito de conjunto com o mesmo efeito de conjunto existente no Legion Commander Gear.
O Upper Ancient Gear pode ser atualizado usando “Mayhem Horns” e “Empyrean of Contemplation”.
Ao transferir o Ancient Gear atual para Upper Ancient Gear, o nível de honing do equipamento do ingrediente é redefinido como 0.
Ao transferir Ancient Gear atual para Upper Ancient Gear , Artisan's Energy/honing XP/a taxa de sucesso aumentada de tentativas de honing mal-sucedidas não são herdadas.
Ao transferir o Ancient Gear atual para Upper Ancient Gear, a qualidade do item será herdada.
Se a qualidade de equipamento do objeto de transferência for maior, a qualidade permanece a mesma.
Se a qualidade do equipamento do ingrediente for herdada, a qualidade do equipamento será redefinida como 0.
Se o nível do conjunto de equipamento do ingrediente for maior, o nível definido também é herdado.
Adicionado um novo efeito honing com a inclusão de Upper Ancient Gear.
O efeito de honing é alterado quando se atinge o nível de arma Upper Ancient 25.
Novos materiais honing adicionados com a inclusão de Upper Ancient Gear.
Os seguintes novos materiais são usados ao fazer honing em Upper Ancient Gear:
Refined Obliteration Stone (arma)
Refined Protection Stone (armadura)
Radiant Honor Leapstone
Prime Oreha Fusion Material
Novos materiais honing podem ser obtidos em Chaos Dungeons, Guardian Raids e vários outros conteúdos.
Prime Oreha Fusion Materials podem ser confeccionados na “Crafting Workshop” na Stronghold usando materiais de habilidades de vida.
Com a adição de novos materiais honing, as recompensas de materiais honing da Abyssal Dungeon Kayangel Hard mudaram.
Anterior: Obliteration Stone, Protection Stone, Marvelous Honor Leapstone
Agora: Refined Obliteration Stone, Refined Protection Stone, Radiant Honor Leapstone
Os materiais honing superiores também podem ser obtidos com os seguintes NPCs de troca.
Materiais de honing novos só podem ser obtidos por personagens com nível de item 1580 e mais.
NPC de troca de materiais honing essenciais
NPC de troca de Lasca Chaos Dungeon Magick Scholar Jeneca
NPC de troca Proving Grounds
NPC de troca Sylmael Bloodstone
Podem ser comprados com personagens de nível de item 1580 e superior. É necessário ter concluído Guild Shop Research nível 4~5
Navio de Wandering Merchant "Tea and Libra Guild Vessel"
‘Concentrated Leapstone' é necessária para fazer honing especial em Upper Ancient Gear.
Concentrated leapstones podem ser obtidas nos seguintes conteúdos.
Legion Raid Akkan modos Normal/Hard
Abyssal Dungeon Kayangel 'Eternal Cradle of Light' modo Hard
Os jogadores podem trocar Advanced Leapstones por Concentrated Leapstones no NPC de troca d Legion Raid.
Algumas recompensas de conteúdo foram expandidas com a inclusão de Upper Ancient Gear.
As recompensas de Una's Tasks foram expandidas.
Os materiais honing obtidos por Una's Tasks são expandidos a partir do nível de item 1580.
Se uma lista tiver um personagem com nível de item 1580 e acima, o número de Una's Tokens obtidos por ponto aumentará.
Nível de recompensas expandidas para Adventure Islands.
O nível de recompensas expandidas será aplicado ao alcançar o nível de item 1580.
A expansão só se aplica a recompensas de Gold e Silver.
Nível de recompensas expandido para Siege Events.
O nível de recompensas expandidas será aplicado ao alcançar o nível de item 1580.
Nível de recompensas de material honing expandido das Challenge Guardian Raids começando pelo nível de item 1580.
Nível de recompensas de material honing expandido de Challenge Abyssal Dungeons começando pelo nível de item 1580.
Reformulação das cartas
Período de vendas ampliado dos Wandering Merchants
Os Wandering Merchants agora venderão produtos por 5h 30min após aparecerem.
Após a mudança no período de vendas, os Wandering Merchants de cada continente aparecerão agora duas vezes por dia nos seguintes horários: 04:00/10:00/16:00/22:00
Como os horários dos Merchants foram alterados, os produtos foram ajustados para aparecerem mais frequentemente.
Os Wandering Merchants aparecem em todos os canais e também aparecerão em novos canais criados após o aparecimento deles.
Os Wandering Merchants em cada canal desaparecerão simultaneamente no final do período de vendas.
Os Merchants existentes desaparecerão se os ambientes do servidor forem renovados devido a razões como manutenção no servidor.
Os Merchants que aparecerem ao mesmo tempo venderão os mesmos produtos em qualquer canal.
Note que os Merchants venderão itens aleatoriamente sempre que aparecerem.
Haverá um símbolo de mapa exibido no mapa mundial quando os Merchants aparecerem.
Os jogadores podem verificar os produtos à venda e o tempo restante até o término das vendas colocando o cursor do mouse sobre o símbolo do mapa.
Recompensas de Chaos Dungeon adicionadas
Os jogadores agora poderão conseguir cartas Normal a Epic matando monstros em uma Chaos Dungeon acessada usando Aura of Resonance.
Da mesma forma, os jogadores podem conseguir cartas de Normal a Epic em expedições especiais de Chaos Dungeon.
Atualizações de Progressão Facilitada
Consolidação d Escalas 1 e 2
Por causa da importância de progredir rapidamente para a Escala 3, consolidamos a progressão repetitiva dos jogadores que passam pelas escalas iniciais do jogo.
A fase de nível de item de Tier 2 será ajustada de 802 - 1225 para 500 - 1100.
As armas e armaduras originais de T1/T2 serão atualizadas para equipamentos novos de T2.
Eliminamos efeitos de engraving de acessórios negativos na T2, e um dos engravings nos acessórios será um Class Engraving.
Os equipamentos de T1/T2 que os jogadores tiverem serão substituídos pelo equipamento Epic de T3 (nível de item 1250) na atualização.
Os acessórios e as Ability Stones existentes de T1/T2 não serão alterados sem ocorrer a fusão.
As estatísticas dos acessórios e Ability Stones de T1/T2 serão alterados.
Novas Ability Stones foram adicionadas por tier
Tier 1: Rare - ‘Stone of Soaring’
Tier 2: Epic - ‘Outstanding Stone of Soaring’
Legendary – ‘Powerful Stone of Soaring’
Relic – ‘Lonesome Stone of Soaring’
O nível de entrada dos continentes mudou com a reformulação de tiers
Rohendel: 460 para 635
Yorn: 600 para 805
Devido à consolidação de T1/T2 e ajuste de nível de item T2, as recompensas de conteúdo na fase T1/T2 será ajustada.
Devido à consolidação de T1/T2 e reformulação de T2, o nível de item necessário da seguinte entrada de Ghost Ship será alterado. O tipo e a quantidade de materiais honing que podem ser pilhados nesses Ghost Ships serão alterados.
Nightmare Ghost Ship: 415 a 635
Shadow Ghost Ship: 915 a 960
Devido aos ajustes na fase T2, os níveis de item necessários de alguns itens mudarão adequadamente.
Alguns itens disponíveis no NPC de troca Sylmael Bloodstone e no NPC de troca Proving Grounds foram mudados.
Os níveis de item necessários para compra de alguns itens no NPC de troca Proving Grounds foram alterados de 1302 para 1250
Abyssal Dungeons
O equipamento pilhado ou confeccionado nas Abyssal Dungeons e nas Abyssal Raids passa a ter Gear Set Effects. As receitas de confecção serão ajustadas.
O conteúdo do jogo não fornecerá mais Gems em T2.
Contudo, as Gems em T2 que os jogadores tiverem no momento continuarão a ser usadas.
Os jogadores poderão aumentar o nível da árvore de habilidade a partir do T1.
Para reduzir a fadiga e fazer os jogadores sentirem que estão progredindo, faremos alterações nos níveis de entrada e nas recompensas das Guardian Raids.
A pesquisa "Gatherable Expansion Level 1" será removida, e a "Gatherable Expansion Level 2" será alterada para "Gatherable Expansion Level 1"
Algumas pesquisas ligadas à Farm serão removidas ou alteradas.
Quando o nível 1 de Gatherable Expansion estiver passando por atualização, a pesquisa será cancelada e a tarifa de pesquisa será reembolsada
As receitas de confecção ligadas a T2 serão removidas.
Quando a confecção terminar, mas o item final ainda não tiver sido obtido, o item será enviado para o jogador na atualização.
A Caldarr Spice de T2 deixará de ser usada.
A fim de obter os materiais de Oreha Fusion (T3/Bound), os materiais de Caldarr Fusion (T2) terão que ser desmontados manualmente.
Todos os materiais de Caldarr Trade Skill (T2) serão removidos de armazenamento e substituídos automaticamente por materiais de Oreha Trade Skill.
Os materiais de Caldarr Trade Skill (Field/Foraging) serão trocados em uma taxa 1:2 por materiais de Oreha Trade Skill (Stronghold Farm).
Os materiais de Caldarr Trade Skill (Stronghold Farm) serão trocados em uma taxa 1:1 por materiais de Oreha Trade Skill (Stronghold Farm).
Esses itens serão enviados para o seu Universal Storage após a atualização de agosto.
Os pisos das torres serão alterados para refletir a consolidação das Tiers. Tanto a Shadowspire quanto a Fatespire terão 20 andares. Os requisitos de entrada dos níveis de item serão ajustados e as recompensas e dificuldades serão rebalanceadas.
Reformulação dos Tiers 2 e 3
Sobre a reformulação dos Tiers 2 e 3:
As dificuldades de combate de conteúdos e monstros de cada uma das fases serão ajustadas.
As recompensas parciais para o evento Guild Siege vão mudar.
A condições para as conquistas parciais vão mudar.
Os requisitos de Nível de Item para algumas pesquisas de receita vão mudar.
Os requisitos de Nível de Item para algumas das trocas de itens de receita vão mudar.
Algumas receitas de pesquisa e confecção serão removidas.
Se a pesquisa estiver em andamento após a atualização, a pesquisa será cancelada e removida. A tarifa de pesquisa será devolvida.
Se o item do T2 estiver em confecção ou pronto para ser resgatado, ele será enviado para o Universal Storage após a atualização
A Taxa de Sucesso de Honing do T1 ao T3, as Pesquisas de XP de Honing Necessárias e o efeito de Pesquisa vão mudar.
Se a pesquisa estiver em andamento após a atualização, a pesquisa será cancelada e removida. A tarifa de pesquisa será devolvida.
Se a pesquisa for completada após a atualização, ela será alterada para a pesquisa reformulada
Os requisitos de confecção para alguns visuais de confecção vão mudar.
A quantidade de cura por segundo das seguintes poções vai mudar:
Divine Healing Potion
Protection Healing Potion
Purified Healing Potion
Blessed Healing Potion
Starlight Healing Potion
Tier 3
A primeira fase do T3 será atualizada dos Níveis de Item 1.302 a 1.490 para 1.250 a 1.490.
As Leapstones usadas nesta fase serão do tipo "Great Honor Leapstone".
As “Great Honor Leapstones” podem ser obtidas trocando as “Honor Leapstones” com NPCs de troca de materiais de honing.
O "Common Oreha Fusion Material" passará a ser um "Oreha Fusion Material" de grau Rare.
O "Simple Oreha Fusion Material" passará a ser um item de legado (não poderá mais ser usado).
Os equipamentos originais de Nível de Item 1.302 e 1.340 serão combinados em um único conjunto de equipamento. Os Níveis de Honing serão comprimidos na mesma medida. Será possível fazer honing do novo equipamento até o nível de equipamento 20. Tendo em vista que o nível máximo de equipamento será ajustado de 25 para 20, os níveis de equipamento e de honing também serão ajustados.
Os ingredientes de confecção de cada conjunto de equipamento do Relic Legion Commander (Nível de Item 1.340) serão unificados.
As Weapon e Gloves poderão ser confeccionadas usando "Covetous Wings" de Vykas.
Head, Shoulder, Chest e Pants poderão ser confeccionadas com "Demonic Beast's Bone" de Valtan.
Em função dos ajustes nos níveis 1.302 a 1.490 do T3, o Nível de Item exigido ao usar determinados itens será alterado e algumas pesquisas da Stronghold desta fase serão ajustadas ou removidas.
As Enhanced Rewards nas raids iniciais serão aperfeiçoadas.
Aumentamos a taxa de obtenção de acessórios com class engravings para equipamento Relic.
Nv. Serão adicionados 5 Skill Tree Amulets ao Legion Raid Exchange Merchant que poderão ser obtidos jogando em Valtan, Vykas, Kayangel, Phantom Astalgia Déjà Vu, Midnight Circus Rehearsal e Akkan.
Atualizações de Engraving
O nível de desbloqueio do Engraving System será alterado para o nível 50
Algumas engravings poderão ser obtidas e usadas antes do nível 50
Se o sistema de engraving já estiver aberto, a engraving poderá ser aplicada da mesma maneira anterior à atualização.
Os níveis iniciais de todas as engravings serão nível 1 ao desbloquear o sistema de engraving.
Tendo em vista que todas as engravings poderão ser usadas após o desbloqueio do sistema, as Uncommon Engraving Recipes serão retiradas do jogo (elas serão incluídas como recompensa em compensações a serem acrescentadas no jogo).
Mokoko Buff
Mudanças no Mokoko Buff 1 (Starting Novice Adventurer):
Antes: Dano causado em NPCs aumentado em 20%. Dano causado por NPCs reduzido em 40%.
Agora: Dano causado em NPCs aumentado em 20%. Dano causado por NPCs reduzido em 40%. Sofrer dano letal ativa a Unbreakable Mind, torna você invencível por 3s., recupera 75% de HP imediatamente e reinicializa o tempo de recarga da habilidade Stand Up e outros tipos de habilidades de movimento. Tempo de recarga de 8 minutos.
O tempo de recarga da Unbreakable Mind será reinicializado de acordo com as seguintes condições:
Ao viajar entre mapas
Ao entrar em um portal
Ao concluir um portal
Mudanças no Mokoko Buff 2 (Enhancing Novice Adventurer):
Antes: Dano causado em NPCs aumentado em 15%. Dano causado por NPCs reduzido em 30%.
Agora: Dano causado em NPCs aumentado em 15%. Dano causado por NPCs reduzido em 30%. Sofrer dano letal ativa a Unbreakable Mind, torna você invencível por 3s., recupera 75% de HP imediatamente e reinicializa o tempo de recarga da habilidade Stand Up e outros tipos de habilidades de movimento. Tempo de recarga de 8 minutos.
O tempo de recarga da Unbreakable Mind será reinicializado de acordo com as seguintes condições:
Ao viajar entre mapas
Ao entrar em um portal
Ao concluir um portal
O Mokoko Buff não será habilitado nos seguintes locais:
Illusion Isle
Lush Reed Island
Death's Hold Island
Asura Island
Snowpand Island
Procyon’s Protection
A Procyon's Protection teve as seguintes mudanças:
Antes: Recebida a Procyon's Protection. Dano causado em NPCs aumentado em 10%. Dano causado por NPCs reduzido em 20%.
Agora: Recebida a Procyon's Protection. Dano causado em NPCs aumentado em 10%. Dano causado por NPCs reduzido em 20%. Sofrer dano letal ativa a Unbreakable Mind, torna você invencível por 3s., recupera 75% de HP imediatamente e reinicializa o tempo de recarga da habilidade Stand Up e outros tipos de habilidade de movimento. Tempo de recarga de 8 minutos.
O tempo de recarga da Unbreakable Mind será reinicializado de acordo com as seguintes condições:
Ao viajar entre mapas
Ao entrar em um portal
Ao concluir um portal
O efeito da Procyon's Protection será estendido para os seguintes conteúdos:
Abyss Raid: Argos
Legion Raid: Brelshaza Hard Gates 1, 2 e abaixo (novo acréscimo)
Story Express
Adicionamos um novo evento Story Express. Qualquer personagem que ainda não tiver completado a missão 'On the Border' de Rethamis pode ser escolhido como personagem de Story Express. As missões de história vão levar o jogador do Nível de Item 1 ao 1.415. Selecione seu personagem de Story Express na janela “Event Quest” e conclua missões para obter materiais de progressão. O evento ficará no ar até 15 de novembro de 2023.
Festival Maharaka - Tooki Bangbang
O Festival Maharaka de férias continua em Agosto! Curta o sol, participe de jogos exclusivos e obtenha valiosas recompensas de progressão. A atualização de agosto apresenta uma nova atividade de festival: Tooki Bangbang. Colete balões de água para encher o medidor de armas e atire no Overheated Tooki para ganhar pontos! Diferente do Festival Maharaka anterior, esta edição será baseada em regiões.
Destaque-se em Maharaka Attractions, Guardian Soul Harvests e Chaos Dungeons para ganhar Tokens do evento (Moko Kindergarten Exchange Token, Maharaka Leaf e Splendid Maharaka Fruit) e, em seguida, troque seus espólios por recompensas festivas, como a Cherry Blossom Class Mokoko.
Evento Daily Playtime
Adicionamos um novo evento que concede recompensas aos jogadores com base no tempo de jogo diário acumulado. Para participar, o jogador precisa ter um personagem com Nível de Combate 50 ou superior e ter Trusted Status. As recompensas serão concedidas aos 15min, 45min, 60min, 75min e 90min de tempo jogado e incluem itens valiosos como Silver, materiais honing, pacotes de cartas e muito mais!
Evento de troca Twinkle Twinkle (Golden Frog)
Venha conhecer o "Twinkle Twinkle Exchange Shop", um evento em forma de Gold Shop onde os jogadores podem trocar Gold por recompensas valiosas como materiais de honing, engravings lendárias, pacotes de cartas e muito mais! Algumas recompensas incluem um "Toad Token", que pode ser resgatado no mercador para itens adicionais.
O visual de estreia da Aeromancer, Weather Anomaly, chega com o lançamento do visual de arma Arthetine Nightrider da Aeromancer e junto com o novo Guarda-Roupa de Neria e a Coleção Midnight Summer! Veja os novos cosméticos exibidos abaixo.
A Aeromancer e o Guarda-Roupa de Neria
Coleção de cosméticos Midnight Summer
General & QoL
Horizontal Content QoL
Uncommon and Rare Skill Runes have been added as rewards for clearing the normal dungeons of the Rethramis - Feiton continents.
Rosters that have already cleared the target dungeons will receive a separate Skill Rune during the maintenance.
As the Skill Rune is added as a reward for clearing the Upgrade section dungeons, the 'Legendary Adventurer' NPC has been added to the Rethramis 'Border'.
Added a Tier 1 Ability Stone that can randomly drop when defeating monsters that appear on the Anikka through Shushire continents.
Elite Monsters
Named Monsters
Normal Dungeon Bosss
Added the Ability Stone Faceting NPC to Changhun, Anikka.
Removed Ability Stones from rewards obtained when defeating field bosses in Rethramis through Tortoyk.
With the Tier 2 / Tier 3 revamp, some rewards and mission order and target levels of the Mokoko Challenge have been adjusted.
With the revamp of the Growth Support system, the Growth Support items that were given when reaching certain Item Levels and completing Continent World Quests are no longer provided.
Rebalanced Gold and Reward prices for Valtan and Vykas Legion Raids.
Decreased gold rewards for Valtan Hard & Vykas Hard
Valtan Hard Gate 1: 700 gold (no change)
Valtan Hard Gate 2: 2300 decreased to 1100 gold
Vykas Hard Gate 1: 1000 decreased to 600
Vykas Hard Gate 2: 1000 decreased to 700
Vykas Hard Gate 3: 2500 decreased to 1100
Reduced the Gold Price Needed for "View More Rewards"
Valtan Hard Gate 1: 600 decreased to 450
Valtan Hard Gate 2: 900 decreased to 600
Vykas Hard Gate 1: 700 decreased to 300
Vykas Hard Gate 2: 900 decreased to 300
Vykas Hard Gate 3: 1200 decreased to 600
Supplemented the installation details in the tooltip for Play Structures placeable on the Remote Island Stronghold.
Play Structures can only be placed on the Remote Island, and only Play Structures of one theme can be placed per area.
If there is a play structure with a different theme in the area, it must be removed before another one can be placed.
Players can now stack Fusion Material Chests crafted using Stronghold Farm materials through "Great Success", regardless of the material type.
Character's HP will now recover when you transform into the Naruni Charge Transformation Statue placed on the Stronghold, then remove the transformation.
Updated so that the "Write in Guest Book" list is displayed when checking the dropdown menu at the Stronghold Community's Stronghold Record tab under the Stronghold.
Fixed the issue where mouse-click movement was not functioning smoothly during the "Spring Night Market" mood on the Stronghold and characters falling through the terrain.
Fixed the issue where the Environment NPC at the Fishing Spot would not be properly shown when placing fishing gatherables during "Spring Night Market" mood on the Stronghold.
Addressed the issue where awkward background was shown when completing the "Basics of the Stronghold's Economy" quest during "Spring Night Market" mood on the Stronghold.
Fixed the issue where the table behind NPC "Hyde" would stay in mid-air during the "Spring Night Market" mood on the Stronghold.
Fixed an issue where a red dot occasionally appears in the HUD Guest Book while visiting another character's Stronghold.
Improvements were made to make it possible to rotate the screen in Placement, Entertainment, and Look Around mode.
You can rotate the screen through Ctrl + dragging the mouse wheel.
Upon entering each mode, information on screen rotation will appear in the guide on the left.
Updated to show an information screen when the user tries to use a toy in a location where toys cannot be used within the Stronghold.
The origin of NPC Neria was corrected so that the location is more accurate in the Stronghold Wardrobe.
Various features were added to the Jukebox:
Playlist/My Album Settings Function
Playlist Edit Function
Play Method Options
Chronological Play
Replay All
Repeat 1 Song
Shuffle (Mix Order)
Volume Control Function
Changed the Stronghold Quest the objective of "Hyde's Cozy Dining Table" to "Go to My Stronghold."
Moved two currently unachievable hidden achievements to the "Unachievable" category.
I Am Patient
Just Give Me 10 seconds
Improved the quest progression by allowing players to use the keyboard number keys to select dialogue options when interacting with NPCs.
Changed the wording of the character's dialog when talking to NPCs during quests to be more natural when there is only one option. If there is only one choice, the line reads "My answer is".
When progressing through the quest "[Guide] Guides: Elgacia", we've made it more intuitive to see the quest information you need to complete before you can enter Elgacia.
During the progression of the "Guides" quest, we have made a revision to the step objective of moving to the respective continent, now guiding players to "sail forward on the voyage and navigate to the next continent."
South Vern
Improved the quest search feature to provide hints for starting the following quests.
Destiny's Whisper
The Gate of Paradise Opens
Changed the contribution method of the Co-op Quests in the following Adventure Islands.
Opportunity Isle - Catch Those Carps: You can contribute by using various fishing skills.
Snowpang Island - Snowfight!: You can contribute by throwing snowballs to keep opposing characters in check.
Tranquil Isle - Blossom as Flowers: You can contribute by getting hit by monsters to protect others.
Lush Reed Island -The Reed Field: To ensure that the Co-op Quest is strategic, a warning message will be displayed twice instead of once.
Asura Island - Soothing the Spirits/Showing Strength: To ensure that the Co-op Quest is strategic, a warning message will be displayed twice instead of once.
Fixed and improved hints of some quests that do not show all prerequisites when searching for quests in the Quest Journal.
Changed the Quest Journal search function to hide details of Music Box of Memories quests that you haven't accepted yet.
When completing the Rowen World Quest "Tarunian's Destiny," game notes were added to make it easier to know why certain NPCs move locations.
Teleport portals will no longer be shown in certain scenes during "Finding Starsgarde" dungeon quest in Rowen Story Mission "Land of the Starving Wolf."
When talking to the NPC Cindy without fulfilling the progression requirements for Episode: Kadan Quest The South Sea Island, you will be guided to the prerequisite quest.
During the Arthetine Normal Quest "Regrets," speech bubbles of NPC Regulator Hans will be displayed faster during "Report to Regulator Hans."
Changed the prerequisite quest required to enter Shushire.
Before: Ealyn's Gift
After: To Shushire
Unified the way some quests guide players on quest prerequisites with NPC dialogue.
Expanded the quest area to prevent players from being unable to travel outside the strait and lock themselves from progressing quests if they're near a Shushire port without meeting the requirements to enter Shushire.
Added a guide to the Quest Journal about some Memory Music Box quests being unavailable when doing the East Luterra Quest The Mad Herbalist of the Orchard.
Fixed an issue where the speech bubbles of certain NPCs displayed several times during the "Go to the Magick Society" section of NPC Ealyn's Rapport Quest Your Very Own Knight.
Fixed issue where the conversation with NPC Scilla would complete before the last line was displayed in the East Luterra Adventure Quest Blackrose Chapel.
When using the Quest Journal to search for the following quests and pressing the View Location, players will now be guided to an area where they can start the quest.
Playing Music Box of Memories
When a quest completion objective is to use an emote or emoticon, clicking on the emote or emoticon name in the quest completion objective text will automatically trigger the interaction.
If a specific emote is not set as the objective, clicking on the quest completion objective text will not trigger an interaction.
If an emote you have not obtained yet is set as the objective, clicking on the quest completion objective text will not trigger an interaction.
Added Crew Application/Stronghold Crew Application to the following 3 Quest Completion Rewards.
One More Thing: Crew Application: Ahu (Rare Sailor)
Wait a Second: Stronghold Crew Application: Wagner
Fragments of Memories: Stronghold Crew Application: Alfred
The respective Stronghold Crew Applications have been sent via the Universal Storage for Rosters that have already completed the quests Wait a Second or Fragments of Memories.
During the quest Haberk to the Ship, a guide on how to escape shipwreck has been added.
During the quest Haberk to the Ship, location has been changed to make it easier to find the objective when traveling from Arthetine to North Vern using auto sailing in the "Sail towards Vern" section.
During the quest Gone with the Wind, location has been changed to make it easier to find the objective when traveling from Anikka to Arthetine using auto sailing during the "Sail through the hazardous waters and go to Arthetine" section.
For certain quests that progress through transformations, quest items and transformation guide texts have been added so that characters can transform again.
If the player's transformation wears off, press the default use quest item key (F5) to transform again.
Improved guidance for some quest completion conditions to be more intuitive.
During some Main Quests, added the Exchange World Tree Leaf NPC Chapman to always appear in Lakebar in West Luterra.
Improved guidance for the completion location of the Warrior Class Awakening Quest Warrior's Vow to be more intuitive.
Changed certain objects in Elgacia Ereonnor to only be active when the associated quest section is in progress.
During the Elgacia Quest A Secret Library, modified objectives of some sections so that they show up more naturally.
Changed the Special Fortune Cookie item awarded for completing the Feiton quest Watchers of the Abandoned Land to be bound to the roster.
Changed the Toy Chest that's given as a reward for Una's Task Reputation The Reagent Experiment to be bound to the roster.
Added "Board the Sturmbreacher" as an objective to the quest The Sturmbreacher Launch.
Added Silver to some quest rewards in Rethramis Prideholme.
During the Main Quest Varut's Gift, added a guide on how to control mounts.
Changed the reward for completing the Boombling Island quest Festive Preparations from Boomblings Reward to Offensive Battle Item Chest.
Guide Quest changes
Changed when the Skill Tree Transfer guide quest [Guide] What is a Skill Tree Transfer? can be accepted.
Before: Complete Punika World Quest "Festival Adventure"
After: Complete Rohendel World Quest "Ratik"
Characters that already completed the quest Ratik can use Skill Tree Transfer immediately after logging in.
Changed when the Faceting Ability Stone guide quest [Guide] Faceting Ability Stones can be accepted.
Before: Can accept during the quest A Kingdom Reclaimed
After: Can accept during the quest Join the Tournament
Changed the quest location of the 2 Faceting Ability Stones guide quests to all of Arkesia.
[Guide] Faceting Ability Stones
[Guide] The Road to Faceting
Adjusted some rewards for the 2 Ability Stone-related guide quests.
[Guide] Faceting Ability Stones
Before: Roster XP, 5,000 Silver, Stone of Birth x5
After: Roster XP, 5,000 Silver, Student's Stone of Birth x1
[Guide] The Road to Faceting
Before: Roster XP, 10,000 Silver
After: Roster XP, 10,000 Silver, Student's Stone of Birth x1
The Student's Stone of Birth is distributed already faceted, automatically granting the engraving effects Contender and Drops of Ether.
The nodes of both engravings is fixed at +4.
Changed when the quest [Guide] When the Power of the Gem Shines is available.
Before: Can accept after completing Yorn World Quest The Final Report
After: Can accept after completing Punika World Quest Festival Adventure
Changed when the Navigation guide quest [Guide] A New Voyage can be accepted as follows.
Before: Reach Item Level 460 and accept at the Vern Castle in North Vern
After: Shushire World Quest Elpon Completed
Changed the quest conditions for crossing the Wall of Procyon.
Before: [Guide] Wall of Procyon
After: Shushire World Quest Elpon
Rosters that already completed the quest Elpon can cross the Wall of Procyon.
During the guide quest [Guide] Guides: Rohendel, removed the quest item related to the Wall of Procyon.
Changed the Navigation guide quest [Guide] A New Voyage completion rewards from Normal Ship Parts Material x25 to x50.
Changed the Navigation guide quest [Guide] Wall of Procyon Navigation-related completion rewards as follows.
Before: Basic Timber x20
After: Basic Timber x30, Estoque Blueprint x10, Uncommon Ship Parts Material x7
Changed so that rosters that completed the Shushire World Quest Elpon will automatically accept the following 2 guide quests if they have not accepted and completed them.
[Guide] A New Voyage
[Guide] Wall of Procyon
Rosters that have not completed the quest [Guide] A New Voyage: Auto-accept [Guide] A New Voyage for the character with the most recent login history
Rosters that have completed the quest [Guide] A New Voyage but have not accepted/progressed/completed [Guide] Wall of Procyon: Auto-accept [Guide] Wall of Procyon for the character with the most recent login history
If players gave up on the 2 guide quests, they can accept the quests again in the Guide tab of the Quest Journal (hotkey J).
Eased the objectives of the Ships guide quest [Guide] Ship Upgrade as follows.
Before: Choose one of the following. Reach Brahms Lv. 4 / Reach Tragon Lv. 4 / Reach Estoque Lv. 5
After: Choose one of the following. Reach Brahms Lv. 3 / Reach Tragon Lv. 3 / Reach Estoque Lv. 3 / Reach White Wind Lv. 3 / Reach Sturmbrecher Lv. 3
Pet guide quest [Guide] Learning About Pets can also be accepted through the NPC Blueberry.
NPC Blueberry, located at Rethramis Prideholme, stays visible until the completion of the West Luterra Main Quest To the Glorious Wall.
Changed so that Trade Skill related guide quests are accepted automatically.
Changed so that the following Trade Skill related guide quests can be completed even if a player is equipped with Trade Skill Tools of all grades.
[Guide] Mining, Using a Pickaxe
[Guide] Fishing: Dropping a Line
[Guide] Hunting: On the Trail
[Guide] Logging: Saw Good
[Guide] Excavating: Dig Deeper
Una’s Tasks
Unclaimed Una's Token of the previous week is sent to Universal Storage instead of Mail.
Changed some of the Item Level ranges of Weekly Roster Mission Points Reward as follows:
1: 0, 2: 460, 3: 802, 4: 960, 5: 1302, 6: 1415, 7: 1490, 8: 1580
1: 0, 2: 635, 3: 805, 4: 960, 5: 1250, 6: 1415, 7: 1490, 8: 1580
Changed the name of Weekly Una's Tasks to help distinguish between Weekly Una's Tasks with the same objective.
When accepting a Weekly Una's Task, tasks of the same type will be marked as unavailable.
Tasks where players do not meet the Item Level requirement will be marked as unavailable.
When there is unclaimed Una Reputation Rewards, a red dot will be displayed in the following locations:
Quick Menu Adventure
Quick Menu Adventure - Una's Tasks
Game Menu (ESC) - Una's Tasks
Una's Tasks UI - Reputation Status tab
Added View All Rewards to the Reputation Status tab in Una's Tasks.
Players can see the rewards of all levels for the selected reputation at a glance.
The View All Rewards function is available on the bottom left of the Una's Tasks UI by pressing the View All Rewards button.
Improved the Detailed Reputation Info window to make it easier to see all level rewards.
Changed all reputation rewards to be received per roster.
When players receive a reward, the roster's reputation rises as a whole.
The following items with the same functionality have been combined into a single item, [Daily] Una's Task +1.
[Daily] Una's Task +1
[Daily] Una's Task +1 (Instant Use)
You can dismantle [Daily] Una's Task +1 (Instant Use) to obtain [Daily] Una's Task +1.
The following items related to Una's Tasks will now be stored in the Storage.
[Daily] Una's Task +1
[Weekly] Una's Task +1
[Daily] Una's Task Instant Completion Pass
With the change of items related to Una's Tasks being stored in the Storage, we've made the following changes to how each item is used.
They can be used by clicking the Finish Now button in the Una's Tasks UI, same as before.
Added a Finish Now button in the Quest Journal UI so that it can be used there, too.
The number of Daily/Weekly Una's Tasks can be increases via the +Completion Count button in the Una's Tasks UI.
If players attempt to accept an additional Una's Tasks after they've used up the number of Una's Tasks they can complete, the popup window for using items that add additional Una's Tasks will be displayed.
Removed the level restrictions for using the following items:
[Daily] Una's Task Instant Completion Pass
[Daily] Una's Task +1
[Weekly] Una's Task +1
Removed lines that don't currently apply from the tooltips of the following items.
[Daily] Una's Task +1
[Weekly] Una's Task +1
Item Adjustments
Removed Tier 1 / Tier 2 items that can no longer be obtained from Codex.
When using Toy Chests, players can check owned toys in the component list.
Added crafting related items that are displayed in the Usage tab of the Codex.
When attempting to claim a token item attached to the mail while at the maximum capacity of tokens, improved so that a popup will now display the relevant info.
Exchangeable items with an achievement set as its purchase condition will display the details for that achievement.
Improved item tooltips linked in the chat window to always be displayed in the Details state.
Changed the tooltip label to "Character-bound" to make it easier to tell who an item is bound to.
For the Lost Ark in-game Shop tooltip, we'll be making further improvements in the near future.
Life Energy
Changed the following items related to Life Energy to be stored in the Storage.
Minor Life Energy Potion
Basic Life Energy Potion
Major Life Energy Potion
Minor Leap Essence
Leap Essence
With the change of items related to Life Energy being stored in the Storage, we've made the following changes to how each item is used.
Players can use Life Energy Potions or Leap Essences through the Life Energy Recover and Charge UI.
Players can call the Life Energy Recover and Charge UI through the + button that's been added to the Trade Skills HUD.
Stronghold Action Energy
Changed the following 3 items related to Stronghold Action Energy to be stored in the Storage.
Stronghold Action Energy (S)
Stronghold Action Energy (M)
Stronghold Action Energy (L)
With the change of items related to Stronghold Action Energy recovery being stored in the Storage, we've made the following changes to how each item is used.
Players can use Stronghold Action Energy items through the Action Energy Recovery UI.
Players can call the Action Energy Recovery UI through the + button that's been added to the Stronghold Action Energy HUD.
The Action Energy Recovery UI can be used in various Action Energy UI that consume Stronghold Action Energy.
The Stronghold Action Energy (S)/(M)/(L) items stored in the Storage can no longer be used directly.
Dismantling Stronghold Action Energy Recovery Potion results in Stronghold Action Energy (S).
Stronghold Action Energy Recovery Potion can no longer be used directly.
Adventurer's Tome
After registering Adventurer's Tome Specialty, related refillable ingredients (empty bottles) can be repurchased from the shop.
Empty Ether Bottle
Empty Beer Stein
Empty Rum Bottle
Emptied Kulkrazan
Emptied Bloody Fist
Emptied Starsand Cocktail
Empty Candarian Cold Lager Bottle
Empty Magical Vernese Brandy Bottle
Empty Rowen-style Schnapps
Empty Vino Malbec
Empty Orpenectar
Empty bottle items can be purchased from Food Merchants located in cities.
Empty bottle items can be sold at a shop or destroyed.
The following Adventurer's Tome liquor items are indestructible.
Sweet Honey Butter Beer
Bloody Fist
Starsand Cocktail
Candarian Cold Lager
Fixed the description of the Leap Essence effect in the Leap Essence effect tooltip to match how it actually works.
You can use Leap Essence to obtain Trade Skill XP and rewards again.
After purchasing a Crafting Recipe item in another character's Stronghold, players will no longer be able to purchase that Crafting Recipe item again by immediately going to another character's Stronghold.
Quest Trigger Items no longer disappear from exchange lists when purchased from a Wandering Merchant.
Changed maximum capacity of Courage Coins from x999,999 to x9,999,999
Improved the following item tooltips with instructions on how to use each item.
Stronghold Action Energy Recovery Potion
[Daily] Una's Task + 1
[Weekly] Una's Task + 1
Una's Task Instant Completion Pass
Leap Essence/Novice Leap Essence
Novice/Basic/Major Life Energy Potion
Amulet Chests that can be exchanged with Marks through Legion Raid Exchange NPCs can now be purchased per character instead of Roster.
Rosters that already have purchase history will have their purchase information reset.
Added new items for the Legion Raid Exchange NPC.
Hope Amulet Chest
Relic Rapport Selection Chest
Menelik's Tome Card Pack
Legendary Combat Engraving Recipe Selection Pouch
Each item can be exchanged with Demon Beast Bone and Covetous Wing.
Relic Rapport Selection Chest/Menelik's Tome Card Pack/Legendary Combat Engraving Recipe Selection Pouch can be exchanged once per roster.
Mark of Plague - Wishful Amulet Chest
Changed the level required for purchase of the following 2 items that can be exchanged through the Legion Raid Exchange NPC.
Valtan Emoticon Pack: Changed from Item Lv. 1445 to 1415
Vykas Emoticon Pack: Changed from Item Lv. 1460 to 1430
Added new items for the Light's Trial Exchange NPC.
Kayangel - Wishful Amulet Chest
This item can be exchanged with Light's Trial.
This item can be exchanged per character.
When upgrading Ability Stones, changed the Item Level required for each level to match the level at which players can obtain upgrade materials.
Austere Stone of Soaring I Level: 1520 to 1540
Austere Stone of Soaring II Level: 1520 to 1540
Austere Stone of Soaring III Level: 1560 to 1540
Austere Stone of Soaring IV Level: 1580 (no change)
From the Expected Rewards section, you can now check whether the first clear reward of the following content has already been obtained or not:
Guardian Raid
Abyssal Dungeon
Abyss Raid
Legion Raid
When refaceting event gem effects, players can directly select the gem effect to refacet.
Removed the Item Level requirement of the 3 Special Equipment.
From the tooltip, you can see how many stackable items you own
Changed the icon for the empty bottle refill ingredient in the Adventurer's Tome Specialty to fit Cooking.
Improved the guide related to crafting to the tooltips of some items used as gear crafting materials.
Changed the icon for the first clear rewards of Guardian Raids and for the first clears of some content.
Improved the Codex to show quest information for items that can be obtained through quests.
Clicking the Quest Information button will call the Quest Journal, which will players you through the relevant quest information.
Players can check Main/World/Adventure/Normal/Rapport quest information.
Improved the Codex to show acquisition information for items of the following categories.
Jukebox Music
Ship Skin
Crafting Recipe
Sheet Music
Quest Trigger Item
The Quest Trigger Item will guide you on whether the quest is cleared or not.
Types of ability stones and required Item Levels to exchange them in the following islands have been updated in the Codex:
Fermata, Cradle of the Sea
Daily Log in Rewards
Refreshed the track of daily log-in rewards.
Changes have been made to make it easier to claim Login Event Rewards.
Upon claiming, rewards will be immediately added to the character's inventory.
Added a "Claim All" button.
Upon clicking "Claim All" button, all rewards that the character can obtain will be instantly delivered to their inventory.
Upon claiming Fever Time Rewards, the rewards will be instantly delivered to the inventory of the receiving character.
The Punika Powerpass and Hyper Express Event II will end.
Ship Skin's cosmetic and effect will be separated for setting convenience
Cosmetic Setting: Ship Skin
Effect Setting: Ship Resistance Points, Effects per skin, Flotsam auto-loot etc.
Event Island Entry
Waiting time for entering island for co-up quests and more have been shortened
Before there was a 3 min waiting time after interacting with Island entry.
After the update players will be able to enter after matchmaking.
Sailing Coins & Keys Revamp
Both Sailing coins and keys will be combined based on their origin: Gienah / Procyon.
5 types of coins will be merged to 2 types.
5 types of keys will be merged to 2 types.
Exchange Shops will be merged accordingly.
Ocean Co-op Quest Revamp
Reduced quests and playtime. Gate quests removed, and their rewards have been redistributed to other content.
Music Box of Memories
Retrieved the "Music Box of Memories" trophy that was incorrectly given out even when players did not collect the entire #1-10 Collection.
Fixed the issue of where the trophy UI displayed only one Music Box of Memories was collected, even though the player collected 2 or more Music Box of Memories.
A search function has been added to easily search for the desired effect name when granting Bracelet Bonus.
The sorting criteria for the available effect list have been changed to facilitate easy searching when granting Bracelet Bonus.
When applying "Recommended Skill," if the Combat Level is too low to apply the desired skill level, the system will now automatically adjust and apply the highest skill level available at the current combat level.
The feature for changing poses in the Skin Preview has been updated to include out-of-combat poses for the following classes:
Secret Dungeon Updates
Made a change so that the "Use Secret Map Together" feature is now set as the default option when entering a Secret Dungeon with a party.
Changes have been made in the Hunting Secret Dungeon so that when the hunted target approaches the escape portal, they are redirected back to their initial location.
Along with these changes, the positions of some escape portals in certain maps have been adjusted.
After a specific duration, players can now collect all dropped items and proceed to the next stage in the Ebony Cube Lucky/Mega Lucky stages, as the clear animation will be displayed.
During Lush Reed Island Siege, when transforming into "Tookies", the existing buff possessed by the character will no longer be removed.
Drumbeat Island
Additionally placed "Practice Rabbit's Foot Hammer" on Drumbeat Island.
"Practice Rabbit's Foot Hammer" will be removed on the starting point of the Co-op Quest "Dangerous Debris."
The existing "Investigation Rabbit Foot Hammer" can be picked up by interacting at the starting point of the Co-op Quest "Dangerous Debris."
If the Co-op Quest "Dangerous Debris" is not completed, the following Co-op Quest is "The Thing from the Sky!" It is not possible to interact with the "Investigation Rabbit Foot Hammer" at the starting point or during quest progression.
Changed so that the Ice Statue's Valuables Chest of Argon Island can be obtained only once per roster on the first completion of the Ice Statue.
Jukebox Music Added
"Moko Island"
"Evil Witch Babayaba"
"Lord of Kartheon Akkan"
"Lord of Decadence Akkan"
In order to enhance the visibility of treasure chests that appear after clearing the following dungeon, a soft radiance has been added around the chests.
Feiton "Ruined Castle"
Yorn "Ark of Arrogance"
Shushire "Maze of Mirrors"
The instructions regarding the use of the Golden Mirror during Yudia Dungeon "Morai Ruins" has been improved.
The game note explaining the usage of 'Song of Escape' will now appear after completing specific dungeons of the upgrade section.
Improvements have been made to display a guide for dungeon escape in Ark Dungeons.
Improved the minimum appearance frequency of Strong Coral Stone in Hestera Garden of Elgacia.
Lazenith's Pendant is guaranteed upon opening the Helpful Gift Chest.
Crystallized Red Bauble can be dismantled.
Iron Ores can be obtained upon dismantling Crystallized Red Bauble.
Changed so that players have a chance to obtain Strange Stone Tablet Pieces in Relic Trace and Old Relic Trace during the South Vern Excavation Quest A Glow in the Mud.
Strange Stone Tablet Pieces are guaranteed from Excavating Treasure Chests.
Added Adventure: Guardian's Scar, which could not be obtained previously.
Rapport can be obtained for some NPCs upon reaching a certain rank.
Some monsters return to their previous location upon reaching a certain spot during Metus Islands' "Werner's Manor".
Forest Rabbit appears in an area where Rowen Forest Rabbits appear, the game note indicating that the rabbit ran away does not appear even if the character moves.
Proving Grounds Season 3 ends.
Graphics and Customization
The body shape of the Warrior (Male) class has been improved.
The body shape of some NPCs has been changed to match the improvement of the body shape of the Warrior (Male) class.
5 new presets and 5 faces have been added to match the Warrior (Male) class body shape improvement.
Added 'Extract dye information while photographing' option to Selfie Mode's 'Selfie Settings'.
When this option is set, the currently equipped Skin's Dye information is extracted along with the screenshot when taking a selfie.
The extracted information is saved as a csv file and saved in the same path as the screenshot save path.
For skins without Dye information, Dye information is not extracted.
Combat & Class Updates
Class Updates & Fixes
Changed the rule for deactivating the Specialty state when moving to a different area while in the Specialty activation sate for the following classes:
These changes may not be applied depending on the specific characteristics of the destination area.
Berserker: The Burst/Mayhem Mode will be deactivated, but the "Exhaustion" debuff will not be applied, and a certain portion of the Burst Meter will be returned.
Slayer: The Burst Mode will be deactivated, but the "Exhaustion" debuff will not be applied, and a certain portion of the Burst Meter will be returned.
Shadowhunter: The Demonic Mode will be deactivated, but the "Composure" debuff will not be applied, and a certain portion of the Shadowburst Meter will be returned.
Deathblade: The Death Trance Mode will be deactivated and a certain portion of the Death Orb Meter will be returned.
Sorceress: The Arcane Rupture Mode will be deactivated and a certain portion of the Magick Meter will be returned.
Machinist: The Hypersync Mode will be deactivated and a certain portion of the Core Energy will be returned.
Fixed the issue where Fire was applied to Striker's "Storm Dragon Kick."
This skill is not applied with an Elemental Attack.
Made changes to the movement location when Reaper's "Nightmare" skill is used and the destination caused submersion or falling.
Before: Front of the Target
After: Target's Location
In cases where it is not possible to overlap with the target, the character will move to the front of the target as before.
Upon unequipping the following Engravings, the buffs granted by the Engraving effects will be terminated.
Enhanced Weapon
Remaining Energy
While activating "Hype" when Soulfist's Engraving "Robust Spirit" or "Energy Overflow" is applied, "Hype" will be terminated when unequipping or replacing the Engraving.
Changes have been made so that combat-related effects are no longer applied within the Stronghold.
0.5 sec of cooldown applied to "Yearning" Set Gear2 Set Bonus "Blessing of Battle" Buff.
Fixed the issue where the "Tornado" effect was not properly applied when using the Slayer's "Hurricane Sword" skill "Tornado" Skill Tree.
Fixed the issue where Glaivier's "Weak Point" Skill Tree effect was being applied to enemies in addition to the caster and party members.
Fixed the issue where the sound effects during the use of Soulfist's "Flash Step" skill did not match the existing character's voice.
Fixed the issue where Deadeye's "Pistoleer" Engraving prevented the use of Movement Skills while holding an object.
Fixed the issue where Deadeye's "Death Fire" skill "Tenacity", when applied together with the "Keen Shot" Skill Tree, did not apply the Paralysis Immunity effect during the bomb-throwing animation.
Fixed the issue where the sound was not playing during specific motions when Deadeye's "Enforce Execution" skill "Anti-air Shot", applied together with the "Barrage Shot" Skill Tree was applied.
Fixed the issue where the Roll effect of the "Extra Roll" Skill Tree would not apply when applying Deadeye's "Desperado" skill "Bullet Storm" and the "Rest in Peace" Skill Tree at the same time.
Fixed the issue where the Atk. Power Bonus granted by a normal skill by Machinist was not being replaced by the Specialty Atk. Power Bonus when transforming into Hypersync Mode while the former buff was still active.
Fixed the problem in the Combat Skills Window where certain conditions were causing an unknown error (27016) to occur, preventing the proper saving of combat skills during skill and Skill Tree adjustments.
Soulfist's "Palm Burst" skill "Explosive Strength" Skill Tree icon was displaying incorrectly in the Notification Settings UI and has been fixed.
When applying Glaivier's "Four-headed Dragon" skill and "The Last Spear" Skill Tree, MP Reduction and cooldown will be applied immediately upon skill use.
The buffs granted by applying the following Glaivier's Skill Tree have all been changed to "Incoming Damage Reduction."
Spear Dive - Sturdy Armor
Cutting Wind - Sturdy Armor
Raging Dragon Slash - Unyielding Spirit
An issue where the tooltip for 'Hawk Meter Recovery Speed' in the Sharpshooter character's detailed information incorrectly stated that skill-based recovery speed influenced it has been fixed. In addition to addressing the issue, we have made the necessary modifications to the details and tooltips to ensure they accurately represent the implemented effects.
Detail: Hawk Meter Recovery Speed
Description: Hawk Meter gained naturally and with skills increases by n%.
Detail: Hawk Meter Natural Recovery Speed
Description: Hawk Meter gained naturally increases by n%.
While progressing through the Ebony Cube as an Arcanist, "Seal Stone" stack will be displayed.
The tooltip for the Shadowhunter's skill 'Leaping Blow" has been updated to include information about the duration of the 'Earthquake' debuff.
After acquiring the Shadowhunter "Encroachment Release" Skill Tree, a visual effect has been added to emphasize the skill quick slot UI when the requirements for consuming Shadowburst Meter is met.
Fixed the issue where Reaper's skill "Nightmare" would result in the character moving to a different location instead of the opposite direction.
The recommended skill information for classes with changed skill details due to class improvements has been reset.
Improved the visibility of the shortcut key for using Destroyer Specialty.
Improved the tooltip description of Wardancer and Striker's skill's "Intense Shock" Skill Tree.
Wardancer 'Esoteric Skill: Improved the tooltip description of "Rising Fire Dragon" skill "Tenacity" Skill Tree
Before: Grants Push Immunity while landing after ascending into the air.
After: Grants Push Immunity until landing after ascending into the air.
Improved the tooltips for class-specific skills and Skill Trees to display damage values with commas for every thousand.
Hovering the mouse on the Destroyer Specialty HUD, the tooltip for the "Vortex Gravity" skill will now only be displayed when the "Hypergravity Mode" is active.
Added information to the Summoner's "Ancient Spear" skill tooltip to accurately reflect details about Push which knocks down enemies.
Fixed the issue where skill or buff effects were being displayed at the character's location while they were under Stealth. Fixed the issue where characters were passing through Named Monsters when using certain charging skills during Ebony Cube.
Skills that have a cooldown time of less than 1 second will now show the cooldown time with decimal values.
Fixed issue where certain effects triggered upon being hit were activating even when using "Atropine Potion."
Fixed the issue where casting certain skills would get interrupted if the ESC key was pressed during the casting process.
Made improvements to certain monsters to enhance the visibility of their 'Damage Reduction' state.
Monsters in the 'Damage Reduction' state will display the text 'Damage Reduction,' and the reduced damage will be shown in a lighter color.
Slightly reduced the delay until the final shot when applying Deadeye's "Aimed Shot" skill "Aftershock" Skill Tree.
Improved the effect and sound of Deadeye's "Aimed Shot" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect and sound upon hitting with Deadeye's "Judgment Day."
Improved the effect of Deadeye's "One Shot One Kill" skill and Skill Tree.
Fixed the issue where the Movement Skill effect would not visible when equipped with the Trail Effect Skin while the Deadeye's "Pistoleer" Engraving is applied.
Made changes so that the "Destiny's Wheel" card use is disabled while Arcanist has the "Destiny's Wheel" buff.
Fixed the issue where the "Laggard" debuff was not being applied to enemies when Sorceress's "Elegian's Touch" skill "Laggard" Skill Tree was applied.
Made changes to the tooltip of Shadowhunter's "Slasher" skill "Electronic Shock" Skill Tree, emphasizing the cooldown-related text in red.
Upon clearing Legion Raid "Phantom Legion Commander Brelshaza" Gate 3, the patterns used by the boss before its death in the will be removed.
After clearing Legion Raid "Phantom Legion Commander Brelshaza" Gate 2, Berserker's "Mayhem Mode" will be deactivated when moving to Gate 3, but the "Exhaustion" debuff will no longer be applied.
Added guides about Paralysis Immunity in tooltip of Reaper's "Shadow Double", "Forward Slash" Skill Tree.
Raid Updates & Fixes
Made improvements to ensure that when restarting a dungeon during content progression, the cooldown of battle items equipped in the battle slots is reset along with the cooldown reset of used battle items.
During Legion Raid "Phantom Legion Commander Brelshaza" Gate 2, when the pattern of obtaining the orbs launched by "Prokel's Spiritual Echo" begins and moving to a safe zone, the previously inflicted "Phantom's Gaze" debuff will now be removed.
The circular area explosion pattern during Legion Raid "Phantom Legion Commander Brelshaza" Gate 4, we have slightly expanded the blast radius judgment of the area close to "Primordial Nightmare" to include the range where the "Primordial Nightmare" is located.
During Legion Raid "Phantom Legion Commander Brelshaza" Hard difficulty Gate 6, there was an intermittent issue where the pattern following the completion of meteor appearances from four directions would sometimes fail to occur. This issue has been addressed with additional modifications.
During the Legion Raid "Phantom Legion Commander Brelshaza" Hard difficulty Gate 6, the 'Gather Around' debuff that creates a red circle around the character has been fixed to prevent Paralysis and Push.
Made changes so that the Harmony Soul preset is used when applying Recommended Skill in the Legion Raid "Inferno" difficulty.
Proving Grounds
Improved the Proving Grounds penalty system.
Penalties in the Team Elimination Match now have more relaxed criteria.
The damage dealt to enemy shields is now considered as contributing to the battle.
Added the following message on the Proving Grounds entry check pop-up window: "Penalties will be applied for declining or canceling entry.
Skill Effect Improvements
Improved the effect of Berserker's "Whirlwind" skill and "Great Wheel" Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Slayer's "Hurricane Sword" skill and "Great Wheel" Skill Tree.
Improved Soulfist's Specialty UI design.
Improved the effect of Soulfist's "Basic Attack".
Improved the effect of Soulfist's "Nebulous Step".
Improved the effect of Soulfist's "Hype" for each stage.
Improved the effect of Soulfist's "Basic Attack" effect that changes.
Improved the effect of Soulfist's "Energy Bullet" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Soulfist's "Pulverizing Palm" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Soulfist's "Lightning Palm" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Soulfist's "Bolting Crash" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Soulfist's "Magnetic Palm" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Soulfist's "Deadly Finger" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect and sound of Soulfist's "Force Orb" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect and sound of Soulfist's "Celestial Palm" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Soulfist's "Flash Step" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect and sound of Soulfist's "Palm Burst" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Soulfist's "Tempest Blast" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Soulfist's "Shadowbreaker" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Soulfist's "Illusion Strike" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Soulfist's "Crippling Barrier" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Soulfist's "Merciless Pummel" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect and sound of Soulfist's "Energy Blast" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect and sound of Soulfist's "Energy Release" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect and sound of Soulfist's "World Decimation" skill.
Improved the effect of Soulfist's "Annihilating Ray" skill.
Adjustments have been made to the color of all Soulfist's skills, excluding Awakening Skills.
Improved Glaivier Specialty level 1 and 2's UI design.
Improved the effect of Glaivier's "Shackling Blue Dragon" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Glaivier's "Red Dragon's Horn" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Glaivier's "Awaken" Skill Tree of "Raging Dragon Slash" skill.
Improved the effect of Glaivier's "Downward Strike" Skill Tree of "Windsplitter" skill.
Adjustments have been made to the color of all Glaivier's skills, excluding Awakening Skills.
Improved Deadeye's Specialty UI design.
Improved Deadeye's hit effect for each stance.
Improved the hit effects that are displayed when Deadeye's shotgun skills hit enemies at close range.
Improved the effect of Deadeye's "Enforce Execution" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Deadeye's "Death Fire" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Deadeye's "Final Light" Skill Tree of "Quick Shot" skill.
Improved the effect of Deadeye's "Shotgun Rapid Fire" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Deadeye's "Sign of Apocalypse" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Deadeye's "Aimed Shot" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Deadeye's "Spiral Flame" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the skill camera for the following skills used by Deadeye, ensuring that the camera shakes in accordance with the skill's dynamics.
Cruel Tracker
Sign of Apocalypse
Shotgun Rapid Fire
Aimed Shot
Perfect Zone
When using Deadeye's "Shotgun Dominator" skill, improved the motion so that the skill is used with a straighter back.
When using Deadeye's "Aimed Shot" skill, improved the motion so that the skill is used with a straighter back.
Changed Deadeye's "Enhanced Weapon" Engraving icon.
Changed Deadeye's "Pistoleer'" Engraving icon.
Improved the effect of Sharpshooter's "Charged Shot" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Sharpshooter's "Sharp Shooter" skill and Skill Tree.
Changed the effect of Machinist's "Reload" icon.
Improved Gunslinger's Specialty UI design.
Improved the effect of Gunslinger's "Shotgun Rapid Fire" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Gunslinger's "Dual Buckshot" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Gunslinger's "Death Fire" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Gunslinger's "Spiral Flame" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the skill camera for the following skills used by Gunslinger, ensuring that the camera shakes in accordance with the skill's dynamics.
Shotgun Rapid Fire
Perfect Zone
Improved the effect of Shadowhunter's "Cruel Cutter" skill and Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Shadowhunter's "Demonic" Mode.
Improved the effect of consuming the Shadowburst Meter of Shadowhunter's "Encroachment Release" Skill Tree.
Improved the effect of Shadowhunter's "Gate of Eruption" skill.
Improved the effect of Shadowhunter's "Fallen Ruin."
Changed and improved some of the inconsistent icons for class skill-related buffs.
Class Balance Updates
Bloodlust Damage coefficient from Specialization:
Before: 1.3
After: 1.2
In PvE, Damage decreased by 12.5%.
Hurricane Sword
Slayer's "Hurricane Sword" Skill Tree Great Wheel has been improved:
Before: Deals 6 damage to hit enemy.0/7.0/8.0/10.0/12.0% each, max 60.0/70.0/80.0/100.0/120.Increases up to 0%.
After: Deals 6 damage to enemy with each attack.0/7.0/8.0/10.0/12.0% each, max 60.0/70.0/80.0/100.0/120.Increases up to 0%.
Awakening Skill
Ragna Break
Damage decreased by 8.3%.
'First Intention' changed.
Before: Outgoing Damage +16/24/32%. Cannot gain Esoteric Meter.
After: Outgoing Damage +20/30/40%. Cannot gain Esoteric Meter.
Illusion Strike
‘Venomous Fist’ was removed and a new skill 'Illusion Strike' was added.
‘Venomous Fist’ gems changed to ‘Illusion Strike' gems.
Magnetic Palm
'Ruthless' Skill Tree effect has been changed to ' Law of the Jungle ' Skill Tree effect.
Before: Outgoing Damage to staggered foes +50.0/57.5/65.0/72.5/80.0%.
After: Outgoing Damage to challenge or below foes +100.0/111.0/122.0/133.0/145.0%.
When using 'Fluttering Chill' skill tree, AoE Radius -30% from before.
When using 'Fluttering Chill' skill tree, increased skill casting speed.
When using 'Fluttering Chill' skill tree, move distance +2 meters.
Lightning Palm
In PvE, Damage increased by 31.8%.
'Weak Point Enhancement' Skill Tree has been changed to 'Energy Compression' Skill Tree.
Before: Grants Weak Point Lv. 1.
After: If Energy is below 30%, Outgoing Damage +20.0/26.2/32.4/38.6/45.0%.
'Lightning Palm' skill received the following additional changes after the test server update.
Before: Preparatory motion got longer and Outgoing Damage to close foes +150.0/163.0/177.0/191.0/205.0%.
After: Preparatory motion got longer and Outgoing Damage +150.0/163.0/177.0/191.0/205.0%.
'Merciless Hands' skill tree effect changed.
When applying Soulfist's "Lightning Palm" skill "Relentlessness" Skill Tree, the skill hitbox range has been adjusted to match the range of the default skill and other Skill Tree applications.
Celestial Palm
In PvE, Damage increased by 41.7%.
'Ranged Hit' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Range +3 meters.
After: Range +1 meters.
With Harsh Training, push distance of Paralysis decreased.
'Exquisite Attack' skill tree effect changed.
Before: 4 small palms fall, inflicting 120.0/131.0/142.0/155.2/168.4% Total Damage.
After: 4 small palms fall, inflicting 60.0/68.0/76.0/85.6/95.2% Total Damage.
With Exquisite Attack, changed so that it can hit all foes within attack range.
With Exquisite Attack, changed it to knock down foes, not launch foes.
Palm Burst
In PvE, Damage increased by 9.1%.
In PvP, changed skill cooldown from 18s to 22s.
'Burning Hands' Skill Tree has been changed to 'Explosive Strength' Skill Tree.
Before: Element is now [Fire]. On hit, Burns foe, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 7.0s.
After: At Level 3 Hype, Outgoing Damage to monsters +70.0/78.4/86.8/95.9/105.0%.
'Aggressiveness' skill tree changed to 'Law of the Jungle'.
Before: During skill use, Incoming Damage +20.0%. Outgoing Damage to Push-immune foes +50.0/57.5/65.0/72.5/80.0%.
After: Outgoing Damage to challenge or below foes +100.0/111.0/122.0/133.0/145.0%.
' Uncanny Movement' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Jumps backwards to evade. Use the skill again to shoot energy and evade.
After: Jumps backwards to evade. Use the skill again to shoot energy and evade. Outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
'Uncanny Movement' skill tree changes shape of attack from a fan to a rectangle.
'Uncanny Movement' skill tree input time modified to all for faster additional input.
'Magnetic Orb' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Charges energy and shoots energy ball. Ball advances 9 meters and disappears. Summons black hole that pulls in foes. Outgoing Damage +40.0/47.0/54.0/62.4/70.8%.
After: Charges energy and shoots energy ball. Ball advances 9 meters, pulling in foes. Disappears and explodes. Summons black hole that pulls in foes. Total Damage +40.0/47.0/54.0/62.0/70.0%.
Tempest Blast
In PvE, Damage decreased by 22.7%.
In PvP, Damage decreased by 33.3%.
Skill stagger changed.
Before: Lowest
After: Mid
'Instinctive Movement' Skill Tree has been changed to 'Explosive Strength' Skill Tree.
Before: On hit, recovers 10.0/12.0/13.9/15.9/18.0% energy up to 50.0/59.8/69.6/79.4/90.2% per foe killed.
After: At Level 3 Hype, Outgoing Damage to monsters +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
'Energy Explosion' skill tree changed to 'Weak Point Detection'.
Before: Releases huge energy that has attack width +30.0%.
After: Damage to Push-immune foes +30.0/37.5/45.0/52.5/60.0%.
'Terminator' skill tree effect changed.
Before: The fired energy causes instant explosions in its wake, knocking down foes with 50.0/57.5/65.0/72.5/80.0% Base Damage.
After: The fired energy causes instant explosions in its wake, knocking down foes with 100.0/111.0/122.0/133.0/145.0% Base Damage.
'Demolition' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Attack Distance +4 meters. Outgoing Damage to named or above foes +100.0/111.0/122.0/133.0/145.0%.
After: Attack Distance +4 meters. Outgoing Damage +50.0/57.0/64.0/72.0/80.0%.
In PvE, Damage increased by 9.1%.
'Predator' Skill Tree has been changed to 'Energy Compression' Skill Tree.
Before: Outgoing Damage to foes below 50.0% HP +20.0/26.2/32.4/38.6/45.0%.
After: If Energy is below 30%, Outgoing Damage +20.0/26.2/32.4/38.6/45.0%.
Force Orb
In PvE, Damage decreased by 4.5%.
Crippling Barrier
In PvE, Damage decreased by 27.3%.
Skill stagger changed.
Before: Mid
After: Lowest
'Hard Hitter' skill tree changed to 'Law of the Jungle'.
Before: Energy cost +20.0%. Barrier Attack Damage +10.0/12.0/14.0/16.0/18.0% for every hit.
After: Outgoing Damage to challenge or below foes +100.0/111.0/122.0/133.0/145.0%.
'Desperate Attack' skill tree effect changed.
Before: When holding ends, launches foes within range into the air, inflicting 40.0/47.2/54.8/62.4/70.0% of max holding damage as additional damage. During Hard Hitter, depending on Hard Hitter level, launching attacks inflict 56.0/66.1/76.7/87.4/98.0%-62.8/74.1/86.0/98.0/109.9% of max holding damage as additional damage.
After: When holding ends, launches foes within range into the air, inflicting 40.0/47.2/54.8/62.4/70.0% of max holding damage as additional damage.
'Keen Judgment' skill tree effect changed.
Before: When holding ends, pulls foes within range, inflicting 40.0/47.2/54.8/62.4/70.0% of max holding damage as additional damage. During Hard Hitter, depending on Hard Hitter level, pulling attacks inflict 56.0/66.1/76.7/87.4/98.0%-62.8/74.1/86.0/98.0/109.9% of max holding damage as additional damage.
After: When holding ends, pulls foes within range, inflicting 40.0/47.2/54.8/62.4/70.0% of max holding damage as additional damage.
Energy Blast
In PvE, Damage decreased by 30.8%.
'Weak Point Detection' Skill Tree has been changed to 'Explosive Strength' Skill Tree.
Before: Damage to Push-immune foes +40.0/47.2/54.8/62.4/70.0%.
After: At Level 3 Hype, Outgoing Damage to monsters +70.0/78.4/86.8/95.9/105.0%.
Energy Release
Skill casting speed got faster.
Changed Movement Skill cancel timing to be slower so that Atk. Power Bonus Buff of Ready Attack does not get canceled.
Awakening Skills
World Decimation
AoE Radius increased.
Annihilating Ray
In PvE, Damage increased by 13.6%.
Robust Spirit
Before: Upon using Hype, immediately enters level 3. In Hype Mode, Energy Recovery Speed +200%. Damage Increase +10/20/30%.
After: Awakening Skill Damage +5/10/20%. Upon using Hype, immediately enters level 3. In Hype Mode, Energy Recovery Speed +300%. Damage Increase +20/30/40%.
'Robust Spirit' effect changed.
Energy Overflow
Before: Energy does not go below 1, but additional Energy Recovery effect is not applied during Hype or Combat Resource Recovery. If Energy is below 30%, Damage to foes +5/10/15%.
After: Energy does not go below 1, but additional Energy Recovery effect is not applied during Hype or Combat Resource Recovery. If Energy is below 30%, Damage to foes +5/10/18%.
'Energy Overflow' effect changed.
On hit Dual Meter Recovery from Specialization:
Before: 0.62
After: 0.35
Focus and Flurry Buff Increase effect deleted from Specialization.
Focus Damage Increase effect added to Specialization.
Focus Skill Damage Increase: 0.42
Dual Meter Natural Recovery changed in PvP.
Before: 1.4% every 1s
After: 0.3% every 1s
In PvP, on hit Dual Meter Recovery -33.3%.
Double Strike
Dual Meter Gain -54.7%.
'Final Decision' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Consumes 20.0% of Dual Meter, but Outgoing Damage +60.0/69.0/78.0/87.0/96.0%. Is not applied if Dual Meter is below 20.0%.
After: Consumes 1 bar of Dual Meter, but Outgoing Damage +60.0/69.0/78.0/87.0/96.0%. Is not applied if Dual Meter is below 1 bar.
Chain Slash
Dual Meter Gain -43.7%.
'Final Decision' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Consumes 20.0% of Dual Meter, but Outgoing Damage +60.0/69.0/78.0/87.0/96.0%. Is not applied if Dual Meter is below 20.0%.
After: Consumes 1 bar of Dual Meter, but Outgoing Damage +60.0/69.0/78.0/87.0/96.0%. Is not applied if Dual Meter is below 1 bar.
Stampeding Slash
In PvE, Damage increased by 7.1%.
Dual Meter Gain -43.4%.
Soul Cutter
In PvE, Damage increased by 33.5%.
Dual Meter Gain -15.7%.
Skill effect changed.
Before: Slides forward 3 meters. Swings spear, inflicting N Damage. Moves backward 4 meters and crouches. Use skill again to charge forward 4 meters, inflicting N Damage 2 times. Swings a finishing strike that inflicts N, N, N, N Damage. Hitting airborne foes launches them in the air again.
After: Slides forward 3 meters. Swings spear, inflicting N Damage. Moves backward 3 meters and crouches. Use skill again to charge forward 4 meters, inflicting N Damage 2 times. Swings a finishing strike that inflicts N, N, N, N Damage. Hitting airborne foes launches them in the air again.
'Bond of Trust' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Changes to Normal Mode. Advance forward and swing your spear. Upon returning, your clone charges forward and swings a finishing strike that inflicts Damage before disappearing.
After: Changes to Normal Mode. Advance forward and swing your spear. Upon returning, your clone charges forward and swings a finishing strike that inflicts Damage before disappearing. Outgoing Damage +10.0/16.0/22.0/28.0/35.0%.
Flash Kick
Dual Meter Gain -49.9%.
'Final Decision' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Consumes 20.0% of Dual Meter, but Outgoing Damage +60.0/69.0/78.0/87.0/96.0%. Is not applied if Dual Meter is below 20.0%.
After: Consumes 1 bar of Dual Meter, but Outgoing Damage +60.0/69.0/78.0/87.0/96.0%. Is not applied if Dual Meter is below 1 bar.
Thorn Jab
Dual Meter Gain -35.6%.
Half Moon Slash
In PvE, Damage increased by 14.8%.
Dual Meter Gain -43.8%.
'Weak Point Detection' Skill Tree has been changed to 'Vital Point Hit' Skill Tree.
Before: Crit Rate to Push-immune foes +30.0/37.5/45.0/52.5/60.0%.
After: Crit Rate +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
'Final Decision' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Consumes 20.0% of Dual Meter, but Outgoing Damage +60.0/69.0/78.0/87.0/96.0%. Is not applied if Dual Meter is below 20.0%.
After: Consumes 1 bar of Dual Meter, but Outgoing Damage +60.0/69.0/78.0/87.0/96.0%. Is not applied if Dual Meter is below 1 bar.
Raging Dragon Slash
Dual Meter Gain -55.0%.
'Flame Slash' skill tree changed to 'Vital Point Hit'.
Before: Element is now [Fire]. On hit, Burns foe, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 5.0s. Can stack up to 6 times.
After: Crit Rate +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%.
Wheel of Blades
Dual Meter Gain -35.7%.
'Magick Control' skill tree changed to 'Concussion'.
Before: MP Cost -50.0/53.0/57.0/62.0/67.0%.
After: Increases the skill's Stagger Level to [Mid-high].
Spear Dive
Dual Meter Gain -49.9%.
Blue Dragon's Claw
In PvE, Damage increased by 49.4%.
Dual Meter Gain -30.6%.
MP Cost +23.1%.
Spear spinning duration decreased.
Skill cooldown changed.
Before: 14s
After: 20s
Skill effect changed.
Before: Advance 4 meters forward and inflict N damage. Then quickly swing spear to inflict N damage 6 times and move back 3 meters. Attacking airborne foes launches them in the air again.
After: Advance 4 meters forward and inflict N damage. Then quickly swing spear to inflict N damage 6 times and slams down to inflict N damage. Except for the downward attack, attacking airborne foes launches them in the air again.
'Ready Defense' skill tree changed to 'Quick Prep'.
Before: During skill casting, Incoming Damage -40.0/42.8/45.6/48.4/51.6%.
After: Cooldown -4.0/4.7/5.4/6.2/7.0s.
'Magick Control' skill tree changed to 'Vital Point Hit'.
Before: MP Cost -50.0/53.0/57.0/62.0/67.0%.
After: Crit Rate +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%.
'Firepower Control' skill tree changed to 'Spinning Lightning'.
Before: On attack hit, Dual Meter +50.0/56.0/62.0/68.0/75.0%.
After: Changes to Holding skill. No longer charges forward. Swings spear while moving. Final attack at target location Outgoing Damage +60.0/68.0/77.0/86.0/95.0%.
'Undisturbed' Skill Tree has been changed to 'Illusory Double' Skill Tree.
Before: Move or use another skill to cancel skill.
After: After charging, summons clone to continue attack. Character returns to original location. Outgoing Damage +25.0/31.0/37.0/43.0/50.0%.
' Spinning Lightning ' Skill Tree has been changed to 'Wall of Spears' Skill Tree.
Before: No longer moves. Swings spear in place, dealing more hits. Outgoing Damage +50.0/57.5/65.0/74.0/83.0%.
After: Spinning spear Attack Range +25.0%. Grants Push Immunity while spinning spear. Incoming Damage -30.0/32.7/35.4/38.1/40.8%.
'Dash attack' skill tree changed to 'Final Decision'.
Before: Charge Distance +2.0 meters. AoE Radius +20.0%. Adds huge swinging attack. Outgoing Damage +30.0/37.5/45.0/52.5/60.0%.
After: Last attack changed to a forward jump and huge downward attack. (Launches foes into the air/Knocks foes away). Consumes 1 bar of Dual Meter, but Outgoing Damage +70.0/78.4/86.8/95.9/105.0%. Is not applied if Dual Meter is below 1 bar.
Dual Meter Gain -43.7%.
'Concussion' Skill Tree has been changed to 'Target Weak Point' Skill Tree.
Before: Grants the skill's Stagger Level [Low].
After: Hit foes' Incoming Crit Damage +8.0% for self and party members for 10s.
'Final Decision' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Consumes 20.0% of Dual Meter, but Outgoing Damage +60.0/69.0/78.0/87.0/96.0%. Is not applied if Dual Meter is below 20.0%.
After: Consumes 1 bar of Dual Meter, but Outgoing Damage +60.0/69.0/78.0/87.0/96.0%. Is not applied if Dual Meter is below 1 bar.
Cutting Wind
In PvE, Damage increased by 33.5%.
Dual Meter Gain -43.7%.
'Firepower Control' skill tree changed to 'Vital Point Hit'.
Before: On attack hit, Dual Meter +30.0/33.0/37.0/41.0/45.0%.
After: Crit Rate +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%.
When applying 'Valor' skill tree, adjusted skill preparatory motion to be faster.
Shackling Blue Dragon
Damage increased by 19.0%.
Dual Meter Gain -50.0%.
MP Cost +13.6%.
Skill cooldown changed.
Before: 24s
After: 30s
Skill effect changed.
Before: Spins spear and slams it down to create a shockwave that inflicts N damage. Hit foes' Crit Resistance -3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0/5.5/6.0/6.5/7.0/8.0% for 6s.
After: Spins spear and slams it down to create a shockwave that inflicts N damage. When casting skill, Crit Rate +2.0/4.0/6.0/8.0/10.0/12.0/14.0/16.0/18.0/20.0% for 6s.
'Quick Prep' Skill Tree has been changed to 'Target Weak Point' Skill Tree.
Before: Cooldown -2.0/2.7/3.4/4.2/5.0s.
After: Hit foes' Incoming Crit Damage +8.0% for self and party members for 16s.
'Critical Spear' skill tree changed to 'Quick Prep'.
Before: Hit foes' Crit Resistance -10.0%.
After: Cooldown -6.0/7.2/8.4/9.7/11.0s.
'Final Decision' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Consumes 20.0% of Dual Meter, but Outgoing Damage +140.0/152.6/165.2/177.8/190.4%. Is not applied if Dual Meter is below 20.0%.
After: Consumes 1 bar of Dual Meter, but Outgoing Damage +140.0/152.6/165.2/177.8/190.4%. Is not applied if Dual Meter is below 1 bar.
Spiraling Spear
In PvE, Damage decreased by 49.9%.
Dual Meter Gain -87.3%.
'Firepower Control' Skill Tree has been changed to 'Target Weak Point' Skill Tree.
Before: On attack hit, Dual Meter +30.0/33.0/37.0/41.0/45.0%.
After: Hit foes' Incoming Crit Damage +8.0% for self and party members for 7s.
'Shoulder Strike' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Moves 2 meters forward and performs Shoulder Strike. Inflicts 20.0/26.2/32.4/38.6/45.0% of Base Damage and performs a stabbing attack.
After: Changes to Combo Mode. Moves 5 meters forward and performs Shoulder Strike. Inflicts 20.0/26.2/32.4/38.6/45.0% of Base Damage. Use the skill again to perform a stabbing attack.
Four-headed Dragon
In PvE, Damage decreased by 41.6%.
Dual Meter Gain -38.6%.
'Violent Thrust' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Changes to Holding Mode. Crit Rate +20.0%. Allows you to move while holding. Increases skill duration. Damage up to +55.0/63.0/72.0/81.0/90.0%.
After: Changes to Holding Mode. Allows you to move while holding. Increases skill duration. Damage up to +50.0/57.0/64.0/72.0/80.0%.
'Shadow Thrust' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Can move after 1 hit. Afterimage continues the stabbing attack.
After: Can move after 1 hit. Afterimage continues the stabbing attack. Crit Rate +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
'Quick Prep' Skill Tree has been changed to 'Undefeated' Skill Tree.
Before: Cooldown -6.0/6.5/7.0/7.5/8.0s.
After: For every foe hit, Cooldown -1.0s up to -8.0s. Outgoing Damage to challenge or below foes +100.0/111.0/122.0/133.0/145.0%. With Shadow Thrust, for every hit, Cooldown Reduction 0.2s up to 8.0s.
'Infected Wound' skill tree changed to 'Weak Point Detection'.
Before: On hit, Bleeds foe, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 7.0s. Bleed can stack up to 10 times.
After: Damage to Push-immune foes +60.0/68.4/76.8/85.8/94.8%.
Thrust of Destruction
Dual Meter Gain -70.7%.
'Quick Prep' skill tree changed to 'Firepower Control'.
Before: Cooldown -5.0/5.7/6.4/7.2/8.0s.
After: On attack hit, Dual Meter +30.0/33.0/37.0/41.0/45.0%.
'Spear of Destruction' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Crit Rate +50.0%. Crit Damage +5.0/16.0/27.0/38.0/50.0%.
After: Crit Rate +60.0%. Crit Damage +5.0/16.0/27.0/38.0/50.0%.
'Air-Ripping Thrust' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Changes to Charge Mode. When fully charged, Outgoing Damage +50.0/57.5/65.0/74.0/83.0%. Crit Rate +50.0%.
After: Changes to Charge Mode. When fully charged, Outgoing Damage +50.0/57.5/65.0/74.0/83.0%. Crit Rate +40.0%.
'Thrust of Destruction' skill received the following additional changes after the test server update.
Before: Damage to Push-immune foes +30.0/37.5/45.0/52.5/60.0%.
After: Damage to Push-immune foes +25.0/31.3/37.5/43.8/50.0%.
'Weak Point Detection' skill tree effect changed.
Starfall Pounce
Dual Meter Gain -60.0%.
'Quick Prep' Skill Tree has been changed to 'Corral' Skill Tree.
Before: Cooldown -7.0/7.7/8.4/9.2/10.0s.
After: When jumping, pulls foes within 4.4 meters of target location. Outgoing Damage to challenge or below foes +50.0/57.5/65.0/72.5/80.0%.
'Starfall Pounce' skill received the following additional changes after the test server update.
Before: Huge spear falls from sky. Outgoing Damage +80.0/89.6/99.2/109.6/120.0%.
After: Huge spear falls from sky. Outgoing Damage +65.0/73.4/81.9/91.0/100.1%.
'Ground Explosion' skill tree effect changed.
Dragonscale Defense
In PvE, Damage increased by 8.5%.
Dual Meter Gain -73.5%.
Red Dragon's Horn
Dual Meter Gain -59.1%.
Size of Perfect Zone increased.
'Quick Prep' skill tree changed to 'Sturdy Armor'.
Before: Cooldown -5.0/5.7/6.4/7.2/8.0s.
After: During skill casting, Incoming Damage -30.0/32.7/35.4/38.1/40.8%.
'Red Dragon's Horn' skill received the following additional changes after the test server update.
Before: Outgoing Damage +20.0/26.0/32.0/38.0/45.0%. Outgoing Damage of Perfect Zone +45.0/52.0/59.0/67.0/75.0%.
After: Outgoing Damage +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%. Outgoing Damage of Perfect Zone +40.0/47.0/54.0/62.0/70.0%.
'Determination' skill tree effect changed.
Awakening Skills
Yeon-Style Spear Technique: Spear Meteor
In PvE, Damage increased by 31.8%.
Yeon-Style Spear Technique: Storming Red Dragon
In PvE, Damage increased by 31.8%.
Flurry Stance effect changed.
Dual Meter fills every time you successfully hit a foe. The Dual Meter and its effects disappear as soon as you change stance.
When changing the stance when Dual Meter is filled to the 1st bar, Move Speed +10%.
When changing the stance when Dual Meter is filled to the 2nd bar, Move Speed +10%. Damage to foes +10%.
When changing the stance when Dual Meter is filled to the 3rd bar, Move Speed +10%. Damage to foes +10%. Crit Damage +25%.
Dual Meter fills every time you successfully hit a foe. If you change stance, 1 bar of the Dual Meter is consumed and the stance's effect is applied. If you have less than 1 bar of the Dual Meter, you cannot obtain the stance's effects even if you change stance.
When changing stance, Move Speed +15% and Crit Damage +60%.
Glaivier's Specialty: Flurry Stance received additional changes after the test server update.
Focus Stance effect changed.
Dual Meter fills every time you successfully hit a foe. The Dual Meter and its effects disappear as soon as you change stance.
When changing the stance when Dual Meter is filled to the 1st bar, Atk. Speed +10%.
When changing the stance when Dual Meter is filled to the 2nd bar, Atk. Speed +10%. Damage to foes +10%.
When changing the stance when Dual Meter is filled to the 3rd bar, Atk. Speed +10%. Damage to foes +10%. Crit Rate +15%.
Dual Meter fills every time you successfully hit a foe. If you change stance, 1 bar of the Dual Meter is consumed and the stance's effect is applied. If you have less than 1 bar of the Dual Meter, you cannot obtain the stance's effects even if you change stance.
When changing stance, Atk. Speed +15% and Damage to foes +25%.
Glaivier's Specialty: Focus Stance received additional changes after the test server update.
Effect duration when switching to Focus Stance changed.
Before: 12s
After: 15s
Before: Adds Pinnacle: Flurry/Focus I/II/III instead of the Flurry/Focus Stage 3 effect added upon changing stances while the Dual Meter is maxed at Level 3. 'Pinnacle: Flurry I/II/III': Atk. Speed +12.5/13.8/15%. Damage to foes +13/15/17%. Crit Rate +20/22.5/25%. 'Pinnacle: Focus I/II/III': Move Speed +15%. Damage to foes +16/19/22%. Crit Damage +37.5/43.8/50%.
After: Alongside the added effect upon changing stances, adds 40/60/100% of the opposite stance's effect.
'Pinnacle' effect changed.
Before: Cannot use Focus stance. Flurry skills Damage +20/30/40%.
After: Cannot use Focus stance. Flurry skills Damage +20/30/40%. Dual Meter Gain +50/75/100%.
'Control' effect changed.
'Esoteric Flurry' effect changed.
Before: When using Esoteric Skill, consumes exactly 1 Esoteric Orb. Esoteric Skill Damage +8/13/18%.
After: When using Esoteric Skill, consumes exactly 1 Esoteric Orb. Esoteric Skill Damage +15/22/30%.
Berserker's "Whirlwind'" Skill Tree Great Wheel has been improved as follows:
Before: Deals 6 damage enemy hit with Whirlwind.0/7.0/8.0/10.0/12.0% each, max 60.0/70.0/80.0/100.0/120.Increases up to 0%.
After: Deals 6 damage to enemy with each attack.0/7.0/8.0/10.0/12.0% each, max 60.0/70.0/80.0/100.0/120.Increases up to 0%.
Improved movement to be earlier upon landing after jumping.
A new handgun skill 'Desperado' has been added.
'Desperado' is also added to gem options.
Hour of Judgement
'Hour of Judgement' skill was removed and a new shotgun skill 'Judgment Day' has been added.
'Hour of Judgement' gems were changed to 'Judgment Day' gems.
One Shot One Kill
'Triple Explosion' skill was removed and a new rifle skill 'One Shot One Kill' has been added.
'Triple Explosion' gems were changed to 'One Shot One Kill' gems.
Spiral Tracker
'Heavy Duty' skill tree effect changed.
Before: The skill can now stack up to 2 times.
After: The skill can now stack up to 3 times.
Enforce Execution
Improved dash attack to (apply/destroy/??) Weak Point.
' Light Footwork' Skill Tree effect has been changed to 'Swift Conviction' Skill Tree effect.
Before: Upwards kick Paralyzes foes and no longer launches foes into the air. Upwards kick speed +20.0/24.0/28.0/32.0/36.0%.
After: Upwards kick Paralyzes foes and no longer launches foes into the air. Charges and deals upwards kick.
For PvP 'Swift Conviction' Skill Tree has been adjusted so that it does not feel as stiff.
'Ranged Shot' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Attack Range +20.0%, Crit Damage +100.0/115.0/130.0/145.0/160.0%.
After: Attack Range +20.0%. Outgoing Damage +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%. Crit Damage +80.0%.
'Burn Effect' skill effect Burn Damage -90.0%.
'Burn Effect' skill tree effect changed.
Before: On hit, Burns foe, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 5.0s. Stacks up to 7 times.
After: Element is now [Fire]. Outgoing Damage +40.0/47.0/54.0/62.0/70.0%. On hit, Burns foe, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 5.0s. Burn stacks up to 7 times.
'Vital Point Shot' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Crit Rate +60.0/68.0/77.0/86.0/95.0%.
After: Element is now [Lightning]. Outgoing Damage +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%. On crit hit, ignore foe Defense by 50.0%.
Death Fire
Distance of backward leap after throwing grenade adjusted.
Time to use additional skill after throwing grenade adjusted to be faster.
In PvP, if throwing grenade hits, inflicts Paralysis instead of Push. However, if target is using a skill, Paralysis is not inflicted.
Skill effect changed.
Before: Fire a volley of bullets over 2.9s to attack all nearby foes, causing up to N Damage over 9 hits. Hit the Perfect Zone to throw a grenade while jumping, inflicting N Damage and launching foes into the air.
After: Fire a volley of bullets over 2.9s to attack all nearby foes, causing up to N Damage over 9 hits. When holding ends, throw grenades in a wide area while jumping, inflicting N Damage and launching foes into the air.
'Keen Strike' skill tree changed to 'Infiltrate Decimation'.
Before: During Rapid Fire, Crit Rate +40.0/50.0/61.0/72.0/83.0%.
After: Canceling the skill does not decrease cooldown or MP Cost. After rapidly moving 6 meters, casts skill.
'Frost Bomb' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Element is now [Water]. No longer knocks down foes. Inflicts Freeze effect on the target for 3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0s.
After: Element is now [Water]. No longer knocks down foes. Move Speed -40.0% for 3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0s.
'Infiltrate Decimation' skill tree changed to 'Law of the Jungle'.
Before: After rapidly moving 6 meters, casts skill, then moves 8 meters back. Canceling the skill does not decrease cooldown or MP Cost.
After: During Rapid Fire, Outgoing Damage to challenge or below foes +180.0/196.2/214.2/232.2/250.2%.
'Infinite Decimation' skill tree changed to 'Keen Shot'.
Before: Rapid Fire count +3. Rapid Fire Outgoing Damage +120.0/134.7/149.3/164.0/180.0%.
After: Rapid Fire ignores Defense by 30.0%. Damage +45.0/57.0/69.0/82.0/95.0%. Activate Perfect Zone. Hit the Perfect Zone to throw a grenade while jumping. Grenade Damage +100%.
Cruel Tracker
Skill effect improved.
Before: Rapid fire handgun 6 times, inflicting N Damage. (Last shot/Kill Confirmation) inflicts N Damage.
After: Rapid fire handgun 6 times, inflicting N Damage. (Last shot/Kill Confirmation) inflicts N Damage. Use the skill again while rapid firing handgun to change direction of (the last shot/Kill Confirmation).
With Quick Draw, last shot improved to connect faster.
With Explosive Bullet, last shot's bullet speed got faster.
Quick Shot
When 'Final Light' Skill Tree is applied, the second chain attack comes out faster than the first chain attack.
Sign of Apocalypse
'Aftermath of Calamity' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Combo increased to 3. Last attack inflicts 100.0/115.0/130.0/145.0/161.0% Damage of second attack.
After: Combo increased to 3. Last attack inflicts 160.0/177.0/194.0/212.0/230.0% Damage of second attack.
Shotgun Rapid Fire
In PvE, Damage increased by 54.7%.
'Close Shot' skill tree changed to 'Master of Evasion'.
Before: Outgoing Damage to near foes +25.0/31.0/37.0/43.0/50.0%.
After: When casting skill, Dodge Rate +10.0%.
'Full Range' skill tree changed to 'Extended Shot'.
Before: All attacks become near damage. Outgoing Damage +10.0/16.0/22.0/28.0/35.0%.
After: Use the skill again or click to attack with a shotgun. Knocks back foes. Firing causes a recoil, moving 4 meters backwards. During Extended Shot, grants Push Immunity.
'Combo Rapid Fire' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Changes to Combo Mode. Attacks 3 times. Atk. Speed +10.0%. Can be canceled by moving or using another skill between combo attacks.
After: Changes to Combo Mode. Attacks 3 times. Can be canceled by moving or using another skill between combo attacks.
'Enhanced Shot' skill tree changed to 'Close Shot'.
Before: Outgoing Damage +25.0/31.0/37.0/43.0/50.0%.
After: Outgoing Damage to near foes +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
'Master of Evasion' skill tree changed to 'Full Range'.
Before: When casting skill, Dodge Rate +20%.
After: All attacks become near damage. Atk. Speed +15.0%. Outgoing Damage +20.0/26.0/32.0/38.0/45.0%.
'Extended Shot' Skill Tree effect has been changed to 'Ultimate Weapon' Skill Tree effect.
Before: Atk. Speed +30.0%. After 3 hit attack, add combo attack. Enter a combo to attack with a shotgun. Inflicts 60.0/68.4/76.8/85.8/94.8% additional damage and knocks back foes. Firing causes a recoil, moving 4 meters backwards.
After: 3rd shot AoE Radius +15%. Damage +170.0/193.0/217.0/241.0/265.0%.
Shotgun Dominator
'Swift Fingers' skill tree changed to 'Ambush'.
Before: While holding, Atk. Speed +20.0/24.0/28.0/32.0/36.0%.
After: On Successful Back Attack, Outgoing Damage +25.0/31.2/37.5/43.8/50.0%.
'Enhanced Fire' Skill Tree effect has been changed to 'Super Shotgun' Skill Tree effect.
Before: Outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
After: Outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%. Atk. Speed +20.0% while holding.
'Master of CQC' skill tree effect changed.
Before: No longer has a last attack. Holding duration increases up to 2 times. Outgoing Damage +40.0/47.0/54.0/62.0/70.0% per shot.
After: No longer has a last attack. Holding duration increases up to 2 times. Can turn while holding. Outgoing Damage +40.0/47.0/54.0/62.0/70.0% per shot.
'The Ruler' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Attack Range -20%. Adds Perfect Zone. On Perfect Zone Success, inflict rapid fire. Last attack Damage +200.0/225.0/250.0/275.0/300.0%. On Perfect Zone Failure, activate existing last attack.
After: Adds Perfect Shot after 4 shots. On Perfect Zone Success, inflict rapid fire. Last attack Damage +200.0/225.0/250.0/275.0/300.0%. On Perfect Zone Failure, activate existing last attack.
Last Request
'Incendiary Bomb' skill effect Burn Damage -90.0%.
'Incendiary Bomb' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Element is now [Fire]. On hit, Burns foe, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 3.0s.
After: Element is now [Fire]. Outgoing Damage +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%. On hit, Burns foe, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 3.0s.
'Execution' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Atk. Speed +20%. While preparing to fire, move 4 meters forward. Fires a special round. Outgoing Damage to Challenge or above foes +10.0/16.2/22.4/28.7/35.0%.
After: Atk. Speed +20%. While preparing to fire, move 4 meters forward. Fires a special round. Outgoing Damage to Challenge or above foes +25.0/31.3/37.5/43.8/50.0%.
'Double Shot' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Fire simultaneously with 2 shotguns, inflicting 80.0/84.0/88.0/92.8/97.6% of Base Damage. Each hit applies 1 level of Weak Point. With Incendiary Bomb, Burn stacks up to 2 times. With Fierce Heat, 2 Fierce Heats are created.
After: Fire simultaneously with 2 shotguns, inflicting 90.0/94.5/99.0/104.4/109.8% of Base Damage. Each hit applies 1 level of Weak Point. With Incendiary Bomb, Burn stacks up to 2 times. With Fierce Heat, 2 Fierce Heats are created.
Spiral Flame
In PvE, Damage increased by 38.0%.
' Kill Confirmation' Skill Tree effect has changed as follows:
Before: Bullet Crit Rate to foes below 50.0% HP +60.0/69.6/79.8/90.0/100.0%.
After: Bullet Damage to foes below 50.0% HP +60.0/69.0/78.0/87.0/96.0%.
Aimed Shot
Changed skill cooldown from 24s to 36s.
In PvE, Damage increased by 178.2%.
In PvP, Damage increased by 28.5%.
Bullet speed got faster.
Bullet size got smaller.
Bullet max distance got longer.
Bullets of the base skill no longer pierce foes.
Firing speed got faster.
Rotation speed got slower.
Skill effect changed.
Before: Rotates to target location and fires 4 large-caliber bullets. For the first 3 shots, inflict N Damage per shot. Target's Move Speed -80% for 2s. Last shot inflicts N Damage and knocks foes down.
After: Fires 4 large-caliber bullets at the aimed direction. When skill key is pressed, fire up to 3 shots, inflicting N Damage. Target's Move Speed -25% for 2s. When skill key press ends, fire last shot, inflicting N Damage and knocking foes down.
' High-Speed Bullet' Skill Tree effect has been changed to 'Stun Bullet' effect.
Before: Bullet flying speed +20.0/24.0/28.0/32.0/36.0%.
After: Last shot no longer knocks down foes, but Stuns foes for 3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0s.
'Quick Aim' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Aim time -20.0%.
After: Decreases aim time.
' The Final Shot' Skill Tree effect has been changed to 'White Reaper' effect.
Before: Last shot is guaranteed to be a crit. Crit Damage +0.0/20.0/41.0/62.0/83.0%.
After: During skill use, becomes disguised. Removes effect when hit. If last shot hits while disguised, disguise duration +3.0s. Move Speed +25.0%.
' Enhanced Shot' Skill Tree effect has been changed to 'Kill Confirmation' effect.
Before: Outgoing Damage +25.0/31.0/37.0/43.0/50.0%.
After: Outgoing Damage +25.0/31.0/37.0/43.0/50.0%. Damage proportional to remaining HP up to +30%.
' Large Bullet' Skill Tree effect has been changed to 'Slowing Fire' effect.
Before: Bullet size +20.0%.
After: (Shackling Crash/Slow) +80.0%.
' Stun Effect' Skill Tree effect has changed to 'Large Piercing Bullet' effect.
Before: Last shot no longer knocks down foes, but Stuns foes for 3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0s.
After: Fires a bigger bullet that pierces foes. Outgoing Damage +40.0/47.0/54.0/62.0/70.0%.
' High-Speed Shot' Skill Tree effect has changed to 'Triple Explosion' effect.
Before: Firing speed after aiming +40.0/44.0/48.0/52.0/56.0%.
After: Quickly fires 3 shots even without using the skill again. Outgoing Damage +80.0/90.0/100.0/110.0/120.0% for each bullet.
' Hexa Shot' Skill Tree effect has been changed to 'Aftershock' effect.
Before: Increases shot count by 2 after aiming.
After: Increases aim time. Outgoing Damage +75.0/83.0/92.0/101.0/110.0%. After aiming, quickly fires 3 shots and (a powerful finishing shot/Kill Confirmation). (Last shot/Kill Confirmation) pierces foes in its path. Crit Damage against foes with 50% or lower HP +50.0%. (Launches foes into the air/Knocks foes away).
Perfect Shot
In PvE, Damage increased by 42.0%.
'Precision Shot' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Narrows Perfect Zone. Greatly increases turning speed. On Perfect Zone Success, Crit Rate +50.0/57.0/64.0/72.0/80.0%.
After: Narrows Perfect Zone. Greatly increases turning speed. On Perfect Zone Success, Outgoing Damage +25.0/31.0/37.0/43.0/50.0%.
Awakening Skill
Bursting Flare
In PvE, Damage increased by 20.0%.
'Pistoleer' effect changed.
Before: Can use only Handgun Stance. Handgun Skill Damage +35/60/85%. Stagger Damage +40%. Awakening Skill Damage +20/30/40%.
After: Can use only Handgun Stance. Handgun Skill Damage +35/55/75%. Awakening Skill Clay Bombardment Damage +20/35/50%. Stagger Damage +40%. In addition, the Movement Skill is replaced with '
Relentless Assault
', and the cooldown of the Movement Skill is reduced by 0.1 seconds each time the Handgun Skill hits.
Firepower Buff from Specialization:
Before: 0.62
After: 0.58
Bombardment Damage from Specialization:
Before: 0.50
After: 0.49
Hawk Meter Natural Recovery from Specialization:
Before: 0.5
After: 0.3
Arrow Wave
'Hellfire' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Element is now [Fire]. On hit, Burns foe, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 5.0s. Causes an explosion at 3 Burn stacks. Launches foes and inflicts N Damage.
After: Element is now [Fire]. Outgoing Damage +5.0/11.0/17.0/23.0/30.0%.
Moving Slash
Changed so that 'Wealth' rune can be equipped.
'Silver Master' skill tree effect changed.
Before: On skill hit, Hawk Meter +22.0/24.0/26.0/29.0/33.0 every 1s for 10.0s.
After: On skill hit, Hawk Meter +60/70/80/90/100.
Blade Storm
Changed so that 'Wealth' rune can be equipped.
'Silver Master' skill tree effect changed.
Before: On skill hit, Hawk Meter +22.0/24.0/26.0/29.0/33.0 every 1s for 10.0s.
After: Every 3rd hit, Hawk Meter +40/45/50/55/60.
Charged Shot
Excluding 'Fast Fire' skill tree, overcharging increases projectile speed.
Sharp Shooter
' Magick Control' Skill Tree has been changed to 'Rapid Fire' Skill Tree.
Before: MP Cost -50.0/53.0/57.0/62.0/67.0%.
After: Skill Casting Speed +15.0%. Outgoing Damage +5.0/11.0/17.0/23.0/30.0%.
Deadly Slash
Changed so that 'Wealth' rune can be equipped.
'Silver Master' skill tree effect changed.
Before: On skill hit, Hawk Meter +22.0/24.0/26.0/29.0/33.0 every 1s for 10.0s.
After: On skill hit, Hawk Meter +80/90/100/110/120.
Hawk Shot
Changed so that 'Wealth' rune can be equipped.
'Silver Master' skill tree effect changed.
Before: On skill hit, Hawk Meter +22.0/24.0/26.0/29.0/33.0 every 1s for 10.0s.
After: If Hawk hits, Hawk Meter +130/140/160/180/200.
'Perfection' skill tree changed to 'Ghillie Suit'.
Before: On Perfect Zone Success, Outgoing Damage +40.0/47.0/54.0/62.0/70.0%.
After: Become Stealthed while holding. Cooldown +18.0/16.0/13.0/10.0/7.0s.
'Ghillie Suit' Skill Tree is changed to ' Solo Performance' Skill Tree.
Before: Become Stealthed while holding. Cooldown +18.0/16.0/13.0/10.0/7.0s.
After: On Perfect Zone Success, Outgoing Damage +60%. On Perfect Zone Success when Silverhawk is not summoned, Crit Damage +100.0/115.0/130.0/145.0/160.0%.
In PvE, Hawk Meter Natural Recovery +53.8%.
'Death Strike' effect changed.
Before: When using Last Rush, recover 50% of the remaining Hawk Meter. Foe Damage received +30/40/50% for 8s.
After: When Silverhawk is not summoned, Damage to foes hit +3/7/12%. When using Last Rush, recover 50% of the remaining Hawk Meter. Inflict Mark of Death II. Foe Damage received +20/25/30% for 8s.
Sync Skill Damage from Specialization:
Before: 0.62
After: 0.64
Bullet Hail
Damage increased by 27.5%.
Skill cooldown changed.
Before: 6s
After: 8s
Battery consumption changed.
Before: 24
After: 30
'Fighting Spirit Enhancement' skill tree effect changed.
Before: On hit, Atk. Power of party members within 24 meters +6.0% for 7.0s.
After: On hit, Atk. Power of party members within 24 meters +6.0% for 9.0s.
' Enhanced Magazine' Skill Tree effect has changed as follows:
Before: Attack angle -30.0%. When attacking a single foe, Crit Rate +30.0/37.5/45.0/52.5/60.0%. Crit Damage +100.0%.
After: Attack angle -30.0%. When attacking a single foe, Damage +65.0/73.0/82.0/91.0/100.0%.
Mobile Shot
Changed the skill's base effect. Use skill again to be able to roll 1 more time.
'Push' Skill Tree effect has changed to '
Before: Paralyze duration of shot +0.4s.
After: When using Roll, create Shield that absorbs up to 5.0/7.1/9.3/11.5/13.7% of max HP for 3.0/3.2/3.4/3.7/4.0s.
Defensive Maneuver
' effect.
' Additional Maneuver' Skill Tree effect has changed to ' Evasion Maneuver' effect.
Before: Can roll 1 more time after shooting.
After: While rolling, Dodge Rate +30.0%. Paralyze duration of shot +0.4s.
'Tenacity' skill tree effect changed.
Before: While rolling, grants Push Immunity.
After: Cooldown +6.0s. While on the first roll, grants Push Immunity.
Strategic Fire
In PvE, Damage increased by 60.0%.
'Weak Point Detection' Skill Tree effect has changed to '
Before: Damage to Push-immune foes +30.0/37.5/45.0/52.5/60.0%.
After: Does not apply Cooldown Reduction for canceling skill. Consumes 150 battery to create a shield equal to 8.0/10.2/12.4/14.7/17.0% of Max HP while using skill. Grants Push Immunity during Shield duration.
Build Camp
' effect.
'Quick Prep' skill tree changed to 'Swift Fingers'.
Before: Cooldown -3.0/3.7/4.4/5.2/6.0s.
After: While holding, Atk. Speed +10.0/12.0/14.0/16.0/18.0%.
'Weak Point' Lv. 1 effect added to dash attack.
'Final Blow' Skill Tree effect has changed as follows:
Before: Firing attack Crit Damage +200.0/220.0/240.0/265.0/290.0%.
After: Firing attack Outgoing Damage +60.0/68.0/77.0/86.0/95.0%. Crit Damage +50%.
Command: Blockade
In PvE, Damage increased by 55.4%.
In PvP, Damage increased by 24.3%.
' One Body and Spirit' Skill Tree effect has changed as follows:
Before: Give immediate command to drone without any motions.
After: Give immediate command to drone without any motions. Changes to Normal Mode. The instant a command is given, drone uses skill at its current location.
Enhanced Fire' Skill Tree effect has been changed to 'Quick Performance' effect
Before: Outgoing Damage +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%.
After: Drone's Atk. Speed +10.0/12.0/14.0/16.0/18.0%.
Energy Buster
Core Energy Gain +19.0%.
Attack speed was decreased during the 'Meltdown' Skill Tree effect.
In PvE, Damage increased by 47.9%.
In PvP, Damage increased by 21.5%.
Skill cooldown changed.
Before: 24s
After: 30s
Skill stagger changed.
Before: High
After: Highest
Battery Consumption changed in PvE.
Before: 730
After: 1050
Battery Consumption changed in PvP.
Before: 910
After: 1140
'Condense' Skill Tree effect has changed as follows:
Before: Increases charge by one level. Charge Level 1 inflicts the same attack as the existing overcharged attack. When overcharged, Outgoing Damage +20.0/25.0/31.0/38.0/45.0%.
After: Increases charge by one level. Charge Level 1 inflicts the same attack as the existing overcharged attack. When overcharged, Outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
'Agile Defender' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Changes to Normal Mode. Immediately inflicts the same attack as the overcharged attack after preparations are complete.
After: Changes to Normal Mode. Immediately inflicts the same attack as the overcharged attack after preparations are complete. Outgoing Damage +5.0/10.0/16.0/22.0/28.0%.
In PvE, 'Flame Buster' skill tree Burn Damage +47.9%.
In PvP, 'Flame Buster' skill tree Burn Damage +21.5%.
'Railgun' Skill Tree effect has changed as follows:
Before: Battery consumption -25.0%. Cooldown -4.0s. When overcharged, ignore Defense of directly hit foes by 60.0/66.0/72.0/78.0/84.0%.
After: Outgoing Damage +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%. Battery Consumption -40.0%. Cooldown -6.0s. When overcharged, ignore Defense of directly hit foes by 40.0%.
'Meltdown' Skill Tree has been changed as follows.
Before: When overcharged, enhance power. Attack time and attack count +80.0%. Total Damage +80.0/89.0/98.0/108.8/119.6%.
After: When overcharged, enhance power. Attack count +80.0%. Total Damage +80.0/89.0/98.0/108.8/119.6%.
When transforming to Hypersync Mode, improved Atk. Power Bonus Buff to be granted immediately.
Comet Strike
In PvE, Damage decreased by 31.2%.
Laser Blade
In PvE, Damage increased by 13.6%.
Echelon Beam
In PvE, Damage increased by 16.4%.
Crimson Breaker
In PvE, Damage increased by 17.5%.
'Arthetinean Skill' effect changed.
Before: Normal, Drone, Joint skill Damage +15/20/25%. Max Battery +10/15/20%. Move Speed +10% when Drones are attached to a Machinist.
After: Normal, Drone, Joint skill Damage +16/22/32%. Max Battery +10/15/20%. Implements enhanced drone combat technology to increase the drone's Move Speed. When using a Joint Skill or retrieving the drone with the X key, Drone Defense System triggers every 10s, generating a Shield that has 2/4/8% of Max HP for 5s. Move Speed +10% while Drones are attached to a Machinist.
Death Fire
Skill effect changed.
Before: Fire a volley of bullets over 2.9s to attack all nearby foes, causing up to N Damage over 9 hits. Hit the Perfect Zone to throw a grenade while jumping, inflicting N Damage and launching foes into the air.
After: Fire a volley of bullets over 2.9s to attack all nearby foes, causing up to N Damage over 9 hits. Hit the Perfect Zone to throw grenades in a wide area while jumping, inflicting N Damage and launching foes into the air.
Distance of backward leap after throwing grenade adjusted.
Time to use additional skill after throwing grenade adjusted to be faster.
In PvP, if throwing grenade hits, inflicts Paralysis instead of Push. However, if target is using a skill, Paralysis is not inflicted.
'Frost Bomb' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Element is now [Water]. No longer knocks down foes. Inflicts Freeze effect on the target for 3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0s.
After: Element is now [Water]. No longer knocks down foes. Move Speed -40.0% for 3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0s.
'Infiltrate Decimation' skill tree effect changed.
Before: After rapidly moving 6 meters, casts skill, then moves 8 meters back. Canceling the skill does not decrease cooldown or MP Cost.
After: Canceling the skill does not decrease cooldown or MP Cost. After rapidly moving 6 meters, casts skill.
In PvE, excluding Basic Attacks, all Skill Damage -2.9%.
Osh (Master Summoner)
In PvP, Damage decreased by 16.7%.
Alimaji (Master Summoner)
In PvP, Damage decreased by 20.0%.
Jahia & Ligheas (Master Summoner)
In PvP, Damage decreased by 9.1%.
Akir (Master Summoner)
In PvP, Damage decreased by 13.0%.
Dancing of Spineflower
"Dancing of Spineflower" skill "Fake Flip" Skill Tree has been improved as follows:
Before: Changes to a [Normal Skill]. Deals 40 basic damage at the teleport location.Deals Fatal Thorn damage equal to 0%. Deals 25 Fatal Thorn damage upon hitting the skill.0/28.0/32.0/36.0/40.Increases by 0% and stacks up to 7 times.
After: Changes to a [Normal Skill]. Deals 40 basic damage at the teleport location.Deals Fatal Thorn damage equal to 0%. Deals 45 Fatal Thorn damage upon hitting the skill.0/51.0/58.0/65.0/72.Increases by 0% and stacks up to 4 times.
Arcane Meter Gain +18.2%.
Ice Shower
Skill stagger changed.
Before: Lowest
After: Mid
' Igniter' engraving effect changed.
Before: When activating Arcane Torrent, excluding Awakening Skill and Movement Skill, Skill Cooldown -50%. During Arcane Torrent, Crit Rate +10/17/25%. Crit Damage +20/35/50%.
After: When activating Arcane Torrent, excluding Awakening Skill and Movement Skill, Skill Cooldown -50%. During Arcane Torrent, Crit Rate +10/17/25%. Crit Damage +10/25/40%.
In PvE, excluding Deathblade Surge, Normal Skill Damage +6.5%.
Demon Skill Damage from Specialization:
Before: 0.60
After: 0.65
In PvE, (Shadowburst) and Normal Skill Damage +3.2%.
Nimble Cut
' Encroachment Release' Skill Tree has been changed to 'Encroaching Power' Skill Tree.
Before: Changes to 2 hits. Consumes 20.0% of Shadowburst Meter. Outgoing Damage +140.0/152.0/164.0/176.0/190.0%. If Shadowburst Meter is empty, Outgoing Damage +20.0/26.0/32.0/38.0/45.0%.
After: Changes to 2 hits. Shadowburst Meter Gain +100.0/112.0/124.0/137.0/150.0%.
'Bleed Effect' skill tree changed to 'Damage Amplification'.
Before: On hit, Bleeds foe, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 5.0s.
After: On hit, incoming Damage to foes from all party members +6.0% for 8.0s.
'Wide-Angle Attack' skill tree changed to 'Nimble Movement'.
Before: AoE Radius +20%.
After: When casting skill, Move Speed +20.0/22.4/24.8/27.4/30.0% for 5.0s.
' Powerful Blow ' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Changed to an upward attack that launches target into the air. Upward attack +40.0/47.0/54.0/62.4/70.8% of Base Damage.
After: AoE Radius +20.0%. Changed to an upward attack that launches target into the air. Upward attack +40.0/47.0/54.0/62.4/70.8% of Base Damage.
Slightly adjusted the start time and cancel time when using the 'Wallop' skill tree.
Demonic Slash
' Spin Kick' Skill Tree has been changed to 'Ambush Charge' Skill Tree.
Before: Charges and finishes off with a kick. Inflicts 120.0/132.0/144.0/157.2/170.4% of total damage as additional damage.
After: Move distance +4 meters. Charges faster and can pierce through Guardians.
When using 'Ambush Charge' skill tree, Paralysis does not occur when the PvP opponent is using a skill
Cruel Cutter
Base effect's target changed.
Before: Throws weapon, Damage up to N, and moves forward. Attacking airborne monsters launches them in the air again.
After: Throws weapon, Damage up to N, and moves forward. Attacking airborne foes launches them in the air again.
In PvP, Damage decreased by 10.0%.
Base effect's launching hit detection height slightly increased.
Max hits decreased.
Max Hits before: 5 (Damage 1 time per hit)
Max Hits after: 3 (Damage 2 times per hit)
Max Hits before: 10 (Damage 1 time per hit)
Max Hits after: 5 (Damage 2 times per hit)
Max Hits before: 5/5 (Damage 1 time per hit)
Max Hits after: 3/3 (Damage 2 times per hit)
Max Hits before: 8/8 (Damage 1 time per hit)
Max Hits after: 4/4 (Damage 2 times per hit)
'Earth Attack' skill tree
'Boomerang' skill tree
' Earth Attack ' + ' Boomerang ' skill tree
' Ranged Attack' Skill Tree has been changed to 'Double-Edged Strike' Skill Tree.
Before: As weapon reaches max distance, Damage up to +80.0/94.4/109.6/124.8/140.0%.
After: No longer performs a Back Attack. Crit Rate +20.0%. Outgoing Damage +50.0/57.0/64.0/72.0/80.0%.
Thrust Impact
In PvE, Damage increased by 8.0%.
Grind Chain
In PvE, Damage increased by 59.4%.
Back Attack effect deleted.
Hit detection height increased.
Adjusted the location the target moves to when hit.
When using Shadowhunter's "Grind Chain" in PvP, the opponent will longer by Paralyzed when they are in the middle of using a skill.
' Enhanced Strike' Skill Tree is changed to ' Critical Blow' Skill Tree.
Before: Outgoing Damage +20.0/26.0/32.0/38.0/45.0%.
After: Crit Damage +40.0/52.5/65.0/77.5/90.0%.
'Damage Amplification' skill tree changed to 'Master of Evasion'.
Before: On hit, incoming Damage to foes from all party members +6.0% for 10.0s.
After: When casting skill, Dodge Rate +10.0%.
'Master of Evasion' skill tree changed to 'Chain Attack'.
Before: When casting skill, Dodge Rate +20.0%.
After: Throws weapons 2 times. Total Damage +60.0/68.0/76.0/84.0/92.0%.
'Chain Attack' skill tree changed to 'Release Encroachment'.
Before: Throws weapons 2 times. Total Damage +80.0/89.0/98.0/108.8/119.6%.
After: Cooldown +8.0s. Consumes 20.0% of Shadowburst Meter. Crit Rate +20.0%. Outgoing Damage +240.0/252.0/264.0/276.0/288.0%. Does not activate if Shadowburst Meter is empty.
'Grind Zone' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Throws weapon toward the target location. Inflicts damage for 3.0s. Total Damage +100.0/110.0/120.0/132.0/144.0%.
After: Changes to Point Mode. Throws weapon toward the target location. Inflicts damage for 3.0s. Total Damage to challenge or below foes +120.0/132.0/144.0/156.0/168.0%. When using Chain Attack, AoE Radius +100.0%.
Spinning Weapon
In PvE, Damage increased by 22.0%.
'Release Encroachment' skill tree changed.
Before: Consumes 20.0% of Shadowburst Meter. Outgoing Damage +140.0/151.2/163.8/176.4/189.0%. Does not activate if Shadowburst Meter is empty.
After: Cooldown +4.0s. Consumes 20.0% of Shadowburst Meter. Crit Rate +20.0%. Outgoing Damage +140.0/151.2/163.8/176.4/189.0%. Does not activate if Shadowburst Meter is empty.
Demonic Clone
Shadowburst Meter Gain +14.6%.
Demon Vision
In PvE, Damage increased by 12.0%.
Shadowburst Meter Gain +2.7%.
' Overflowing Power' Skill Tree effect has changed as follows:
Before: Increases charge level. When Overcharged, Outgoing Damage +80.0/90.0/100.0/110.0/120.0%. AoE Radius +20.0%.
After: Increases charge level. Increases turning speed while charging. When Overcharged, Outgoing Damage +80.0/90.0/100.0/110.0/120.0%. AoE Radius +20.0%.
Demon's Grip
Shadowburst Meter Gain +17.9%.
'Quick Prep' skill tree changed to 'Vital Point Hit'.
Before: Cooldown -4.0/4.5/5.0/5.5/6.0s.
After: Crit Rate +20.0/26.0/32.0/38.0/45.0%.
' Stretching Hand' - The reach of the demon arm has been increased for this Skill.
'Stretching Hand' - The width of this Skill has been standardized.
Rising Claw
Shadowburst Meter Gain +10.1%.
Piercing Thorn
In PvE, Damage increased by 32.0%.
In PvP, Damage decreased by 25.0%.
Shadowburst Meter Gain +15.0%.
'Enhanced Strike' skill tree changed to 'Vital Point Hit'.
Before: Outgoing Damage +20.0/26.0/32.0/38.0/45.0%.
After: Crit Rate +20.0/26.0/32.0/38.0/45.0%.
'Triple Thorn' Skill Tree has been changed to 'Encroachment Discharge' Skill Tree.
Before: Increases the number of thorns. Outgoing Damage +40.0/47.0/54.0/62.0/70.0%.
After: Cannot gain Shadowburst Meter. Increases the number of thorns. Outgoing Damage +115.0/126.0/137.0/148.0/160.0%.
'Advancing Thorns' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Changes to Normal Mode. When using the skill, thorns grow toward the target area for 8 meters and push foes forward, inflicting up to +60.0/67.5/75.0/82.5/90.0% Damage.
After: Changes to Normal Mode. When using the skill, thorns go toward the target area. Thorns move max 8 meters. When hit or at max distance, inflict +80.0/89.0/98.0/108.0/118.0% Damage.
'Massive Thorns' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Thorn size +50.0%. Outgoing Damage +40.0/47.0/54.0/62.0/70.0%.
After: Thorn size +50.0%. Outgoing Damage +48.0/56.0/64.0/72.0/80.0%.
Shadowburst Meter Gain +4.9%.
Shadowburst Meter Gain +2.5%.
Leaping Blow
In PvE, Damage increased by 10.0%.
Blood Massacre
In PvE, Damage increased by 18.8%.
Awakening Skills
Gate of Eruption
Skill description changed.
Before: Unleashes all the Demonic power to open the gate of hell. Infernal energy is released from the ground, inflicting N damage and fear to foes for 4s. Dark energy continuously erupts from the floor, inflicting up to N damage. When the infernal energy dissipates, a massive explosion inflicts N damage and (knocks foes away).
After: Unleashes all the Demonic power to open the gate of hell. Infernal energy is released from the ground, inflicting N damage and fear to foes for 4s. The released infernal energy gathers into a ball, dealing up to N damage and pulling foes to the center. When the infernal ball is completed, a massive explosion inflicts N damage and (knocks foes away).
Changed infernal energy attack to pull foes to the center.
Infernal energy attack count slightly decreased.
Massive explosion occurs earlier.
Fallen Ruin
Additional explosion attacks changed to apply simultaneously, inflicting all damage in a single explosion.
'Perfect Suppression' effect changed.
Before: Normal Skill Damage +20/25/30%. Shadowburst Meter Gain of all skills +50%. Cannot Demonize.
After: Normal Skill Damage +20/28/36%. Shadowburst Meter Gain of all skills +50%. Cannot Demonize.
Glowing Brand
In PvE, Damage increased by 3.1%.
'Swoop Enhancement' skill tree effect changed.
Before: Element is now [Dark]. Outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
After: Element is now [Dark]. Outgoing Damage +35.0/42.0/49.0/57.0/65.0%.
Rage Spear
In PvE, Damage increased by 4.9%.
Dance of Fury
In PvE, Damage increased by 2.7%.
Tripod Compensation
Due to changes in Lv. 1 skill tree effects for some skill trees, compensation for the following skill tree effects will be sent to the player's Universal Storage.
Deadeye Hour of Judgment Quick Prep
Deadeye Hour of Judgment Magick Control
Deadeye Hour of Judgment Prison Sentence
Deadeye Hour of Judgment Final Verdict
Deadeye Hour of Judgment Enhanced Fragment
Deadeye Hour of Judgment Fragment of Spread
Deadeye Triple Explosion Kill Confirmation
Deadeye Triple Explosion Enhanced Concentration
Deadeye Triple Explosion Swift Fingers
Deadeye Triple Explosion Flame Bullet
Deadeye Triple Explosion Quad Explosion
Deadeye Triple Explosion Super Explosion
Soulfist Venomous Fist Charge Enhancement
Soulfist Venomous Fist Hard Hitter
Soulfist Venomous Fist Efficient Striker
Soulfist Venomous Fist Successful Change
Soulfist Venomous Fist Piercing Strike
Soulfist Venomous Fist Lethal Poison
Skill Tree Lv. 2 or higher of deleted skills at the time of 8/16 update.
Depending on the skill tree level, players will get the following items in their Universal Storage. Only one compensation item will be given out for each skill tree effect.
Lv2 - Oath Amulet 1
Lv3 - Prayer Amulet 1
Lv4 - Hope Amulet 1
Lv5 - Wishful Amulet 1
UI Updates
Unified the nametags of certain functional NPCs to Exchange Honing Material.
Fixed the name of the NPC in the tooltip of Peyto Card Pack sold by Peyto Claw Hand Loto to be the same as the actual NPC name.
Fixed an issue where the Exchange Honing Material and Skill Tree Transfer NPC symbol and nametag would not be displayed.
During content that applies adjustments from the Book of Coordination, fixed an issue where checking the Gem tab in the Character Profile Window would show the gems from the preset applied when entering said content.
Added a "Join immediately when entering password" function when creating a Private Lobby Post in Find Party.
If players have this feature enabled, characters who enter the correct password will be able to join the lobby immediately.
Improved the list sorting options for the following UI to be saved to the device where the client is installed.
Sort Interaction UI Name
Sort Sheet Music UI Name
Sort Mount UI Name
Sort Card Catalog
Sort Engraving UI
Save states are shared across the whole roster.
A tooltip about Engraving Notifications is displayed when players mouse-over Fav. Engravings in the Engraving Effect Window.
An appropriate system message is displayed when players try to ride a mount while holding an object.
Cannot ride a mount while holding an object.
Changed some of the Ocean Liner unlock condition guide tooltips to be more intuitive.
Players will be guided dto a prerequisite quest to unlock the Ocean Liner.
Improved so that when NPCs have multiple consecutive speech bubbles, each speech bubble is easily seen.
Improved the inner workings of the market. Improved from only some of the remaining Lowest Price items are displayed to all are displayed.
Improved tooltips in all system UIs to show the currently owned / maximum number of items and Currency Inventory tokens held in Storage.
Currently owned Crew Application/Mounts/Toys are visible in the Chest tooltip UI.
If players exceed the maximum capacity while obtaining Courage Coins, changed so that Courage Coins are sent to mail.
A guide message is displayed when sending Courage Coins to mail.
Added a new effect to be displayed when registering a return point to a Portal Statue of a city.
Added a map symbol to make it easier to recognize the flag used when traveling to the player's faction base in Rowen.
Changed so that the Cannonball and Harpoon obtained in Volare Island are removed when moving to another area.
Fixed certain texts in the game loading screen to match the changes.
In areas where some exclusive outfits cannot be removed, changed the Remove Outfit option in the Character Profile Window to be invisible.
Fixed an issue where entering certain content would not change to a previously set Mass Preset.
Fixed an issue where, when moving to another area after registering a card for Card Enhancement in the Card Catalog, the card would be unregistered but still appear as selected in the card list.
Fixed an issue where, if a card was obtained by opening a card pack while Card Auto-Save was set, there was a low chance a system message about card registration would not be displayed under certain conditions.
When this issue occurred, the card had actually registered correctly.
Fixed an issue where line-breaks were awkward in some speech bubbles.
When scrolling through the list on the left while Faceting Ability Stones, fixed an issue where the "Faceting" text disappears from the list.
Fixed an issue where, when the Overlay Minimap overlaps certain kinds of UI, clicking on the other UI area that overlaps some symbols in the expanded Minimap would cause the symbols to be clicked.
Fixed an issue where, when attaching a screenshot in the in-game Customer Service, clicking the magnifying glass button repeatedly would cause the screenshot to be displayed off-center.
Fixed an issue where the Friend UI displayed the location of characters currently in the Battle Arena of Primal Island awkwardly.
Fixed an issue where, when entering the color/brightness info in the Change Color window of various systems and reopening the window, the previously entered color/brightness info is retained but the info displayed in the Change Color window is different from the actual color/brightness info.
Improved the Auto Settings of the Settings > Video category.
Fixed the Auto Optimization value in the Screen Effects Settings to link with the assigned settings value.
If players need to make adjustments to their existing Screen Effects Settings, this feature can help players have a better experience playing Lost Ark.
Added a Tooltip Display Settings option in the Settings > Gameplay > Display Settings tab.
The Tooltip Display Settings option allows players to change the movement of in-game tooltips to be smoother.
Added a new Control Settings tab in the Settings > Gameplay category.
Changed the tab name of Settings > Gameplay > Control and Display to Display Settings.
Changed the location of some setting options in Settings.
Keyboard Control Settings: Changed category from Control and Display to Accessibility
Quickslot Settings / Mouse & Gamepad Control Settings: Changed tab from Control and Display to Control Settings
Added a reset function when setting the name of the categories below.
If you don't enter anything when renaming and apply the change, it will change to the default name.
Added an exploration guide to be displayed in the prologue area Trua.
Added a guide that will guide players through the story of North Vern to access more content when players reach Combat Lv. 50.
Click the Guide button displayed at the bottom center of the game screen to call the Content Guide UI.
Improved the guides in the Engraving Effect UI and the Notification Settings window to make it easier to understand equipping engravings and notification settings.
Improved the guides in the Combat Skills UI and the Skill Tree Notification Settings window to make it easier to understand Skill Tree notification settings.
Added the ability to hide the notification button on the left side of the minimap.
If there are any changes while the notification button is hidden, the hide button will be highlighted and a red dot will be displayed.
The hidden state will last until the player ends the game and it will be disabled when running the game again.
When there are more than 5 notification buttons on the left of the minimap, they will be placed in 2 columns.
If there are more than 10 notification buttons on the left of the minimap, an Open/Close button will be created at the bottom.
Click on the Open button to view notification buttons beyond the first 10.
It will stay open for a maximum of 12 seconds.
Improved visibility of item names and buttons in the Preview UI.
Fixed an issue where the blue emphasis effect appears across all Skill Tree slots on the right side UI upon calling the Skill Tree Transfer UI immediately after the screen finishes loading.
Fixed an issue where an option that does not satisfy the Virtues condition can be selected through keyboard input while talking to an NPC.
Fixed an issue where the appearance of the Seal does not appear in the Ebony Cube.
Fixed an issue where the class filter does not work when trying to check the market value of an amulet at the Auction House.
Made corrections so that the "Knowledge Transfer" button cannot be used when a ship is wrecked during navigation.
Fixed an issue where the Prideholme and Loghill Outpost Triport appears as locked even after completing South Vern Knowledge Transfer.
Fixed an issue where the target continent category of the completed quest is not immediately updated in the Quest Journal window upon completing Knowledge Transfer.
Fixed an issue where the Triport appears at the very bottom upon calling certain UIs with a Triport.
Fixed an issue of an awkward expression when a male Gunner character uses Pose: Picturepose 24
Fixed an issue where the hairstyle appears abnormal in certain parts when a Slayer character uses the long hairstyle preset.
Some expired items can now be destroyed.
Fixed an issue where the Machinist Drone gets removed upon retrying Gate in content with a Gate system.
Fixed an issue where a feast that the player did not craft is sometimes shown when a player returns to their Stronghold after visiting another character's Stronghold.
Fixed an issue where, upon placing a character equipped with a Sidereal weapon in the Stronghold, the character's Sidereal weapon effect appears to be different from the actual effect.
Fixed an issue where the card's Awakening information does not appear upon checking the tooltip of the card registered in the Card tab in another character's Character Profile UI.
Made additional corrections because some of Azakiel's speech bubbles appeared repeatedly in the "Use the Scroll of Transportation" stage during NPC Azakiel's Rapport Quest "One Strand of Truth".
Fixed an issue where some sounds are awkward under certain conditions while playing the game through certain classes.
Fixed an issue where the button click sound doesn't play upon clicking the Skill Level - / + buttons in the Combat Skills Window.
General Merchant NPC 'Kino' has been added to the Crafting District of 'Vern Castle' in North Vern.
Trophies that cannot currently be obtained have been changed so that they are not displayed in the list of the Trophy UI.
If a trophy is given out through a later event, etc., it will be added to the list upon acquisition.
Controller Support
Improved the gamepad controls as follows:
Gamepad control types 1 and 2 have been merged into type 1.
An improvement has been made to Targeted Skills, ensuring that when there is no auto target, the skill will automatically be executed at its maximum range.
Added the "Targeted Skill Smart Use" option.
For Targeted Skills with only offense, the skill will be instantly used on an auto target with displaying the UI.
This option can be configured in Settings > Gamepad > "Additional Features" category.
An improvement has been made to the mouse pointer speed during combat, ensuring it matches the gamepad's combat pointer speed.
This option can be configured in Settings > Gamepad > "Additional Features" category.
Added a shortcut key on the gamepad that allows you to access the memo writing area in the world map.
Use the "LT + LS key" to bring it up.
Disabled entering characters in the password when creating a private party recruitment in "Find Party" while playing with a gamepad.
Congratulations! You successfully made it through the longest Lost Ark release notes to date, at over 22,000 words. We’ll see you in Arkesia!