Héroes de Arkesia: Mañana llega la actualización de Enero a Arkesia. El tiempo de inactividad comenzará el 10 de diciembre a las 2 a. m. hora de México (8 a. m. UTC) y se espera que dure 8 horas. La actualización de enero incluye el modo infierno de Brelshaza, una nueva isla Aventura, en conjunto con muchas actualizaciones de calidad de vida y cambios de equilibrio. ¡Encuentra la lista completa de contenido, eventos, apariencias y otras actualizaciones debajo! Henry regresa con un episodio de “Patch Notes with Henry” para los jugadores que busquen una explicación exprés en video y una presentación visual.
Deja tus comentarios en YouTube y cuéntanos si te gusta este tipo de contenido de nuestro equipo y si quisieras ver más en el futuro. ¿Quieres ver todos los detalles? ¡Encuentra la lista completa de contenido, eventos, apariencias y otras actualizaciones debajo!
Dificultad Infierno de la incursión de la horda de Brelshaza
La dificultad infierno es la versión más difícil de las incursiones de la horda y se trata de probar que te encuentras entre lo mejor de lo mejor en Arkesia y de ganar el prestigio correspondiente. En vez de perseguir las recompensas normales de equipo, materiales y todo lo demás que recibirías en una incursión de la horda, las recompensas de Infierno presentan tu victoria con títulos, logros, estructuras de fortaleza, ¡y más! La dificultad infierno de Brelshaza requerirá nivel de objetos 1560 y, como una pieza de contenido equilibrado, una configuración completa definida en el libro de coordinación.
Se agregaron 2 nuevos logros y 2 nuevos títulos.
Se agregaron 1 nueva estructura de fortaleza y 1 juguete en la tienda de intercambios.
Se enviará mirada de fantasma, el material de intercambio para el cofre de incursión de la comandante de la Legión Fantasmal, a la Reserva universal después de completar el modo infierno de Brelshaza de la comandante de la Legión Fantasmal.
Se puede obtener la ficha de capitán, el material de intercambio para el cofre de recompensa del capitán después de completar el logro “Camino a la gloria: Ficha de capitán”.
Se agregó la categoría del modo infierno de Brelshaza al buscador de grupos.
A diferencia de las incursiones de la horda que incluyen todas las puertas, Brelshaza infierno se enfoca en las dos puertas finales de la incursión original: las dos puertas originales en las que el jugador se enfrenta a Brelshaza.
Isla Aventura Lai Lai
Se agregó una nueva isla Aventura en el mar al sur de Punika. Puedes entrar a la isla Lai Lai con la brújula de Procyon en un horario, como con las demás islas Aventura.
Se agregaron 2 nuevas misiones normales, 1 nueva misión competitiva
Se agregaron 3 nuevos juguetes como recompensas de la misión competitiva
Piñata azucarada de bebé
Piñata de limón
Piñata dorada de bebé
Se agregaron 3 nuevas estructuras como recompensas de la misión competitiva
Estatua de bestia sagrada imponente
Estatua de bestia sagrada elegante
Estatua de bestia sagrada digna
Se agregó Semilla de mokoko
Se agregó Alma de isla
Se agregó 1 nuevo logro y 1 nuevo título
La isla Ilios llegará a su fin con la actualización de enero.
Se agregaron nuevos eventos de inicio de sesión y al rojo vivo.
Isla de Freyja
¡El evento de la isla de Freyja continúa con una nueva actividad! El castillo de hielo de Toto reemplazará el Jardín laberinto en la actualización de enero. Los jugadores se transformarán en mokoko al entrar al castillo. Las baldosas heladas del suelo empezarán a romperse al pisarlas en un nuevo minijuego en el que los jugadores tendrán que romper el mayor número posible de copos de nieve utilizando habilidades especiales. Puedes entrar en cada hora par (2 p. m., 4 p. m., etc.), y una vez por elenco por día, o ganar fichas por completar Mazmorras del Caos y asaltos de guardianes. Las fichas de la Isla de Freyja se pueden usar en la tienda de evento, que ofrece una variedad de valiosos objetos y recompensas de temática de temporada que puedes ganar. Los objetos de festín del evento especial también estarán disponibles durante el mismo. La isla Freyja durará hasta la actualización de febrero.
Actualizaciones de tienda
Abrígate y mantente caliente en el invierno de Arkesia con un armario de Neria de temática invernal, empieza el año con apariencias de Año Nuevo o luce tu mejor versión mientras te transformas con las apariencias especiales de transformación.
Armario de Neria de invierno
Apariencias de transformación
Cosméticos de Año Nuevo
Actualizaciones generales y de calidad de vida
Actualizaciones de objetos
Se cambiaron los siguientes objetos alimento del Tomo del aventurero para que no se usen inmediatamente después de comprarlos:
Comida casera de Veda típica de Prideholme
Guiso de pescado de agua dulce de Lakebar
Vino centenario de la fundación
Ración de combate cykin Tipo A
Licor de aniversario de Berna
Lágrimas de Sirius
Macarrón aceleracorazones
Licor de Rowen
Plato de schertbulle
Todos los objetos, excepto el licor de aniversario de Berna, pueden comprarse una vez por elenco
Se cambió el logro requisito previo para comprar la música de "Fantasma Estalgier" por un logro que se puede conseguir.
Antes: “Maravillas celestiales”
Ahora: “Al filo del sueño y la realidad”
Se cambió la comida Elavas del Tomo del aventurero de Elgacia a no destructible.
Se amplió el cantidad máxima de las siguientes monedas:
Plumas de fénix de 999 a 999.999
Esquirlas de armonía de 9.999.999 a 999.999.999
Esquirlas de honor de 9.999.999 a 999.999.999
Se cambió la acumulación máxima de los siguientes objetos a 999.999:
Piedras de destrucción
Piedras de guardián
Piedras de salto
Materiales de fusión
Pociones de salud
Ahora los jugadores pueden comprobar el número de objetos acumulados en sus inventarios a través de las descripciones de objetos.
Si hay más de 10.000 objetos acumulados en una sola ranura, la descripción mostrará 9.999+.
Ajustes, sistemas e IU
Se actualizó la opción de sombras indirectas a "baja" cuando la opción de gráficos "establecer todo" está en "alta".
Cuando se utiliza un objeto de cofre de monedas antes de que un jugador supere el número máximo de cantidad retenible y se produce un exceso, aparecerá un mensaje emergente que notifica al jugador sobre el estado de exceso.
Se agregó una opción para configurar el nivel de Fotosensibilidad en Ajustes > Accesibilidad.
Se agregó una nueva estructura “Maniquí y soporte para armas”
Se agregaron dos nuevas misiones de fortaleza relacionadas con “Maniquí”
Un artista y su musa
Jugando a los disfraces
Se agregó nuevo contenido de “Atracción”
Se agregaron dos nuevas misiones de fortaleza para abrir las “Atracciones”
¡Construye tu propia atracción!
Se agregaron seis nuevas “estructuras de monstruo” exclusivas para las atracciones
Arquero esquelético
Limai fantasmal
Stronghold menu added, along with six new stronghold menus which can be added to the stronghold HUD.
Invitar al invitado
Comunidad de fortaleza
Ajustes de fortaleza
Se agregó el nuevo logro relacionado con la insignia de fortaleza “¡La fortaleza es una cosa muy seria!” y el título “Serio”
Se agregaron 10 nuevas apariencias al PNJ “Totocookie” de intercambio de galletas de mermelada
Cofre de sudadera de Cookie
Cofre de sudadera de Cacao
Cofre de selección de diadema de hoja mokoko
Cofre de broche de flor estelar oceánica
Cofre de selección de sombrero mágico de Poi
Cofre de selección de ranita
Cofre de selección de sombrero de galleta de Cacao
Cofre de buceo de estrella oceánica
Cofre de gafas de sol de estrella oceánica
Cofre de selección de máscara de Toto de chocolate
Se agregaron 3 nuevos temas de colocación
Tema del pequeño circuito de carreras antiguo
Tema de Rothun
Tema del club
Se bajaron los puntos de colocación asignados a ciertas estructuras y PNJ de afinidad
Con la adición del área de Atracción, los siguientes temas de colocación solo pueden aplicarse a las Atracciones:
Tema de carreras
Tema del pillapilla de hielo
Tema de juego de Carga naruni
Con la adición del área de Atracción, las siguientes estructuras de tipo atracción solo pueden aplicarse a las Atracciones:
Cofre de objetos de objetos tipo A de carreras de Lost Ark / Cofre de objetos tipo B de carreras de Lost Ark
Estatua de transformación en yeti
Brasero ardiente
Soporte de varita mágica de copo de nieve
Caja de fuegos artificiales de Carga naruni
Estatua de transformación en naruni verde / Estatua de transformación en naruni rosa / Estatua de transformación en naruni negro
Se agregó un botón para abrir la IU de recarga de energía vital, para que los jugadores puedan recargar energía vital desde la granja de la fortaleza.
Se cambió la ubicación del PNJ “Tecnólogo Rondo” del “Intercambio de recursos de elenco” a cerca del mercado.
Se agregó una nueva función de supervivencia a las atracciones
Mejoras de carreras:
Se cambió la regla de finalización a lo siguiente:
Anterior: Finaliza cuando 10 jugadores llegan a la meta.
Ahora: Finaliza 10 segundos después de que el primer jugador haya pasado la meta.
Puedes comprobar la lista y el orden de jugadores que llegaron a la meta en el lado izquierdo de la pantalla.
Los atributos de los jugadores ahora se coordinarán de manera automática para adaptarse a la zona de carreras.
Lista de cambios en las reglas de las atracciones
Los jugadores ya no pueden entrar en la zona de Atracciones si hay una actividad en curso en la zona.
Si algún jugador dentro del área de Atracciones no participa en una actividad, esta no comenzará.
Tras la votación de participación, los jugadores podrán comprobar qué jugador no ha participado en la actividad o en la votación.
El señor ya no podrá participar como Anfitrión, y siempre participará en las actividades.
Los PS se curarán al máximo al entrar en las Atracciones y se curarán también al empezar/terminar las actividades.
Cuando se crea una Atracción, el tipo de actividad se establece como el nombre básico de la Atracción.
Cuando se crean Atracciones, se selecciona automáticamente de la lista.
Se mejoró la interfaz de información en la parte superior de Atracciones
Los jugadores pueden consultar la lista de invitados que visitan la zona de Atracciones.
Si un jugador hace clic en el botón de la lupa situado en la parte superior izquierda de la introducción de Atracciones, aparecerá la lista de visitantes de Atracciones
Se agregó una función que permite expulsar a los invitados que visitan la zona de Atracciones.
El señor puede expulsar a los invitados de la zona de Atracciones a través de la lista de información de invitados de Atracciones.
Los personajes expulsados no pueden entrar en la fortaleza durante 15 minutos.
Se agregó la función de invitación a las atracciones
Se agregaron dos "Espacios libres" a las Atracciones
Se agregaron tres nuevos menús al HUD de Atracciones
Se agregó una pestaña de recomendación de atracciones a la comunidad de la fortaleza
Se agregaron dos nuevos temas de colocación
Tema de la aldea aislada
Tema de la zona de suministros
Se agregaron 15 nuevas estructuras intercambiables con sellos
Se agregó la pestaña "Atracciones" a la lista de intercambio del PNJ Kayla en "Intercambio de estructuras del edificio”
Se cambió la pestaña "Edificios" por la pestaña "Monumentos" en la lista de intercambio del PNJ Kayla en "Intercambio de estructuras del edificio”
Se agregó un logro para las fortalezas que ganaron 4 o más insignias de fortaleza. Al recibir el logro, se otorgarán recompensas:
Ambiente de fortaleza: Club
Título: Sincera
Los elencos con 4 o más insignias de fortaleza completarán el logro automáticamente al entrar al juego.
Se agregaron 4 nuevos trofeos de logros de “Afecto”
Luterania Oriental: Thirain
Arthetine: Sasha
Berna del Norte: Ealyn
Islote Susurrante: Nineve
Al usar un pase de poder, la pantalla de selección de personaje aparecerá inmediatamente.
Se agregó un almacén de objetos de combate para todo el elenco.
Se transfirieron todos los objetos de combate al almacén de objetos de combate, a excepción de los siguientes. Los siguientes elementos se obtendrán y se mantendrán almacenados en el inventario.
Objetos de combate con fines de guía
Objetos de combate exclusivos de ciertas regiones (p. ej. Incursiones, isla Primigenia, misiones)
Se moderó la velocidad de los objetos de combate ofensivo y las bengalas de todas las clases para que sean iguales.
Se agregaron 8 nuevos patrones de teñido:
Diseño de Lattice, diseño microcanalado, diseño de triángulo rallado, diseño de clavo
Estrella / Checker / Cuadrilóbulo / Formas variadas
Se cambió el tiempo restante de las siguientes mejoras relacionadas con las habilidades vitales para deducir el tiempo real:
Excavar: sentidos arqueológicos
Pescar: captura apasionante
Con el cambio en el método de deducción, el tiempo de las mejoras aumentó de 90s a 120s.
Ahora se permite el modo selfi en la puerta final tras superar una mazmorra abisal, una incursión abisal o una incursión de la horda.
Se agregó la ranura “Apariencia de transformación” a la pestaña “Apariencia y estado” de información del personaje y su inventario de apariencias.
Los jugadores pueden comprobar sus atuendos de transformación por medio de la IU de previsualización en el inventario de apariencias, los cofres, la tienda de Lost Ark y la tienda de intercambios.
La mejora “Intoxicación” adquirida por la misión "Alcohol y poesía" de la caja de música de recuerdos ahora permanece al volver a iniciar sesión.
Se silenció el sonido del personaje mientras se lanza un objeto de combate.
Al comprobar el atuendo de transformación del artificiero en la vista previa de información del personaje, se cambió la vista de la cámara para que los jugadores puedan ver toda la torreta.
Debido a cambios de habilidad para algunas clases en el parche de equilibrio de este mes, se restableció la información de las siguientes clases en la función del listado de usuarios mejor clasificados del Libro de coordinación.
Bailarina guerrera
Espada letal
Se actualizará el listado de usuarios mejor clasificados de estas clases cuando se recopilen suficientes datos después de esta actualización.
Se cambió la misión secundaria en Feiton, “Distinto aspecto, misma fe”, y ahora es una misión de grupo.
El Oro obtenido con rescoldos del destino ahora será subjeto al sistema de retención de oro de 3 días para evitar abuso de bots en las mazmorras del caos.
Nuestros equipos todavía están trabajando para localizar las notas de lanzamiento. Gracias por su paciencia.
Class Balance
Mountain Crash
Changed the "Earthquake Shock" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Sends forth a shockwave that gradually spreads, attacking foes within 8 meters. Crit Rate from the additional attack +20%. Inflicts 80.0/89.6/99.2/109.6/120.0% basic skill Damage. However, Earthquake Shock does not perform Counterattack.
After: Sends forth a shockwave that gradually spreads, attacking foes within 8 meters. Crit Rate from the additional attack +20%. Inflicts 80.0/89.6/99.2/109.6/120.0% basic skill Damage.
Hell Blade
Changed the "Melt" Skill Tree to "Burst Enhancement".
Before: Hell Blade Damage per hit +10.0/12.0/14.0/16.0/18.0% for 3s. Stacks up to 5.
After: Cooldown resets when entering Burst Mode. During Burst Mode, Damage +55.0/63.8/72.6/81.4/90.2%.
Chain Sword
Changed the speed of the Ready Attack motion to be slightly faster.
Red Dust
Changed the skill effect as follows:
Before: Swing the greatsword into the air and create a red energy. On hit, inflict N Damage, Atk. Power +6/8/10/12/14/16/18/20/22/24% for 6s.
After: Swing the greatsword into the air and create a red energy. Atk. Power +6/8/10/12/14/16/18/20/22/24% for 8s, and on hit, inflict N Damage, .
Changed the "Vital Point Hit" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: On red energy hit, Crit Rate +20.0/23.2/26.4/29.8/33.2% for 6s.
After: On red energy hit, Crit Rate +20.0/23.2/26.4/29.8/33.2% for 8s.
Changed the "Burst Enhancement" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Cooldown resets when entering Burst Mode. During Burst Mode, Damage +40.0/47.2/54.8/62.4/70.0%.
After: Cooldown resets when entering Burst Mode. During Burst Mode, Damage +55.0/63.8/72.6/81.4/90.2%.
Bloody Rush
Damage +10.3% when in PvE.
Dark Rush
Damage +10.3% when in PvE.
PvE damage of Gunlance skills +13.2%.
Counter Gunlance
Damage -13.1% when in PvP.
Changed the "Ready Attack" Skill Tree to "Swift Fingers".
Before: On successful counterattack, Atk. Power +15.0/17.0/18.9/20.9/23.0% for 4s.
After: Counterattack speed +15.0/18.0/21.0/24.0/27.0%.
Dash Upper Fire
Changed the "Ready Attack" Skill Tree to "Nimble Movement".
Before: On 1st attack hit, Atk. Power +15.0/17.0/18.9/20.9/23.0% for 4s.
After: Atk. Speed +15.0/18.0/21.0/24.0/27.0%.
Shield Bash
MP Cost -6.4%.
Changed the cooldown as follows:
Before: 9s
After: 8s
Changed the "Weak Point Detection" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Damage +60.0/68.4/76.8/85.8/94.8% to Push-Immune foes.
After: Damage +65.0/73.4/81.9/91.0/100.1% to Push-Immune foes.
AoE Radius +70%.
Added Weak Point Lv. 1 effect.
Changed the "Ready Attack" Skill Tree to "Battle Preparation".
Before: On hit, Atk. Power +25.0/27.0/29.0/31.3/33.5% for 6s.
After: On skill use, Normal Skill Damage +25.0/27.0/29.0/31.3/33.5% for 6s.
Changed the "Bell Strike" Skill Tree to "Tenacity".
Before: AoE Radius +70%.
After: No longer stuns foes but grants Push Immunity.
Leap Attack
Damage +3.7% when in PvE.
Guardian's Thundercrack
Changed the "Tough Strike" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
After: Outgoing Damage +35.0/42.0/49.0/57.0/65.0%.
Hook Chain
Changed the "Ready Attack" Skill Tree to "Law of the Jungle".
Before: On hit, Atk. Power +25.0/27.0/29.0/31.3/33.5% for 5s.
After: Damage to Lesser and Normal monsters +100.0/111.0/122.0/133.0/145.0%.
Shield Charge
Damage +3.7% when in PvE.
Shield Shock
Added Weak Point Lv. 1 effect.
Shout of Hatred
MP Cost -12.0%.
Changed the cooldown as follows:
Before: 30 seconds.
After: 24s
Changed the "Quick Prep" Skill Tree to "Magick Control".
Before: Cooldown -3.0/3.7/4.4/5.2/6.0s.
After: MP Cost -50.0/53.0/57.0/62.0/67.0%.
Battlefield Shield
Before: When Battlefield Shield expires, Shield Meter is refunded up to 25% based on the amount of Damage blocked on behalf of allies.
After: When Battlefield Shield expires, Shield Meter is refunded minimum of 10%, up to 40% based on the amount of Damage blocked on behalf of allies.
Damage +21.8% when in PvE.
Changed the amount of Shield Meter refunded and changed the skill description of skills that refund Shield Meter accordingly.
Lone Knight
Before: Gunlance skill Crit Rate +5/10/15%. Crit Damage +30/40/50%. Battlefield Shield cannot be used. Shield Meter consumption during Defensive Stance +100%.
After: Gunlance skill Damage and Crit Rate +5/10/15%. Crit Damage +30/40/50%. Battlefield Shield cannot be used. Shield Meter consumption during Defensive Stance +100%.
Changed the Gravity Release Damage amplification coefficient per Gravity Core from Specialization Stat as follows:
Before: 0.575
After: 0.515
Changed the Damage increase coefficient when using Hypergravity Core from the Specialization Stat as follows:
Before: 0.54
After: 0.5
Gravity Release Skill Damage +4.6% when in PvE
Run (Movement Skill)
Slightly increased move distance.
Changed the speed of the motion to be slightly faster.
Heavy Crush
Changed the "Law of the Jungle" Skill Tree to "Armor Destruction".
Before: Damage to Lesser and Normal monsters +100.0/111.0/122.0/133.0/145.0%.
After: On hit, foe Defense 12.0% for 6s.
Power Strike
Changed the speed of the prep motion to be slightly faster.
Jumping Smash
Changed the "Armor Destruction" Skill Tree to "Law of the Jungle".
Before: On hit, foe Defense 12.0% for 14s.
After: Damage to Lesser and Normal monsters +100.0/111.0/122.0/133.0/145.0%.
Endure Pain
MP Cost -15.2%.
Changed the cooldown when in PvE as follows:
Before: 40s
After: 30s
Changed the cooldown when in PvP as follows:
Before: 50s
After: 36s
Changed the effect duration as follows:
Before: 5s
After: 4s
Changed the "Anti-Gravity" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Creates a Gravitational Energy shield with 30.0/32.0/35.0/38.0/41.0% of Max HP for 5.0/5.2/5.4/5.7/6.0s.
After: Creates a Gravitational Energy shield with 30.0/32.0/35.0/38.0/41.0% of Max HP for 4.0/4.2/4.4/4.7/5.0s.
Changed the "Healthy Mentality" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Duration of Endure Pain on self +3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0s.
After: Duration of Endure Pain on self +2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5/4.0s.
Gravity Force
Changed the "Single Attack" Skill Tree to "Enhanced Strike".
Before: Single-target Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
After: Outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
Earth Eater
Slightly increased charging speed.
Slightly increased the turning speed during charging.
Perfect Swing
Slightly increased charging speed.
Damage of basic attacks and Gravity Shock in Hypergravity Mode +3.5% when in PvE.
Reduced the number of attacks required for the max acceleration of basic attacks in Hypergravity Mode.
Moved up when you can switch to "Vortex Gravity" after performing basic attacks in Hypergravity Mode.
Vortex Gravity
Increased the casting speed of the first attack.
Damage +2.5% when in PvE.
Added the "Counterattack" effect on the first downward attack.
Rage Hammer
Before: When using a Gravity Release Skill, Crit Rate +3/4/5% and Crit Damage +5/10/15% based on the amount of Cores used.
After: When using a Gravity Release Skill, Crit Rate +3/4/5% and Crit Damage +6/12/18% based on the amount of Cores used.
Awakening Skill
Alithanes's Judgment
Holy Meter gain upon skill hit -90%.
Changed to recover 80% of Holy Meter when using skill and changed skill description accordingly.
Before: Jump up and unleash a holy light that shines toward your target location. Move to attack while ignoring collisions with adventurers and Guardians. Inflict N Damage on surrounding foes upon landing and create a barrier for 80% of your Max HP for all party members for 10s within a 24-meter radius of all party members.
After: Jump up and unleash a holy light that shines toward your target location and recovers 80% of Holy Meter. Move to attack while ignoring collisions with adventurers and Guardians. Inflict N Damage on surrounding foes upon landing and create a barrier for 80% of your Max HP for all party members for 10s within a 24-meter radius of all party members.
Burst Mode damage increase coefficient based on Specialization Stat changed as below.
Before: 0.1
After: 0.11
Wild Stomp
Changed the "Earthquake Shock" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Sends forth a shockwave that gradually spreads, attacking foes within 8 meters. Crit Rate from the additional attack +20%. Inflicts 80.0/89.6/99.2/109.6/120.0% basic skill Damage. However, Earthquake Shock does not perform Counterattack.
After: Sends forth a shockwave that gradually spreads, attacking foes within 8 meters. Crit Rate from the additional attack +20%. Inflicts 80.0/89.6/99.2/109.6/120.0% basic skill Damage.
Flash Blade
Changed the "Critical Wound" Skill Tree to "Enhanced Strike".
Before: When attacking a single foe, Damage inflicted +30.0/37.5/45.0/52.5/60.0%.
After: On hit, outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
Changed the "Precise Strike" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Changes to Holding Mode. Hit the Perfect Zone, outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%. If only 1 target is hit, additional outgoing Damage +30.0%.
After: Changes to Holding Mode. Hit the Perfect Zone, outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%. If target is Push-Immune, additional outgoing Damage +30.0%.
Bloodlust Skill damage increased by 2.4% during PvE.
Leaping Dragon
Deleted "Seismic Strike" skill and added new skill "Leaping Dragon".
Changed "Seismic Strike" gem to "Leaping Dragon".
Esoteric Skill: Azure Dragon Supreme Fist
Deleted "Esoteric Skill: Lightning Strike" skill and added new skill "Esoteric Skill: Azure Dragon Supreme Fist".
Changed "Esoteric Skill: Lightning Strike" gem to "Esoteric Skill: Azure Dragon Supreme Fist".
Sky Shattering Blow
Changed the "Ascension Kick" Skill Tree to "Weakness Exposure".
Before: 2nd strike sends foes into the air. Distance and duration are increased.
After: On hit, foe Crit Resistance to attacks by all Party Members -10.0% for 6s.
Changed the "Ready Attack" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: On 2nd strike hit, Atk. Power +15.0/18.2/21.3/24.5/27.6% for 3s.
After: On 2nd strike hit, Atk. Power +20.0/23.2/26.4/29.6/32.8% for 3s.
Lightning Kick
Changed the skill effect as follows:
Before: Deliver a flurry of kicks that inflict N [Lightning] Damage three times, and strike down at foes causing N Damage. Downed foes are lifted off the ground, and airborne foes are slammed onto the ground for N Damage.
After: Deliver a flurry of kicks that inflict N [Lightning] Damage three times, and strike down at foes causing N Damage. Downed foes are lifted off the ground, and airborne foes are slammed onto the ground for N Damage. You can change directions while using the skill.
Increased move distance by 2 meters while using the skill.
Damage +3.1% when in PvE.
Damage -15.0% when in PvP.
Added Weak Point Lv. 1 effect to the final downward strike.
Changed the "Sharp Movement" Skill Tree to "Weakness Exposure".
Before: Allows you to change direction while using the skill. Move Distance +2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5/4.0 meter(s).
After: On hit, foe Crit Resistance to attacks by all Party Members -10.0% for 8s.
Changed the "Flash Lightning" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Changes to a powerful slam-down attack within 8 meters of the target location. On hit, Damage +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%.
After: Changes to a powerful slam-down attack within 10 meters of the target location. On hit, Damage +45.0/52.0/59.0/67.0/75.0%.
Flash Heat Fang
Adjusted the damage, Esoteric Meter gained, and Stagger Damage of each hit.
Increased AoE Radius.
Damage -5.7% when in PvE.
Changed the "Sacred Attack" Skill Tree to "Magick Control".
Before: Element is now [Holy]. On hit, Atk. Speed +5.0/5.6/6.2/6.8/7.5% for 4s. Stacks up to 4 times.
After: MP Cost -50.0/53.0/57.0/62.0/67.0%.
Changed the "Fist of Darkness" Skill Tree to "Concussion".
Before: Element is now [Dark]. Crit Rate +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%. On hit, inflicts Darkness on foes for 3s.
After: Increases the skill's Stagger Level to [High].
Changed the "Wide Hit" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: AoE Radius +30%.
After: AoE Radius +20%.
Changed the "Master Hit" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Changes to Holding Mode. Unleash infinite punches for up to 2.5s with a finishing blow upon releasing the skill key. Damage boosted up to +80.0/89.0/98.0/108.8/119.6%.
After: Cooldown +7s. Number of strikes increases to 9 hits, inflicting +50.0% Damage. For every swing of the fist, outgoing Damage +10.0/12.0/14.0/16.0/18.0% up to max +90.0/108.0/126.0/144.0/162.0%. Can move slowly while performing chain hits.
Changed the "Quick Hit" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Attack 4 times with powerful punches while standing in place with a finishing strike that inflicts +20.0/26.0/32.0/39.2/46.4% Damage to foes.
After: Attacks while quickly advancing 4 meters, inflicting +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0% Damage and launch foes into the air.
Changed the "Adrenaline Rush" Skill Tree to "Final Strike".
Before: Crit Rate +30%. Outgoing Damage +50.0/57.0/64.0/72.0/80.0%. Changes the final move to an uppercut and additional outgoing Damage +50% before Tripping foes.
After: The final attack changes into a Powerful Blow. Damage +160.0/180.0/200.0/220.0/240.0%.
Changed the "Enlightenment" Skill Tree to "Taijutsu's Ultimate Skill".
Before: During skill use, grants Push Immunity. On hit, ignore foe Defense by 40.0/47.2/54.4/62.0/70.0%.
After: You can no longer gain Esoteric Meter, but outgoing Damage +70.0/80.0/90.0/100.0/110.0%.
Moon Flash Kick
Damage -18.2% when in PvE.
Changed the "White Flame Kick" Skill Tree name to "Esoteric Extortion".
Changed the "Single Hit" Skill Tree to "Weak Point Detection".
Before: When attacking a single foe, Damage inflicted +50.0/57.0/64.0/72.0/80.0%.
After: Damage to Push-Immune foes +50.0/57.5/65.0/72.5/80.0%.
Skill's Stagger has changed as below.
Before: mid
After: mid-high
Sweeping Hidden Dragon
Changed the "Ready Attack" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: On combo attack hit, Atk. Power +25.0/28.3/31.8/35.3/38.8% for 3s.
After: On combo attack hit, Atk. Power +20.0/23.2/26.4/29.6/32.8% for 3s.
Wind's Whisper
Changed the "Ready Attack" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Atk. Power +35.0/38.5/42.0/45.8/49.7%.
After: Atk. Power +30.0/33.6/37.2/40.8/44.4%.
Roar of Courage
Changed the cooldown when in PvP as follows:
Before: 25s
After: 30s
Esoteric Meter gain +12.0%.
Changed the skill effect as follows:
Before: Let out a battle cry, inflicting N Damage and pushing surrounding foes away. On hit, foe Crit Resistance -3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0/5.5/6.0/6.5/7.0/8.0% for 6s.
After: Let out a battle cry, inflicting N Damage and pushing surrounding foes away. On skill use, Crit Rate +2.0/4.0/6.0/8.0/10.0/12.0/14.0/16.0/18.0/20.0% for 6s.
Changed the "Esoteric Extortion" Skill Tree to "Weakness Exposure".
Before: On hit, Esoteric Meter +25.0/28.0/31.0/34.0/38.0%.
After: On hit, foe Crit Resistance to attacks by all Party Members -10.0% for 16s.
Changed the "Supreme Ruler Afterimage" Skill Tree to "Law of the Jungle".
Before: Roar of Courage duration +2s.
After: Damage to Lesser and Normal monsters +60.0/69.0/78.0/87.0/96.0%.
Changed the "Fatal Wave" Skill Tree to "Supreme Ruler Afterimage".
Before: On hit, foe Crit Resistance -10%.
After: Roar of Courage duration +3s.
Changed the "Shock Enhancement" Skill Tree to "Abundant Resources".
Before: Changes to Charging Mode. Outgoing Damage +250.0/269.0/288.0/307.0/327.0% at full charge and Tripping foes.
After: On hit, Esoteric Meter +100.0/112.0/124.0/137.0/150.0%.
Sweeping Kick
Adjusted the damage, Esoteric Meter gained, and Stagger Damage of each hit.
Damage -27.5% when in PvE.
Damage -20.0% when in PvP.
Increased AoE Radius.
Changed the stagger of the skill as follows:
Before: Low
After: Mid
Changed the "Light of Justice" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Element is now [Holy]. Sweeping Kick AoE Radius +20%. Atk. Speed +20.0/24.0/28.0/32.0/36.0%.
After: Element is now [Holy]. Outgoing Damage +40.0/47.0/54.0/62.0/70.0%. Attack Range +20%.
Changed the "Shadowcleave" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Element is now [Dark]. Crit Rate +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%. The last kick attack inflicts Darkness on foes for 5s.
After: Element is now [Dark]. For every attack, outgoing Damage +20.0/23.0/26.0/29.0/32.0% up to max +80.0/92.0/104.0/116.0/128.0%. The last kick attack inflicts Darkness on foes for 5s.
Changed the "Intense Shock" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Element is now [Lightning]. The last hit inflicts N Electric Attack Damage every 1s for 4s.
After: Element is now [Lightning]. Crit Damage +100.0/120.0/140.0/160.0/180.0%. The last hit inflicts N Electric Attack Damage every 1s for 4s.
"Intense Shock" Skill Tree effect's Electric Attack Damage -60.0%.
Changed the "Pure Excellence" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Lower your stance and gather energy at the bottom of your feet before jumping forward and performing 1 extreme kick, inflicting +150.0/162.5/175.0/190.0/205.0% Damage and knocking down foes. While gathering energy, Damage received is +30.0%.
After: Lower your stance and gather energy at the bottom of your feet before jumping forward and performing 1 extreme kick, inflicting +150.0/162.5/175.0/190.0/205.0% Damage and knocking down foes.
Changed the "Exaggerated Ability" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Simplifies kicks and allows you to perform a slamming kick upon using the skill again, inflicting Damage equal to 80.0/84.0/88.0/92.8/97.6% of Base Damage.
After: Allows you to perform a powerful upward kick upon using the skill again, inflicting Damage equal to 121.5/133.2/145.8/158.4/171.0% of Base Damage.
Energy Combustion
FDamage -29.0% when in PvP.
Last Whisper Skiill Tree's Squall effect can now be ended at any time within its duration.
Changed the "Last Whisper" Skill Tree so that the Explosion Damage does not push targets when in PvP.
'Last Whisper' Skill Tree effect, which is explosion damage triggered upon end of Squall effect, now gives stagger damage in proportion to damage.
Esoteric Skill: Spiral Impact
Damage +47.0% when in PvE.
Changed the Weak Point effect as follows:
Before: Lv. 2
After: Lv. 1
Changed the "Absorption Hit" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Grants Paralysis Immunity during Ready Attack. Creates a pattern that flaunts the power of Yin and Yang to pull in surrounding foes.
After: Grants Paralysis Immunity during skill. Creates a pattern that flaunts the power of Yin and Yang to pull in surrounding foes.
Changed the "Weak Point Detection" Skill Tree to "Concussion".
Before: Damage to Push-Immune foes +30.0/37.5/45.0/52.5/60.0%.
After: Increases the skill's Stagger Level to [Mid - High].
Changed the "Lucky Bubble" Skill Tree to "Meditation Blow".
Before: 30.0/35.0/40.0/45.0/50.0% chance to obtain 1 Esoteric Bubble.
After: No longer knocks back foes. Stuns for 3s.
Changed the "Ready Attack" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: On hit, Atk. Power +30.0/33.6/37.2/40.8/44.4% for 4s.
After: On hit, Atk. Power +20.0/23.2/26.4/29.6/32.8% for 4s.
Changed the "Meditation Blow" Skill Tree to "Weak Point Detection".
Before: No longer knocks back foes. Stuns for 5s.
After: Damage to Push-Immune foes +80.0/89.6/99.2/109.6/120.0%.
Esoteric Skill: Rising Fire Dragon
Damage +25.9% when in PvE.
Damage +16.0% when in PvP.
Changed the "Lucky Bubble" Skill Tree to "Defenseless Target".
Before: 30.0/35.0/40.0/45.0/50.0% chance to obtain 1 Esoteric Bubble.
After: Damage to airborne foes +10.0/16.2/22.4/28.7/35.0%.
Changed the "Tenacity" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Grants Push Immunity until landing after ascending into the air.
After: On skill use, grants Push Immunity.
Changed the "Black Dragon Ascension" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Element is now [Dark]. The shape of the black dragon ascends. On hit, Crit Damage +100.0/115.0/130.0/145.0/160.0%.
After: Element is now [Dark]. The shape of the black dragon ascends. On hit, Crit Damage +110.0/125.0/140.0/155.0/170.0%.
Changed the "Eye of the Tempest" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Changes to Holding Mode. Hold for up to 1.5s to inflict 800% of Absorption Hit Damage. Ascend and attack foes upon releasing the skill key or maxing out the Holding Meter, inflicting +50.0/57.5/65.0/72.5/80.0% Damage to Push-Immune foes.
After: Gather energy and explode it in an instant. The explosion creates an image akin to a massive dragon. Damage to foes + 50.0/57.5/65.0/72.5/80.0%.
Changed the "Final Blow" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Atk. Speed +20%. Final strike Damage +40.0/52.0/64.0/77.0/90.0%.
After: Atk. Speed +20%. Final strike Damage +125.0/142.0/159.0/177.0/195.0%.
Esoteric Skill: Call of the Wind God
Damage -47.2% when in PvE.
Changed the motion at the end of the skill to be more natural, allowing for the next action to be performed faster.
Esoteric Skill: Blast Formation
Damage -28.2% when in PvE.
Changed the "Weak Point Detection" Skill Tree to "Frost Explosion".
Before: Damage to Push-Immune foes +30.0/37.5/45.0/52.5/60.0%.
After: Element is now [Water]. On hit, Freezes foes for 3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0s.
Changed the "Final Explosion" Skill Tree to "Flame Explosion".
Before: On third explosion hit, outgoing Damage +25.0/36.0/47.0/58.0/70.0%.
After: Element is now [Fire]. On hit, Burns foe, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 5s. Stacks up to 6 times.
Changed the "Lucky Bubble" Skill Tree to "Endless Destruction".
Before: 75.0/78.0/82.0/86.0/90.0% chance to obtain 1 Esoteric Bubble.
After: Expands the explosion in three frontal directions. Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
Changed the "Frost Explosion" Skill Tree to "Great Explosion".
Before: Element is now [Water]. On hit, Freezes foes for 4.0/4.3/4.7/5.1/5.5s.
After: After the third explosion, another great explosion will occur to inflict damage equal to 55.0/63.8/72.6/81.4/90.2% of Base Damage.
Changed the "Flame Explosion" Skill Tree to "Focus Explosion".
Before: Element is now [Fire]. On hit, Burns foe, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 5s. Stacks up to 6 times.
After: Immediately jump high to land the final hit, causing 5 explosions. Outgoing Damage +50.0/57.0/64.0/72.0/80.0%.
Changed the "Endless Destruction" Skill Tree to "Weak Point Detection".
Before: Expands the explosion in three frontal directions. Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
After: Damage to Push-Immune foes +60.0/69.0/78.0/87.0/96.0%.
Changed the "Great Explosion" Skill Tree to "Final Explosion".
Before: After the third explosion, another great explosion will occur to inflict damage equal to 80.0/89.6/99.2/109.6/120.0% of Base Damage.
After: The last explosion inflicts +60.0/68.0/77.0/86.0/95.0% Damage. Cost of Esoteric Bubble reduced to 1.
Skill's Stagger has changed as below.
Before: mid
After: mid-high
Awakening Skills
Ultimate Skill: Flash Rage Blow
Increased AoE Radius of chain hits.
Changed the Shock Skill Damage coefficient from the Specialization Stat as follows:
Before: 0.4
After: 0.36
Added Tenacious Power gain coefficient based on Specialization Stat.
Tenacious Power gain coefficient : 0.36
PvE damage for all skills, except for Awakening Skills and normal skills, decreased by 3.2%.
Tenacious Power gain for all skills, except for Awakening Skill, decreased by 50.0%.
Can now equip 'Wealth' Rune.
Amount of Tenacious Power gained upon successful skill hit is now affected by Specialty gain increase buff effect.
Explosive Fist
Deleted "Earthquake Chain" skill and added new skill "Explosive Fist".
Changed "Earthquake Chain" gem to "Explosive Fist".
Fist of the Wind God
Deleted "Chain of Resonance" skill and added new skill "Fist of the Wind God".
Changed "Chain of Resonance" gem to "Fist of the Wind God".
Crushing Smite
Changed the "Blood Thirst" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: On hit, 50% chance to Bleed foes, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 3s.
After: On hit, Bleed foes, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 3s.
Changed the "Apex of Transcendence" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Last strike's Crit Rate +100%. Crit Damage +0/18.0/37.0/56.0/75.0%.
After: Crit Rate +100%.
Fierce Tiger Strike
Changed the "Raging Bombardment" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Changes to Combo Mode. Use as a combo after an upward attack to perform an additional push attack, inflicting additional Damage equal to 50.0/57.5/65.0/72.5/80.0% of Base Damage. If the push attack hits a single target, Damage +40.0%.
After: Changes to Combo Mode. Use as a combo after an upward attack to perform an additional push attack, inflicting additional Damage equal to 80.0/90.0/100.0/110.0/120.0% of Base Damage.
Dragon Advent
Damage +12.5% when in PvE.
Moved the skill's hit detection closer to the punching fist.
Changed the "Great Destruction" Skill Tree to "Weak Point Detection".
Before: Single-target Damage +60.0/68.0/77.0/86.0/95.0%.
After: Damage +60.0/68.4/76.8/85.8/94.8% to Push-Immune foes.
Roundup Sweep
Damage -9.6% when in PvE.
Changed the skill type as follows:
Before: Shock
After: Stamina
Changed the skill stamina cost and Shock gain as follows:
Stamina Cost: 20
Shock Gain: 30
Changed so that the Roundup Sweep skill can be used sooner when its Cooldown is reset.
Changed the "Blood Thirst" Skill Tree to "Efficient Strike".
Before: 50% chance of inflicting Bleed on foes hit by the first attack, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 3s.
After: Cooldown -3s. Shock gain +10/11/12/13/15.
Changed the "Single Hit" Skill Tree to "Weak Point Detection".
Before: Single-target Damage +25.0/31.0/37.0/43.0/50.0%.
After: Damage +25.0/31.3/37.5/43.8/50.0% to Push-Immune foes.
Battering Fists
Damage -5.2% when in PvE.
Changed the "Righteous Pillage" Skill Tree to "Enhanced Tenacity Release".
Before: Your gauntlets glow red during the jabs. On hit, 50% chance of Bleed on foes, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 5s. Stacks up to 3 time(s).
After: Outgoing Damage +25.0/31.0/37.0/43.0/50.0%. Inflicts +20% additional Damage when in Tenacity Release state.
Changed the "Single Hit" Skill Tree to "Enhanced Strike".
Before: Jab Damage to a single target +60.0/77.0/94.0/111.0/128.0%.
After: Jab Damage to foes +60.0/77.0/94.0/111.0/128.0%.
Continuous Push
Changed the "Express Fury" Skill Tree to "Law of the Jungle".
Before: Inflicts +50.0/57.5/65.0/72.5/80.0% Damage to foes when your HP is 50% or lower.
After: Damage to Challenge or lower foes +80.0/89.6/99.2/109.6/120.0%.
Iron Cannon Blow
Damage +14.3% when in PvE.
Slightly increased the hit detection range of the skill's last hit.
Changed the "Quick Prep" Skill Tree to "Enhanced Tenacity Release".
Before: Cooldown -5.0/5.5/6.0/6.5/7.0s.
After: Outgoing Damage +40.0/47.0/54.0/62.0/70.0%. Inflicts +20% additional Damage when in Tenacity Release state.
Damage +51.2% when in PvE.
Slightly increased skill casting speed.
Slightly increased skill hit detection range.
Changed the skill cooldown as follows:
Before: 6s
After: 10s
Changed Shock consumption to 20.
Changed the "Damage Amplification" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: On hit, Damage to foes from all Party Members +6% for 8s.
After: On hit, Damage to foes from all Party Members +6% for 12s.
AOE of downward attack increased slightly.
While leaping into the air and striking down, the character will move slightly forward.
Death Rattle
Hit detection distance +2.4 meters.
Changed the "Finishing Blow" Skill Tree to "Powerful Blow".
Before: Increases Damage dealt to enemies whose HP is lower than 50.0% by 40.0/47.2/54.8/62.4/70.0%.
After: Outgoing Damage +25.0/31.0/37.0/43.0/50.0%.
Changed the "Single Hit" Skill Tree to "Weak Point Detection".
Before: Single-target Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
After: Damage to Push-Immune foes +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
Outline effect is added to be displayed at the skill slot when Shock Energy is gathered above 75%.
Crit Blow
Damage -29.2% when in PvE.
Base charge time -0.5s.
Slightly increased the hit detection range of the first hit.
Changed the "Superthermal Wave" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Stamina gain +15. Inflicts +80.0/89.6/99.2/109.6/120.0% Damage to foes with 40.0% or less HP.
After: Stamina gain +25. Outgoing Damage +40.0/47.0/54.0/62.0/70%.
Chain Destruction Fist
Changed the stagger of the skill as follows:
Before: High
After: Max
Changed the "Skillfulness" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: During skill use, incoming Damage -20%. Number of downward attacks +1. Outgoing Damage +25.0/31.3/37.5/45.0/52.5%.
After: Number of downward attacks +1. For every 1 foe hit, Cooldown is reduced by 0.4/0.4/0.5/0.6/0.6s up to 2.0/2.2/2.4/2.7/3.0s.
Changed the "Dynamic Absorption" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Shock energy spreads each time you slam theearth except for the final strike. The shock energy then returns to you, dragging foes with it.
After: Shock energy spreads each time you slam the earth except for the final strike. The shock energy then returns to you, dragging foes with it. Damage to Challenge or lower foes +80/89.6/99.2/109.6/120%.
Potent Rising Fist
Changed the skill effect as follows:
Before: Deliver a rising attack in front of you to launch foes into the air with N and N Damage. Use the skill again while in the air to land at the target location with a smash, inflicting N Damage. The smash inflicts +50% Damage against pushed foes.
After: Deliver a rising attack in front of you to launch foes into the air with N and N Damage. Use the skill again while in the air to land at the target location with a smash, inflicting N Damage. The smash inflicts +15% Damage against pushed foes.
Damage +7.8% when in PvE.
Increased the Damage percentage of the downward attack.
Decreased the hit detection range of the downward attack.
The midair flip has been removed, and the motion of the downward attack has been changed so that it strikes faster than before.
Changed the "Refine Skill" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Leap twice as you attack, the first time at a shorter height than the second, inflicting +15.0/20.8/26.5/33.4/40.3% Damage.
After: Changes to Normal Mode. Removed uppercut. Immediately leap into the air, flip, and slam down. Increases the distance traveled when slamming down by 3 meters.
Changed the "Lightning Fist" Skill Tree to "Focus Tenacity".
Before: Element is now [Lightning]. The uppercut creates a 50% chance of causing Electric Shock on hit, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 5s.
After: If slamming down attack hits, +2.0/2.2/2.4/2.7/3 Tenacity.
Changed the "Fist of Destruction" Skill Tree to "Dragon's Protection".
Before: Concentrate all your energy onto your fist and quickly pull foes before the uppercut, inflicting N Damage.
After: Upon hitting an enemy, incoming Damage -6.0/6.3/6.6/6.9/7.3% for 6s. Stacks for every hit, up to 10 stacks.
Changed the "Objective Hit" Skill Tree to "Law of the Jungle".
Before: The uppercut deals 80.0/97.6/116.0/134.4/152.8% increased damage to enemies that are immune to displacement effects.
After: Damage to Challenge or lower foes +100.0/111.0/122.0/133.0/145.0%.
Changed the "Furious Strike" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Upward punch Crit Damage +150.0/187.5/225.0/262.5/300.0% when your HP drops to 50% or below.
After: Implants Shock energy at the point of impact, causing an explosion after 1s, inflicting additional Damage equal to 30.0/37.5/45.0/52.5/60.0% of Base Damage.
Changed the "Air Raid" Skill Tree to "Dragon King Bombardment".
Before: The uppercut, if hitting Pushed foes, ignores Defense by 60.0/67.2/74.4/82.2/90.0%.
After: When performing the downward strike, attack with a dragon. Damage to Push-Immune foes +50.0/57.5/65.0/72.5/80.0%.
Changed the "Dragon's Fury" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Additional strike of the downward attack inflicts +80.0/95.0/110.0/125.0/140.0% Damage. AoE Radius +30%.
After: AoE Radius +30%. Downward attack inflicts +80.0/95.0/110.0/125.0/140.0% Damage. Increases Explosion Damage when gaining Furious Strike.
Shredding Strike
Damage +13.3% when in PvE.
Changed the "Violent Fist" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Element is now [Fire]. On punch attack hit, causes explosion. Burns foes, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 5s.
After: Element is now [Lightning]. On punch attack hit, inflicts N Electric Damage for 5s.
Changed the "Reasonable Action" Skill Tree to "Swift Fingers".
Before: Gliding distance -3 meters No longer doesDamage while gliding. Lost Damage made up during other skill phases. AoE Radius +30%.
After: Speed of prep position +15.0/20.0/25.0/30.0/35.0%.
Changed the "Unconventional" Skill Tree to "Concussion".
Before: Changes to Charge Mode, making the skill chargeable up to 2 times. Outgoing Damage +10.0/12.0/14.0/17.0/20.0%. Damage +10.0/12.0/14.0/17.0/20.0% and advancing punch distance +1 meter per Charge Level.
After: Increases the skill's Stagger Level to [High].
Changed the "Overflowing Force" Skill Tree to "Tenacity".
Before: Bonus Damage inflicted +20.0/30.0/40.0/50.0/60.0%, 40.0/50.0/60.0/70.0/80.0%, 60.0/70.0/80.0/90.0/100.0%, and 80.0/90.0/100.0/110.0/120.0% depending on your current Shock Meter.
After: On skill use, grants Push Immunity.
Changed the "Shock Control" Skill Tree to "Unconventional".
Before: Fixedly outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
After: While advancing, attacks with sideways punches. If the first attack is successful, uses the recoil to land 2 additional hits, and although foes don't fly away, total outgoing Damage +50.0/57.0/64.0/72.0/80.0%.
Changed the "Sturdy Armor" Skill Tree to "Lightning Fast Blows".
Before: During skill use, incoming Damage -50.0/53.0/56.0/59.0/62.5%.
After: Rushes forward at a very high speed to strike and return to position. Outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
Changed the "Ambush Attack" Skill Tree to "Overflowing Force".
Before: Atk. Speed +30%. Stamina gain +30/33/37/41/45.
After: Bonus Damage inflicted +20.0/32.0/44.0/56.0/68.0%, 40.0/52.0/64.0/76.0/88.0%, 60.0/72.0/84.0/96.0/108.0%, and 120.0/132.0/144.0/156.0/168.0% depending on your current Shock energy.
Changed the "Will Enhancement" Skill Tree to "Enhanced Tenacity Release".
Before: On skill use, grants Push Immunity.
After: Outgoing Damage +25.0/31.0/37.0/43.0/50.0%. Inflicts +20% additional Damage when in Tenacity Release state.
Outline effect is added to be displayed at the skill slot when Shock Energy is gathered above 75%.
Changed the stagger of the skill as follows:
Before: Mid - High
After: High
AoE Radius of the last strike +2.2 meters.
Slightly reduced the duration foes are sent flying when hit by the last strike.
Changed the "Righteous Pillage" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Shock consumption -30. Cooldown +12.0/10.8/9.6/8.3/7.0s.
After: Shock consumption -10/12/14/17/20.
Charging Blow
AOE of downward attack increased slightly.
'Stone Fist' Skill Tree effect changed as below.
Before: Downward attack's AoE range + 70.0% and pulls foes to you.
After: Downward attack's AoE range + 30.0% and pulls foes to you.
Awakening Skills
Unshakable Dragon King
Added an effect that restores all the Tenacious Power upon landing the skill.
In PvP, the effect is reduced to 25%.
Mysterious Art: Blast of Ruination
Damage +9.1% when in PvE.
Removed the condition of decreasing damage proportional to the distance from the target.
Added new Specialty Skill "Tenacity Release".
Can use skills for a duration regardless of Stamina and Shock energy remaining.
Stagger Damage to foes +20%.
Movement Skill Cooldown is halved.
Upon landing a hit, can gain Tenacious Power.
Press Z when Tenacious Power is full to use "Tenacity Release".
Upon using Tenacity Release, hit foes with a shockwave. Oh hit, Damage to the target from all party members +6% for 10s.
Upon using Tenacity Release, reset Movement Skill Cooldown.
Shock Training
Changed the "Shock Training" effect as follows:
Before: Shock skill Damage +10/15/20%. 2/3/4% of max Shock Energy recovered every 1s.
After: Shock skill Damage +10/15/20%. On using Shock Skill, refunds 5/10/20% of Shock Meter. Atk. Speed +20% but duration -5s during Tenacity Release.
Ultimate Skill: Taijutsu
Before: Natural recovery speed of Stamina Energy +300/450/600%. Stamina skill Damage +40/55/70%. Shock skill Damage -30%.
After: Natural recovery speed of Stamina Energy + 300/450/600%. Stamina Skill Damage + 25/35/45%. Shock skill Damage - 30%. Gain Tenacious Power by 3/4/5 upon using Stamina Skill. Gain Paralysis Immunity in Tenacity Release state.
Double Strike
Changed the "Flurry Expertise" Skill Tree to "Enhanced Strike".
Before: Single-target Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%, +5.0/11.0/17.0/23.0/30.0% when attacking 2 foes, +10.0/16.0/22.0/28.0/35.0% when attacking 5 foes, and +20.0/26.0/32.0/38.0/45.0% when attacking 10 foes.
After: Outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
Stampeding Slash
Changed the "Flurry Expertise" Skill Tree to "Weak Point Detection".
Before: Single-target Damage +20.0/26.0/32.0/38.0/45.0%, +3.0/8.0/13.0/19.0/25.0% when attacking 2 foes, +7.0/12.0/18.0/24.0/30.0% when attacking 5 foes, and +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0% when attacking 10 foes.
After: Damage to Push-Immune foes +20.0/26.2/32.4/38.6/45.0%.
Soul Cutter
Changed the "Enhanced Concussion" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Increases the skill's Stagger Level to [Mid - High]. When attacking a single foe, Damage inflicted +60.0/68.0/77.0/86.0/95.0%.
After: Increases the skill's Stagger Level to [Mid - High]. Outgoing Damage +60.0/68.0/77.0/86.0/95.0%.
Half Moon Slash
Changed the "Flurry Expertise" Skill Tree to "Weak Point Detection".
Before: Single-target Damage +20.0/26.0/32.0/38.0/45.0%, +3.0/8.0/13.0/19.0/25.0% when attacking 2 foes, +7.0/12.0/18.0/24.0/30.0% when attacking 5 foes, and +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0% when attacking 10 foes.
After: Damage to Push-Immune foes +20.0/26.2/32.4/38.6/45.0%.
Blue Dragon's Claw
Changed the "Flurry Expertise" Skill Tree to "Enhanced Strike".
Before: Single-target Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%, +5.0/11.0/17.0/23.0/30.0% when attacking 2 foes, +10.0/16.0/22.0/28.0/35.0% when attacking 5 foes, and +20.0/26.0/32.0/38.0/45.0% when attacking 10 foes.
After: Outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
Changed the "Flurry Expertise" Skill Tree to "Enhanced Strike".
Before: Single-target Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%, +5.0/11.0/17.0/23.0/30.0% when attacking 2 foes, +10.0/16.0/22.0/28.0/35.0% when attacking 5 foes, and +20.0/26.0/32.0/38.0/45.0% when attacking 10 foes.
After: Outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
Changed the "Weak Point Detection" Skill Tree as follows:
Before: Damage to Push-Immune foes +30.0/37.5/45.0/52.5/60.0%.
After: Damage to Push-Immune foes +40.0/47.2/54.8/62.4/70.8%.
Thrust of Destruction
Changed the "Spear of Destruction" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Crit Rate +60.0%. Crit Damage +5.0/16.0/27.0/38.0/50.0%.
After: Crit Rate +60.0%. Crit Damage +10.0/22.0/34.0/46.0/60%.
Starfall Pounce
Changed the "Powerful Finish" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Run even faster and strike down even harder. Crit Rate on Push-Immune foes +100.0%. Crit Damage +0/11.0/22.0/33.0/44.0%.
After: Run even faster and strike down even harder. Crit Rate on Push-Immune foes +100.0%. Crit Damage +10.0/22.0/34.0/46.0/60%.
Red Dragon's Horn
Changed the "Spear of Destruction" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Spear thrust attack width -50%. Crit Rate +100%. Crit Damage +0/11.0/22.0/33.0/44.0%.
After: Spear thrust attack width -50%. Crit Rate +100%. Crit Damage +10.0/22.0/34.0/46.0/60%.
Changed the "Flurry Stance" effects as follows:
Dual Meter fills every time you successfully hit a foe. If you change stance, 1 bar of the Dual Meter is consumed and the stance's effect is applied. If you have less than 1 bar of the Dual Meter, you cannot obtain the stance's effects even if you change stance. When changing the stance, Atk. Speed +15% and outgoing Damage +20%.
When changing the stance, Atk. Speed +15% and Crit Damage +60%
Dual Meter fills every time you successfully hit a foe. If you change stance, 1 bar of the Dual Meter is consumed and the stance's effect is applied. If you have less than 1 bar of the Dual Meter, you cannot obtain the stance's effects even if you change stance. When changing the stance, Atk. Speed +15% and outgoing Damage +20%.
When changing the stance, Atk. Speed +15% and Crit Damage +50%.
Removed the mana cost increase penalty from all Skill Trees that increase Esoteric Meter gain.
Charging Steps (Movement Skill)
Slightly pushed forward the point at which you can switch to moving after casting the skill.
Sky Shattering Blow
Changed the "Ascension Kick" Skill Tree to "Weakness Exposure".
Before: 2nd strike sends foes into the air. Distance and duration are increased.
After: On hit, foe Crit Resistance to attacks by all Party Members -10.0% for 6s.
Lightning Kick
Changed the skill effect as follows:
Before: Deliver a flurry of kicks that inflict N [Lightning] Damage three times, and strike down at foes causing N Damage. Downed foes are lifted off the ground, and airborne foes are slammed onto the ground for N Damage.
After: Deliver a flurry of kicks that inflict N [Lightning] Damage three times, and strike down at foes causing N Damage. Downed foes are lifted off the ground, and airborne foes are slammed onto the ground for N Damage. You can change directions while using the skill.
Added Weak Point Lv. 1 effect to the final downward strike.
Increased move distance by 2 meters while using the skill.
Changed the "Sharp Movement" Skill Tree to "Magick Control".
Before: Allows you to change direction while using the skill. Move Distance +2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5/4.0 meter(s).
After: MP Cost -50.0/53.0/57.0/62.0/67.0%.
Changed the "Flash Lightning" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Changes to a powerful slam-down attack within 8 meters of the target location. On hit, Damage +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%.
After: Changes to a powerful slam-down attack within 10 meters of the target location. On hit, Damage +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%.
Flash Heat Fang
Adjusted the damage, Esoteric Meter gained, and Stagger Damage of each hit.
Increased AoE Radius.
Changed the "Sacred Attack" Skill Tree to "Magick Control".
Before: Element is now [Holy]. On hit, Atk. Speed +5.0/5.6/6.2/6.8/7.5% for 4s. Stacks up to 4 times.
After: MP Cost -50.0/53.0/57.0/62.0/67.0%.
Changed the "Fist of Darkness" Skill Tree to "Concussion".
Before: Element is now [Dark]. Crit Rate +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%. On hit, inflicts Darkness on foes for 3s.
After: Increases the skill's Stagger Level to [High].
Changed the "Wide Hit" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: AoE Radius +30%.
After: AoE Radius +20%.
Changed the "Master Hit" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Changes to Holding Mode. Unleash infinite punches for up to 2.5s with a finishing blow upon releasing the skill key. Damage boosted up to +80.0/89.0/98.0/108.8/119.6%.
After: Cooldown +7s. Number of strikes increases to 9 hits, inflicting +50.0% Damage. For every swing of the fist, outgoing Damage +10.0/12.0/14.0/16.0/18.0% up to max +90.0/108.0/126.0/144.0/162.0%. Can move slowly while performing chain hits.
Changed the "Quick Hit" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Attack 4 times with powerful punches while standing in place with a finishing strike that inflicts +20.0/26.0/32.0/39.2/46.4% Damage to foes.
After: Attacks while quickly advancing 4 meters, inflicting +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0% Damage and launch foes into the air.
Changed the "Adrenaline Rush" Skill Tree to "Final Strike".
Before: Crit Rate +30%. Outgoing Damage +50.0/57.0/64.0/72.0/80.0%. Changes the final move to an uppercut and additional outgoing Damage +50% before Tripping foes.
After: The final attack changes into a Powerful Blow. Damage +160.0/180.0/200.0/220.0/240.0%.
Changed the "Enlightenment" Skill Tree to "Taijutsu's Ultimate Skill".
Before: During skill use, grants Push Immunity. On hit, ignore foe Defense by 40.0/47.2/54.4/62.0/70.0%.
After: You can no longer gain Esoteric Meter, but outgoing Damage +70.0/80.0/90.0/100.0/110.0%.
Moon Flash Kick
Changed the "Single Hit" Skill Tree to "Weak Point Detection".
Before: When attacking a single foe, Damage inflicted +50.0/57.0/64.0/72.0/80.0%.
After: Damage to Push-Immune foes +50.0/57.5/65.0/72.5/80.0%.
Skill's Stagger has changed as below.
Before: mid
After: mid-high
Vicious Tiger Dance
Changed the stagger of the skill as follows:
Before: Low
After: Mid
Changed the "Concussion" Skill Tree to "Weakness Exposure".
Before: Increases Stagger Level to [Mid].
After: On hit, foe Crit Resistance to attacks by all Party Members -10.0% for 8s.
Storm Dragon Kick
Added Paralysis Immunity when in PvE.
Adjusted Damage and Esoteric Meter gain.
Total Esoteric Meter gain +12.6%.
Improved the ability to better go past monsters when using the skill diagonally relative to them.
Lightning Whisper
Changed effect and changed skill description accordingly.
Before: Roll forward and summon lightning, inflicting N Damage. On hit, foe Crit Resistance -8% for 6s.
After: Roll forward and summon lightning, inflicting N Damage. On skill use, Crit Rate +10% for 12s.
Changed the "Lightning's Blessing" Skill Tree to "Weak Point Enhancement".
Before: Atk. Speed for all Party Members +8% within 24 meters.
After: Weak Point Lv. +1.
Changed the "Esoteric Extortion" Skill Tree to "Weakness Exposure".
Before: MP Cost +25.0%. On hit, Esoteric Meter +38.0%.
After: On hit, foe Crit Resistance to attacks by all Party Members -10.0% for 16s.
Changed the "Quick Prep" Skill Tree to "Lightning's Blessing".
Before: Cooldown -5.0/5.7/6.4/7.2/8.0s.
After: Atk. Speed for all Party Members +8% within 24 meters for 8s.
Changed the "Fatal Lightning" Skill Tree to "Efficient Extortion".
Before: On hit, foe Crit Resistance -10%.
After: Cooldown -8s. On hit, Esoteric Meter +25.0/28.0/31.0/34.0/38.0%.
Sweeping Kick
Adjusted the damage, Esoteric Meter gained, and Stagger Damage of each hit.
Damage -20.0% when in PvP.
Increased AoE Radius.
Changed the force of the skill as follows:
Before: Low
After: Mid
Changed the "Light of Justice" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Element is now [Holy]. Sweeping Kick AoE Radius +20%. Atk. Speed +20.0/24.0/28.0/32.0/36.0%.
After: Element is now [Holy]. Outgoing Damage +40.0/47.0/54.0/62.0/70.0%. Attack Range +20%.
Changed the "Shadowcleave" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Element is now [Dark]. Crit Rate +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%. The last kick attack inflicts Darkness on foes for 5s.
After: Element is now [Dark]. For every attack, outgoing Damage +20.0/23.0/26.0/29.0/32.0% up to max +80.0/92.0/104.0/116.0/128.0%. The last kick attack inflicts Darkness on foes for 5s.
Changed the "Intense Shock" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Element is now [Lightning]. On hit inflicts N Electric Attack Damage every 1s for 4s.
After: Element is now [Lightning]. Crit Damage +100.0/120.0/140.0/160.0/180.0%. The last hit inflicts N Electric Attack Damage every 1s for 4s.
"Intense Shock" Skill Tree effect's Electric Attack Damage -60.0%.
Changed the "Pure Excellence" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Lower your stance and gather energy at the bottom of your feet before jumping forward and performing 1 extreme kick, inflicting +150.0/162.5/175.0/190.0/205.0% Damage and knocking down foes. While gathering energy, Damage received is +30.0%.
After: Lower your stance and gather energy at the bottom of your feet before jumping forward and performing 1 extreme kick, inflicting +150.0/162.5/175.0/190.0/205.0% Damage and knocking down foes.
Changed the "Exaggerated Ability" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Simplifies kicks and allows you to perform a slamming kick upon using the skill again, inflicting Damage equal to 80.0/84.0/88.0/92.8/97.6% of Base Damage.
After: Allows you to perform a powerful upward kick upon using the skill again, inflicting Damage equal to 90.0/94.5/99.0/104.4/109.8% of Base Damage.
Esoteric Skill: Spiral Impact
Changed the Weak Point effect as follows:
Before: Lv. 2
After: Lv. 1
Changed the "Absorption Hit" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Grants Paralysis Immunity during Ready Attack. Creates a pattern that flaunts the power of Yin and Yang to pull in surrounding foes.
After: Grants Paralysis Immunity during skill. Creates a pattern that flaunts the power of Yin and Yang to pull in surrounding foes.
Changed the "Weak Point Detection" Skill Tree to "Concussion".
Before: Damage to Push-Immune foes +30.0/37.5/45.0/52.5/60.0%.
After: Increases the skill's Stagger Level to [Mid - High].
Changed the "Lucky Bubble" Skill Tree to "Meditation Blow".
Before: 30.0/35.0/40.0/45.0/50.0% chance to obtain 1 Esoteric Bubble.
After: No longer knocks back foes. Stuns for 3s.
Changed the "Meditation Blow" Skill Tree to "Weak Point Detection".
Before: No longer knocks back foes. Stuns for 5s.
After: Damage to Push-Immune foes +65.0/72.8/81.9/91.0/100.1%.
Esoteric Skill: Tiger Emerges
Damage +3.5% when in PvE.
Added Weak Point Lv. 1 effect.
Changed the cooldown as follows:
Before: 24s
After: 18s
Changed the "Quick Prep" Skill Tree to "Extreme Efficiency".
Before: Cooldown -5.0/5.7/6.4/7.2/8.0s.
After: Outgoing Damage -30.0/26.0/22.0/18.0/14.0% but reduces Bubble consumption to 1.
Changed the "Single Hit" Skill Tree to "Enhanced Strike".
Before: When attacking a single foe, Damage inflicted +40.0/47.0/54.0/62.0/70.0%.
After: Outgoing Damage +40.0/47.0/54.0/62.0/70.0%.
Esoteric Skill: Call the Wind God
Changed the motion at the end of the skill to be more natural, allowing for the next action to be performed faster.
Esoteric Skill: Blast Formation
Damage -10.0% when in PvE.
Changed the "Weak Point Detection" Skill Tree to "Frost Explosion".
Before: Damage to Push-Immune foes +30.0/37.5/45.0/52.5/60.0%.
After: Element is now [Water]. On hit, Freezes foes for 3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0s.
Changed the "Final Explosion" Skill Tree to "Flame Explosion".
Before: On third explosion hit, outgoing Damage +25.0/36.0/47.0/58.0/70.0%.
After: Element is now [Fire]. On hit, Burns foe, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 5s. Stacks up to 6 times.
Changed the "Lucky Bubble" Skill Tree to "Endless Destruction".
Before: 75.0/78.0/82.0/86.0/90.0% chance to obtain 1 Esoteric Bubble.
After: Expands the explosion in three frontal directions. Damage +25.0/32.0/39.0/46.0/53.0%.
Changed the "Frost Explosion" Skill Tree to "Great Explosion".
Before: Element is now [Water]. On hit, Freezes foes for 4.0/4.3/4.7/5.1/5.5s.
After: After the third explosion, another great explosion will occur to inflict damage equal to 55.0/63.8/72.6/81.4/90.2% of Base Damage.
Changed the "Flame Explosion" Skill Tree to "Concentrated Explosion".
Before: Element is now [Fire]. On hit, Burns foe, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 5s. Stacks up to 6 times.
After: Immediately jump high to land the final hit, causing 5 explosions. Outgoing Damage +45.0/52.0/60.0/68.0/76.0%.
Changed the "Endless Destruction" Skill Tree to "Weak Point Detection".
Before: Expands the explosion in three frontal directions. Damage +30.0/37.0/45.0/52.0/60.0%.
After: Damage to Push-Immune foes +65.0/74.1/83.2/92.3/102.1%.
Changed the "Great Explosion" Skill Tree to "Final Explosion".
Before: After the third explosion, another great explosion will occur to inflict damage equal to 80.0/89.6/99.2/109.6/120.0% of Base Damage.
After: The last explosion inflicts +70.0/79.0/88.0/97.0/106.0% Damage. Cost of Esoteric Bubble reduced to 1.
Skill's Stagger has changed as below.
Before: mid
After: mid-high
Esoteric Skill: Lightning Tiger Strike
Changed the "Single Hit" Skill Tree to "Enhanced Strike".
Before: When attacking a single foe, Damage inflicted +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%.
After: Outgoing Damage +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%.
Skill's Stagger has changed as below.
Before: mid-high
After: high
Firepower Buff increase coefficient based on Specialization Stat changed as below.
Before: 0.58
After: 0.52
Barrage Skill damage increase coefficient based on Specialization Stat changed as below.
Before: 0.49
After: 0.48
Firepower Meter gain +9.3% for all Normal Skills when in PvE.
PvE damage for all normal skills increased by 3.4%.
Enhanced Shell
Skill's Firepower Meter and Barrage Meter gain -43.4%.
Pressurized Heatbomb
Damage +15.7% when in PvE.
Added Weak Point Lv. 1 effect to the cannonball attack.
Changed so that rotating is possible when using the "Condense" Skill Tree effect.
Napalm Shot
Skill's Firepower Meter and Barrage Meter gain +51.5%.
Added Paralysis Immunity when in PvE.
Changed the stagger of the skill as follows:
Before: Max
After: High
Multi-Rocket Launcher
Damage +8.7% when in PvE.
MP Cost -15.3%.
Changed the cooldown when in PvE as follows:
Before: 16s
After: 12s
Changed the stagger of the skill as follows:
Before: High
After: Mid - High
Added Weak Point Lv. 1 effect.
Changed the "Weak Point Enhancement" Skill Tree to "Advancing Hit".
Before: Weak Point Lv. +1.
After: Charge 6 meters forward and attacks the target.
Changed the "Quick Attack" Skill Tree to "Spin Attack".
Before: Atk. Speed +20%.
After: Spin 360 degrees and attack all nearby foes.
Changed the "Advancing Hit" Skill Tree to "Weak Point Enhancement".
Before: Charge 6 meters forward and attacks the target.
After: Weak Point Lv. +1.
Changed the "Spin Attack" Skill Tree to "Quick Attack".
Before: Spin 360 degrees and attack all nearby foes.
After: Atk. Speed +20%.
Skill effect has changed as below.
Before: Swing your launcher, inflicting N Damage and stunning foes for 3.0s.
After: Swing your launcher, inflicting N Damage and stunning foes for 2.0s.
‘Stunner’ Skill Tree effect changed as below.
Before: Stun duration + 3.0/3.2/3.4/3.7/4.0 s.
After: Stun duration + 2.0/2.2/2.4/2.7/3.0 s.
Summon Turret
Skill's Firepower Meter and Barrage Meter gain -24.3%.
Homing Barrage
Damage -9.0% when in PvP.
Changed the "Vital Point Barrage" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Crit Rate +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
After: Crit Rate +40%. Outgoing Damage +6.0/12.0/18.0/24.0/30.0%.
Barrage: Howitzer
Improved to make the skill faster to use.
Damage +68.3% when in PvE.
Changed the skill cooldown as follows:
Before: 7s
After: 16s
Barrage: Focus Fire
Shortened attack prep time and holding time.
Total Damage is the same regardless of the change in holding time.
Improved so that after holding ends, it can be canceled more quickly for the next skill.
Upon successful hit during PvP while opponent is using skill, Paralysis does not occur anymore.
Barrage: Energy Cannon
Shortened attack prep time and holding time.
Total Damage is the same regardless of the change in holding time.
Improved so that you can turn faster when using the skill.
Barrage: Impregnability
Changed the skill effect as follows:
Before: Generate a shield that absorbs Damage up to 30% of Max HP for 8s. Shield expires when Barrage Mode ends.
After: Generate a shield that absorbs Damage up to 40% of Max HP for 6s. Incoming Damage -50%. When Barrage Mode is ends, Shield and Incoming Damage Reduction Effect also expires.
Awakening Skills
Heavy Turret
Skill's Firepower Meter and Barrage Meter gain -40.3%.
Improved entering Barrage Mode to be faster.
Improved so that when another skill is pressed when entering Barrage Mode, the skill is activated immediately after entering Barrage Mode.
Changed so that Cooldown of Movement and Stand Up Skills reset when entering Barrage Mode.
Improved so that the following Battle Items can be used immediately without motion when in Barrage Mode.
[Grenade] Category Battle Items
[Bomb] Category Battle Items
Pheromone Essence
Guardian Restraining Orb
Barrage Enhancement
Changed the "Barrage Enhancement" effects as follows:
Before: Barrage Skill Damage +5/12/20%. Barrage Skill Crit Rate +20/30/40%. Barrage Meter Gain +30%. Does not enter in cooling state.
After: Barrage Skill Damage +5/12/20%. Barrage Skill Crit Rate +20/30/40%. Barrage Meter Gain +30%. Does not enter in cooling state. When entering Barrage Mode, Firepower Meter +70%.
Firepower Enhancement
'Firepower Enhancement' effect changed as below.
Before: When the Firepower Meter is full, Overheat is triggered. Normal Skill Damage + 7/14/28% and Firepower Meter duration +10/12/14s. When not in Barrage Mode, incoming Damage - 5/10/15%.
After: When Firepower level is above 1, Overheat is triggered. Normal Skill Damage + 7/14/28% and Firepower Meter duration +10/12/14s. When not in Barrage Mode, incoming Damage - 5/10/15%.
Damage of Normal Skills and Sync Skills during Hypersync increased by 2.5%.
Cooldown for normal movement skill during PvP changed as below.
Before: 8 seconds
After: 10 seconds
Energy Burster
Damage decreased by 9.5% during PvP.
Effect of ' Loyal Companion’ has changed as below.
Before: Summons Silverhawk MK-II, allowing party members’ Move Speed +4%, Silverhawk's Crit Rate +10/20/40%, Basic AoE Radius +60%, and Silverhawk's summon duration +30/60/100%. On Basic Attack or Wings of Storm hit, foes get a Mark of Death: foe Damage taken +3/7/12%. Additionally, when Silverhawk is summoned Atk. Power +1/3/6%.
After: Summons Silverhawk MK-II, allowing party members’ Move Speed +4%, Silverhawk's Crit Rate +10/20/40%, Basic AoE Radius +60%, and Silverhawk's summon duration +30/60/100%. On Basic Attack or Wings of Storm hit, foes get a Mark of Death: foe Damage taken +3/7/12%. Additionally, when Silverhawk is summoned Atk. Power +2/5/10%.
Rifle Skill PvE damage increased by 2.1%.
Quick Step
Changed the "Phantom Shot" Skill Tree as follows:
Before: Adds a finishing combo attack that allows both handguns to shoot powerfully. Inflicts +100% of Base Damage to foes. If Kill Confirmation hits a single target, Damage +50.0/63.7/77.4/91.2/105.0%.
After: Adds a finishing combo attack that allows both handguns to shoot powerfully. Inflicts +100% of Base Damage to foes. If Kill Confirmation hits a Push-Immune foe, Damage +50.0/63.7/77.4/91.2/105.0%.
Dual Buckshot
Skill's Stagger has changed as below.
Before: low
After: mid
'Concussion' Skill Tree effect changed as below.
Before: Increases the skill's Stagger Level to [Mid].
After: Increases the skill's Stagger Level to [Mid-High].
Spiral Flame
Skill's Stagger has changed as below.
Before: mid
After: mid-high
Skill's Stagger has changed as below.
Before: mid
After: mid-high
'Concussion' Skill Tree effect changed as below.
Before: Increases the skill's Stagger Level to [Mid-High].
After: Increases the skill's Stagger Level to [High].
Before: Atk. Speed +8/12/16% for 9s in Handgun Stance. Crit Rate +10% and Outgoing Damage +5/10/15% for 9s in Shotgun Stance. Outgoing Damage +10% and additional Damage +10/20/30% for 9s to targets with 50% or lower HP while in Rifle Stance.
After: Atk. Speed + 8/12/16% in Handgun Stance. Crit Rate + 10% and Outgoing Damage + 10/17/24% in Shotgun Stance. Outgoing Damage + 16/22/28% for 9s while in Rifle Stance.
Time to Hunt
Before: Crit Rate +22/33/45%. Unable to use Shotgun Stance.
After: Crit Rate +22/33/45%. Crit Damage +0/6/15%. Unable to use Shotgun Stance.
Upon successful rapid firing during PvP, Paralysis will not occur.
Damage during PvP decreased by 25.0%.
Judgment Day
Skill's Stagger has changed as below.
Before: mid-high
After: high
Spiral Flame
Skill's Stagger has changed as below.
Before: mid
After: mid-high
Skill's Stagger has changed as below.
Before: mid
After: mid-high
'Concussion' Skill Tree effect changed as below.
Before: Increases the skill's Stagger Level to [Mid-High].
After: Increases the skill's Stagger Level to [High].
Aimed Shot
Damage during PvP decreased by 11.0%.
One Shot One Kill
Precise Aimed Shot Skill Tree effect changed as below.
Before: AoE Radius decreases. Upon single foe hit, outgoing Damage +40 /47.2/54.8/62.4/70%.
After: AoE Radius decreases. Damage +40.0/47.2/54.8/62.4/70.0%.
Fixed the Cooldown Reduction Effect to be the same regardless of the type of skill that summons companions.
Water Elemental
Changed the skill casting speed to be slightly faster.
Maririn is now a Companion that cannot be attacked during PvE, and does not take damage from monsters.
Changed 'Thick Skin' skill tree to 'Mind Enhancement' skill tree
Before: Damage inflicted to Maririn decreased by 30.0/33.0/35.0/38.0/41.0%
After: MP cost reduced by 50.0/53.0/57.0/62.0/67.0%
Changed 'Flash Ether' skill tree effect to 'Sticky Fist'
Before: When Maririn dies, create a Flash Ether at that position. Upon acquiring the Flash Ether, Crit Rate +15% for 30s.
After: Reduces the foe's movement speed by 10% for 2.0 seconds when Maririn hits a basic attack.
Changed 'Taunt Command' to 'Precision Fire' skill tree
Before: Upon summoning Maririn, changes the skill to Taunt Command. Upon using the changed skill, Maririn taunts all non-player foes for 2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5/4.0s. Challenge or higher foes are not affected by Taunt for a certain duration.
After: Maririn's basic attack Crit Rate is increased by 20.0%. Damage to foes increased by 60.0/68.0/77.0/86.0/95.0%.
Changed the effect of 'Elemental Blessing' skill tree to the following:
Before: Maririn's HP +100%
After: Maririn's size is increased with the elemental's blessing with attack range increased by 20.0% and basic attack attacking twice, but summon time for Maririn is decreased by 4.0s.
Electric Storm
Improved so that skill casting is not canceled by the next skill that summons a companion.
Ancient Spear
Adjusted the Ancient Spear drop interval when "Ancient Strength" Skill Tree is applied.
Fixed so that the spear drops at the cursor location when "Ancient Strength" Skill Tree is applied.
Improved so that skill casting is not canceled by the next skill that summons a companion.
PvE damage for Ancient Elemental Skill increased by 7.5%.
Awakening Skills
Bagron's Wrath
Damage to foes on the outskirts of Bagron is now the same as damage to foes in the center.
All Normal Skill’s damage increased by 2.3 in PvE%.
Ruin’s PvE damage increased by 3.1%.
'Emperor' card’s PvE damage increased by 8.7%.
Cull card effect has changed.
Before: For 4s, basic attack or any skill attack on a single foe Crit Rate +100 and Crit Damage +50%.
After: For 4s, basic attack or any skill attack Crit Rate +100 and Crit Damage +50%.
PvE damage for all skills, except for Awakening Skill and normal skill, increased by 2.8%.
Changed the casting speed to be slightly faster.
Added Weak Point Lv. 1 effect.
Changed the "Wildfire Whirlwind" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Element is now [Fire] and cooldown increases by 4s. On hit, Burns foe, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 3s and knockback foes.
After: Element is now [Fire] and Weak Point Lv. +1. On hit, Burns foe, inflicting N Damage every 1s for 3s and knockback foes.
Changed the "Lightning Whirlwind" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Element is now [Lightning] and cooldown +10s. Crit Rate +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%. The final strike grants Electrocution for 4s.
After: Element is now [Lightning] and cooldown +6s. Crit Rate +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%. The final strike grants Electrocution for 4s.
Ice Shower
Changed the casting speed to be slightly faster.
Esoteric Reaction
Changed the stagger of the skill as follows:
Before: Mid
After: Mid - High
Rime Arrow
Changed the stagger of the skill as follows:
Before: Mid
After: Mid - High
Frost's Call
Adjusted the damage of the Frost Energy Attack when "Unstable Rule" Skill Tree is applied.
Changed the skill casting speed to be faster when "Backfire" Skill Tree is applied.
Changed the "Igniter" effects as follows:
Before: When Arcane Torrent is triggered, normal skills' Cooldown -50%. During Arcane Torrent, Crit Rate +10/17/25% and Crit Damage +10/25/40%.
After: When Arcane Torrent is triggered, normal skills' Cooldown -50%. During Arcane Torrent, Crit Rate +10/17/25% and Crit Damage +20/37/55%.
All normal skills, except for ' Deathblade Surge', PvE damage decreased by 4.4%.
Surprise Attack
Changed the skill cooldown when in PvP as follows:
Before: 5s
After: 10s
Changed the force of the skill as follows:
Before: Lowest
After: Low
Changed the "Trailing Sword Burst" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Before charging, create a sword burst that lasts for 1s. knocking foes backward and inflicting up to +100.0/111.0/122.0/133.0/145.0% Damage. This effect's cooldown time is +5s.
After: Before charging, create a sword burst that lasts for 1s. knocking foes backward and inflicting up to +100.0/111.0/122.0/133.0/145.0% Damage.
Slightly increased the number of strikes when "Trailing Sword Burst" Skill Tree is applied.
Wind Cut
Changed the stagger of the skill as follows:
Before: Lowest
After: Low
Slightly increased the basic number of strikes.
Changed the "Sustain Enhancement" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Sword energy duration +0.6s. Total outgoing Damage +40.0/47.0/54.0/61.0/70.8%.
After: Sword energy duration +0.6s. Total outgoing Damage +40.0/47.0/54.0/61.0/70.8%.
Damage +41.8% when in PvE.
Death Orb Meter gain -46.3%.
MP Cost +26.9%.
Changed the skill cooldown as follows:
Before: 12s
After: 18s
Changed the "Orb Control" Skill Tree to "Vital Point Hit".
Before: Death Orb Meter gain +50.0/56.0/62.0/68.0/75.0%.
After: Crit Rate +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%.
Changed the "Vital Point Hit" Skill Tree to "Orb Control".
Before: Crit Rate +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
After: Death Orb Meter gain +50.0/56.0/62.0/68.0/75.0%.
Changed the "Moon Star" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Instead of the dual blades attack, launch foes in the air and slam them back down onto the ground with a giant sword, inflicting +100.0/110.0/120.0/132.0/144.0% Damage. Cooldown +6s.
After: Instead of the dual blades attack, launch foes in the air and slam them back down onto the ground with a giant sword, inflicting +100.0/110.0/120.0/132.0/144.0% Damage.
Changed motion cancel timing to be faster when "Moon Star" Skill Tree is applied.
Changed the "Stardust" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Changes to Holding Mode. Aerial attack duration +1s. Outgoing Damage +100.0/114.0/128.0/142.0/156.0%.
After: Changes to Holding Mode. Increases number of aerial attacks. Outgoing Damage +200.0/220.0/241.0/262.0/283.0%.
Blade Dance
Damage -31.0% when in PvE.
Death Orb Meter gain -9.6%.
MP Cost +7.0%.
Changed the skill cooldown as follows:
Before: 18s
After: 20s
Changed skill to Normal Mode.
Changed the skill effect as follows:
Before: Hack at foes for up to 2 seconds and deliver 7 blows, inflicting N damage, and additional N damage with the finishing blow. Pushed foes are launched back in the air.
After: Hack at foes and deliver 5 blows, inflicting N damage, and additional N damage with the finishing blow. Pushed foes are launched back in the air.
Changed the "Soul Snatch" Skill Tree to "Weak Point Detection".
Before: Charge up the skill for as long as you can to create a 40% chance of getting half a Death Orb. This Orb Snatch effect is even applied during Death Trance.
After: Damage to Push-Immune foes +30.0/37.5/45.0/52.5/60.0%.
Changed the "Finishing Enhancement" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Activates Perfect Zone on the last hold-down block. Enter Perfect Zone to use a longsword for the finishing attack to strike enemies in a wider AoE Radius. Inflict +200.0/227.0/257.0/287.0/317.0% Damage. Changes the Soul Snatch effect to require Perfect Zone.
After: Use a longsword for the finishing attack to strike enemies in a wider AoE Radius. Outgoing Damage +200.0/227.0/257.0/287.0/317.0%. On longsword attack hit, increases push distance and Paralysis duration.
Changed the "Mutilate" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Removes the finishing attack. Enables you to attack more quickly. Holding duration +1s. Damage +100.0/110.0/120.0/132.0/144.0%.
After: Removes the finishing attack and changes to Holding Mode. AoE Radius +30% and can slowly turn. Increases the number of dual blades strikes and outgoing Damage +100.0/111.0/122.0/133.0/145.0%.
Dark Axel
Changed the "Upper Axel" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Spin Attack's Crit Rate +50%. Last longsword attack's Damage +100.0/122.0/144.0/166.0/188.0% and changes it to an upward strike, launching foes in front of you high in the air.
After: Last longsword changes to an upward strike, inflicting +150.0/172.0/194.0/217.0/240.0% Damage and launching foes in front of you high in the air.
Soul Absorber
Changed the "Swift Fingers" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Preparation and charge speed +20.0/24.0/28.0/32.0/36.0%.
After: Atk. Speed +15.0/18.0/21.0/24.0/27.0%.
Changed the "Power Stab" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Changes to Normal Mode. Attack Width +30%. Crit Damage +50.0/62.0/74.0/87.0/100.0%.
After: Changes to Normal Mode. Attack Width +30%. Outgoing Damage +50.0/57.0/64.0/72.0/80.0%. Death Orb Meter gain +60%.
Removed the damage from the grabbing motion and consolidated the damage into the final slashing motion when "Halve" Skill Tree is applied.
Death Sentence
Damage +58.3% when in PvE.
Death Orb Meter gain +20%.
Changed the force of the skill as follows:
Before: Lowest
After: Mid
Changed the "Confirmed Kill" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Crit Rate on Pushed foes +100%. Crit Damage +0.0/11.0/22.0/33.0/44.0%.
After: Outgoing Damage +25.0/31.0/37.0/43.0/50.0% and additional Damage to staggered target +50%.
Changed the "Ruthless" Skill Tree to "Concussion".
Before: Crit Rate against Staggered foes +100%. Crit Damage +0.0/11.0/22.0/33.0/44.0%.
After: Changes Stagger to [Mid - High]. Outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
Changed the "Cold Zone" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Element is now [Water]. The last attack creates a Cold Zone. Move Speed -20% and N Damage is inflicted every 1s for 5s. Effect lasts for 2s. This Frost effect stacks up to 3 times.
After: Element is now [Water]. The last attack creates a Cold Zone. Move Speed -20% for 5s. Effect lasts for 1s. This Frost effect stacks up to 3 times.
Twin Shadows
Damage +58.9% when in PvE.
Death Orb Meter gain +19.2%.
MP Cost +14.9%.
Changed skill to Normal Mode.
Changed the skill cooldown as follows:
Before: 12s
After: 15s
Changed the "Quick Prep" Skill Tree to "Concussion".
Before: Cooldown -2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5/4.0s.
After: Increases the skill's Stagger Level to [Mid - High].
Changed the "Back Attack Enhancement" Skill Tree to "Weak Point Detection".
Before: Back Attack Damage +50.0/57.5/65.0/72.5/80.0%.
After: Damage to Push-Immune foes +30.0/37.5/45.0/52.5/60.0%.
Changed the "Cross Attack" Skill Tree to "Bottom Cleave".
Before: Slash with dual blades and slam a longsword downward. Outgoing Damage +50.0/57.5/65.0/74.0/83.0%.
After: Slashes with the longsword in a wide circle while standing, then lowers stance to slash in an even larger circle. Outgoing damage +115.0/126.0/137.0/148.0/160.0%.
Changed the "Forward Retreat" Skill Tree to "Forward Slash".
Before: Move 4 meters forward before the 1st attack. Then 6 meters backward after the 2nd attack. Crit Damage +100.0/115.0/130.0/145.0/160.0%.
After: Advance 5 meters and performs a slash. Becomes stackable and charges up every 15s up to a max 2 charges. Outgoing Damage +80.0/90.0/100.0/110.0/120.0%.
Earth Cleaver
Changed the "Leap Attack" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Leap 2 meters forward and slam your longsword downward. Crit Rate +100%. Crit Damage +0.0/11.0/22.0/33.0/44.0%.
After: Leap 6 meters forward and slam your longsword downward. Outgoing Damage +65.0/73.0/82.0/91.0/100.0%.
Head Hunt
Changed the "Down Hunt" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Removes the Stun effect. Attack is now a low lateral slash that knocks down foes. With Stun Enhancement, airborne and knockdown durations +20%.
After: Removes the Stun effect. Attack is now a vertical slash that knocks down foes. With Stun Enhancement, airborne and knockdown durations +20%.
Turning Slash
Damage +60.0% when in PvE.
Changed skill to Combo Mode.
Changed skill casting speed, combo timing, and motion cancel timing to be faster.
Changed the "Excellent Mobility" Skill Tree to "Law of the Jungle".
Before: Move Distance per spin +1.0/1.2/1.4/1.7/2.0 meter(s). Use with Concentrated Attack to advance 2.0/2.4/2.8/3.4/4.0 meter(s) before attacking.
After: Damage to Challenge or lower foes +50.0/57.5/65.0/72.5/80.0%.
Changed the "Point Slash" Skill Tree to "Concussion".
Before: Change to Combo Mode. Enables you to change direction after each spin attack.
After: Increases the skill's Stagger Level to [Mid - High].
Changed the "Concentrated Attack" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Attack in place. Damage +100.0/111.0/122.0/133.0/145.0%.
After: Slash with the longsword, generating a large sword burst. Pull in nearby foes 4 times and outgoing Damage +90.0/100.0/110.0/120.0/130.0%. If Weak Point Enhancement is applied, the sword burst attack doesn't trigger the Weak Point effect.
Changed skill casting speed, combo timing, and motion cancel timing to be faster when "Triple Turn" Skill Tree is applied.
Changed the "Dark Order" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: On skill use, Move Speed +15.0/16.2/17.4/18.6/19.8% for all party members within 24 meters for 6s. Adds the Dark Order buff of Atk. Speed +20.0/21.2/22.4/23.6/25.0%.
After: On skill use, Move Speed +8.0/9.2/10.4/11.6/12.8% for all party members within 24 meters for 6s. Adds the Dark Order buff of Atk. Speed +8.0/9.2/10.4/11.6/12.8%.
Changed the "Quick Cast" Skill Tree to "Overwhelm".
Before: Skill's casting delay -60%.
After: Damage to Challenge or lower foes +100.0/111.0/122.0/133.0/145.0%. Paralyzes Normal foes with the continuous Damage.
Changed the "Overwhelm" Skill Tree to "Quick Cast".
Before: Damage to Challenge or lower foes +100.0/111.0/122.0/133.0/145.0%. Paralyzes Normal foes with the continuous Damage.
After: Skill's casting delay -60%. Becomes stackable and charges up every 30s up to a max 2 charges. Preparatory action is not changed when Wind Storm is applied.
Fatal Wave
Damage -10.0% when in PvE.
Death Orb Meter gain -20.0%.
Changed the "Ice Cold Hands" Skill Tree to "Weak Point Detection".
Before: Element is now [Water]. Inflicts Frost. Foe Move Speed -20.0/21.6/23.2/24.8/26.6% for 6s. Stacks up to 3. At 3 stacks, Freezes foes for 5s.
After: Damage to Push-Immune foes +30.0/37.5/45.0/52.5/60.0%.
Changed the "Death Wave" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Shoots 1 slow, powerful sword burst that inflicts continuous Damage to foes in its path. Total Damage +155.0/168.5/182.0/195.5/210.5%.
After: Shoots 1 slow, powerful sword burst that inflicts continuous Damage to foes in its path. Total Damage +100.0/111.0/122.0/133.0/145.0%.
Blitz Rush
Changed the "Excellent Mobility" Skill Tree to "Enhanced Strike".
Before: Move Distance +2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5/4.0 meter(s).
After: Outgoing Damage +10.0/16.0/22.0/28.0/35.0%.
Changed the "Charge Enhancement" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Outgoing Damage +20.0/23.0/27.0/31.0/35.0% per Charge Level.
After: Outgoing Damage +25.0/28.0/32.0/36.0/40.0% per Charge Level.
Changed the "Shadow Rush" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: An afterimage attacks instead of you, inflicting +40.0/47.0/54.0/62.0/70.0% Damage. Excellent Mobility will not be applied.
After: An afterimage attacks instead of you, inflicting +50.0/57.0/64.0/72.0/80.0% Damage. (Modified to match the description written in 2023-10-18)
Changed the "Dual Blitz" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Total Damage +25%. Crit Damage +55.0/68.0/82.0/96.0/110.0%. Longsword attack disappears when Overcharged, instead attacking with [Fire] and [Water] elements.
After: Longsword attack disappears when Overcharged, instead attacking with [Fire] and [Water] elements. Outgoing Damage +25.0/31.0/37.0/43.0/50.0%.
Void Strike
Skill Damage +5.6% when in PvE.
Death Orb Meter gain -26.6%.
Changed skill to Normal Mode.
Reduced the number of strikes of the pushing attack and changed the strike timings.
Changed the "Void Zone" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: The Overcharged attack creates a void zone on the ground for 5s. inflicting +20.0/26.2/32.4/38.6/45.0% Damage. Move Speed -30%. Casts Darkness.
After: The rising slash attack creates a void zone on the ground for 5s. If foes enter the zone, Move Speed -50% and casts Darkness.
Changed the "Black Explosion" Skill Tree to "Over Slash".
Before: The Overcharged attack causes a time-delayed Dark explosion after a while, launching its targets again in the air with 70.0/78.4/86.8/95.9/105.0% Base Damage.
After: Changes to Charge Mode. When Overcharged, outgoing Damage +50.0/57.5/65.0/72.5/80.0%. Outgoing Damage to staggered target +50%.
Changed the "Dark Dimension" Skill Tree to "Rising Slash".
Before: Changes to Holding Mode. Hold down the skill for a max of 1.5s to pull foes to you 7 times to inflict up to 35% of Base Damage and deliver the Overcharged attack.
After: After the rising slash attack, performs an additional rising slash, outgoing Damage +30.0/37.5/45.0/52.5/60.0%.
Awakening Skills
Blade Assault
Skill Damage +40.7%.
Changed the skill effect as follows:
Before: Focus energy to inflict N damage and pull foes close. Hold to move forward while viciously slashing at foes for max N damage. Hit the Perfect Zone to cause N damage as you summon spiritual blades, then hurl them to inflict N damage and knock foes away. Pushed foes are launched back in the air.
After: Focus energy to inflict N damage and pull foes close. Hold to move forward while viciously slashing at foes for max N damage. After holding ends, cause N damage as you summon spiritual blades, then hurl them to inflict N damage and knock foes away. Pushed foes are launched back in the air.
Remaining Energy
Changed the "Remaining Energy" effects as follows:
Before: Art does not consume Art Meter for 2s when activated. Atk./Move Speed +6/9/12% on Surge. Atk. Power +(12/14/18%, 24/28/36%, 36/42/54%) depending on your Surge level, for 30s.
After: Deathblade Surge Damage -30%. Activating Death Trance immediately consumes Death Orbs and activates Deathblade Surge. Atk./Move Speed +6/9/12% and Atk. Power +(10/12/15%, 20/24/30%, 30/36/45%) depending on the number of Death Orbs consumed, for 30s.
Changed the tooltip of the Specialty to match the engraving effect when the engraving is equipped.
Changed the "Surge" effects as follows:
Before: Activates the top level of Deathblade Surge, which unleashes the same powerful attack regardless of the number of Death Orbs available. With this, the buffs from the Remaining Energy Engraving do not occur. When Death Trance is activated and skills other than Basic Attacks and Awakening Skills hit, Surge Enhancement effects will begin to stack every 0.4 seconds to a max of 20 stacks. This effect causes Damage to increase up to 100/110/120%, Damage increases even more with larger stacks. Each stack increases Atk. Power additionally by 0/0.5/1%. When Death Trance ends, gain up to 100% Death Orb Meter for each Surge Enhancement effect you have.
After: Activates the top level of Deathblade Surge, which unleashes the same powerful attack regardless of the number of Death Orbs available. When Death Trance is activated and skills other than Basic Attacks hit, Surge Enhancement effects will begin to stack proportional to the number of hits. This effect causes Damage to increase up to 45/60/85%, and increases two-fold when at the maximum 60 stacks. When Death Trance ends, gain up to 100% Death Orb Meter for each Surge Enhancement stacks.
+2.8% Damage from Demonize basic attack in PvE.
+7.4% Damage from Demon skill in PvE.
Demonic Clone
Added Weak Point Lv. 1 effect to the final attack.
Rising Claw
Changed the final attack's Weak Point to Lv. 2.
Reaper Skills
Dagger Skill Damage +12.0% when in PvE.
Chaos Meter gain +16.6%.
Additional Persona Meter and Chaos Meter gain +16.0% for the following skills:
Spinning Dagger
Spirit Catch
Shadow Vortex
Reaper's Call
Piercing Blade
Phantom Dancer
Call of the Knife
Shadow Trap
"Poison: Bleed" Skill Tree
Changed the "Poison: Bleed" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Attack now has "Bleeding Poison." Bleeding Poison inflicts N bleed Damage every 1s for 8s. At 3 stacks, inflicts Heavy Bleeding on foe. Inflicting N Damage every 1s for 8s.
After: Attack now has "Bleeding Poison." Bleeding Poison inflicts N bleed Damage every 1s for 12s. At the maximum 10 stacks, inflicts Heavy Bleeding on foe. Inflicting N Damage.
Shadow Vortex
Changed move distance when using skill as follows:
Before: 1 meter
After: 2 meters
Changed the skill effect as follows:
Before: Gather strength and pull foes to you inflicting N Damage. Use the skill again to deliver a powerful spinning blow, inflicting N and N Damage.
After: Gather strength to deliver a powerful spinning blow, inflicting N and N Damage.
Spirit Catch
Improved so that subsequent attacks are faster after the first strike.
Changed move distance when using skill as follows:
Before: 4 meters
After: 5 meters
Changed the "Leap" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Last attack's move distance +2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5/4.0 meter(s).
After: Gains Paralysis Immunity. Leaps even faster and deals the Finishing Blow. Leap distance +1 meter.
Changed the "Sharp Dagger" Skill Tree to "Shadow Afterimage".
Before: Element is now [Lightning]. Crit Damage +50.0/62.0/74.0/87.0/100.0%.
After: Rush straight forward and perform the last attack. After stabbing, a Shadow Afterimage performs an additional attack, inflicting 50.0/57.5/65.0/72.5/80.0% Damage of the last attack. Stacks 1 poison.
Changed the "Shadow Afterimage" Skill Tree to "Sharp Dagger".
Before: Instantly does the last attack and Shadow Afterimages do additional attacks. Inflicts 100.0/110.0/120.0/130.0/140.0% of the last attack. Stacks poison.
After: Element is now [Lightning]. Crit Damage +140.0/157.5/175.0/192.5/210.0%. When "Poison: Bleed" Skill Tree is applied, stack 1 bleed upon successful crit with the last attack.
Changed the "All-Out Attack" Skill Tree to "Ambush".
Before: Instantly does the last attack. Damage +60.0/68.0/77.0/86.0/95.0%. Move distance +2 meters. Atk. Speed +20%.
After: Back Attack Damage +50.0/57.5/65.0/72.5/80.0%. When "Poison: Bleed" Skill Tree is applied, stack 1 bleed upon successful back attack with the last attack.
Spinning Dagger
Modified the AoE Radius of the last attack to fit the displayed effects.
Changed so that if you use the skill at an angle to a foe, you now travel through the foe.
Changed the "Wide-Angle Attack" Skill Tree to "Enhanced Spinning".
Before: AoE Radius +20%.
After: Throws the dagger even faster. AoE Radius +20.0%. Outgoing Damage +20.0/26.0/32.0/38.0/45.0%. When "Poison: Bleed" Skill Tree is applied, the dagger attack has a 30% chance to stack 1 bleed..
Changed the "Enhanced Spinning" Skill Tree to "Ambush".
Before: Outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
After: Back Attack Damage +25.0/31.3/37.5/43.8/50.0%. When "Poison: Bleed" Skill Tree is applied, stack 3 bleed upon successful back attack with the last attack.
Changed the "Final Blade" Skill Tree to "Fatal Dagger".
Before: The last attack is always a Crit Hit. Crit Damage +0.0/25.0/
After: Crit Rate +15.0%. Crit Damage +50.0/62.5/75.0/87.5/100.0%. When "Poison: Bleed" Skill Tree is applied, stack 2 bleed upon successful crit with the last attack.
Reaper's Call
Changed the "Fatal Dagger" Skill Tree to "Sharp Dagger".
Before: Crit Rate +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
After: Crit Damage +30.0/42.0/54.0/67.0/80.0%. When "Poison: Bleed" Skill Tree is applied, stack 1 bleed upon successful crit with the attack. Stack 2 bleed if "All-Out Attack" Skill Tree is applied.
Changed the "Deep Breath" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Shadow Energy envelopes the area. AoE Radius +10%. Atk. Speed +15.0/18.0/21.0/24.0/27.0%.
After: Shadow Energy envelopes the area. AoE Radius +10%. Atk. Speed +15.0/18.0/21.0/24.0/27.0%. When "Poison: Bleed" Skill Tree is applied, has a 50% chance to stack 1 bleed upon successful attack. Stack 2 bleed if "All-Out Attack" Skill Tree is applied.
Changed the "Death Blow" Skill Tree to "Ambush".
Before: Damage to Push-Immune foes +80.0/89.6/99.2/109.6/120.0%.
After: Back Attack Damage +80.0/89.6/99.2/109.6/120.0%. When "Poison: Bleed" Skill Tree is applied, stack 2 bleed upon successful back attack with the last attack.
Changed move distance when using skill as follows:
Before: 3 meters
After: 4 meters
Changed so that the first attack goes out faster.
Changed so that if you use the skill at an angle to a foe, you now travel through the foe.
Changed the "Ambush" Skill Tree to "Death Call".
Before: Back Attack Damage +40.0/47.2/54.8/62.4/70.0%.
After: Doing the combo results in a bigger slash, inflicting 80.0% of base Damage. Last attack's Crit Damage +30.0/47.5/65.0/82.5/100.0%. When "Poison: Bleed" Skill Tree is applied, stack additional 2 bleed with last attack.
Changed the "Law of the Jungle" Skill Tree to "Eye of the Tempest".
Before: Damage to Challenge or lower foes +70.0/78.4/86.8/95.9/105.0%.
After: Changes to Normal Mode. Draws a large circle in the direction you are facing. Pulls nearby foes with Shadow Clones and knocks them into the air. Outgoing Damage against Challenge or lower foes +70.0/78.4/86.8/95.9/105.0%.
Changed the "Fatal Dagger" Skill Tree to "Unexpected Twist".
Before: Crit Rate +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
After: Doing the combo allows you to change directions. When "Poison: Bleed" Skill Tree is applied, stack additional 1 bleed with last attack.
Changed the "Death Call" Skill Tree to "Ambush".
Before: Changes to Normal Mode. Performs 1 huge slashing attack to inflict 120% of Base Damage. Crit Damage +100.0/115.0/130.0/145.0/160.0%.
After: Back Attack Damage +55.0/63.8/72.6/81.4/90.2%. When "Poison: Bleed" Skill Tree is applied, stack 2 bleed upon successful back attack with the last attack.
Changed the "Eye of the Tempest" Skill Tree to "Fatal Dagger".
Before: Changes to Normal Mode. Draws a large circle in the direction you are facing. Pulls nearby foes with Shadow Clones and knocks them into the air.
After: Crit Rate +15.0%. Outgoing Damage +35.0/42.0/49.0/57.0/65.0%. When "Poison: Bleed" Skill Tree is applied, stack 1 bleed upon successful crit with the last attack.
Piercing Blade
Changed the "Two Shadows" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Uses shadows to attack from both sides. Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
After: Uses shadows to attack from both sides. Damage+30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%. When "Poison: Bleed" Skill Tree is applied, has a 25% chance to stack 1 bleed upon successful attack.
Changed the "Sharp Dagger" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Element is now [Lightning]. Crit Damage +50.0/62.0/74.0/87.0/100.0%.
After: Element is now [Lightning]. Crit Damage +50.0/62.0/74.0/87.0/100.0%. When "Poison: Bleed" Skill Tree is applied, has a 50% chance to stack 1 bleed upon successful crit with the attack.
Improved so that after using the skill, it can be canceled more quickly.
Changed the "Master of Evasion" Skill Tree to "Ghost Sprint".
Before: During skill use, Dodge Rate +20%.
After: Change to Holding Mode. On 3 or more hits, Fear foes for 2s.
Changed the "Tailwind" Skill Tree to "Fog Charge".
Before: On skill use, Move Speed +20.0/22.4/24.8/27.4/30.0% for 3.0/3.2/3.4/3.7/4.0s.
After: Changes to Chain Mode. Doing the chain allows one more use of the skill and the chain attack inflicts an additional 20% of base Damage. If used consecutively, Cooldown increases to 20s.
Changed the "Law of the Jungle" Skill Tree to "Shadow Sprint".
Before: Damage to Challenge or lower foes +70.0/78.4/86.8/95.9/105.0%.
After: Outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%. Move in a wide area and pull foes into a straight line.
Changed the "Shadow Sprint" Skill Tree to "Law of the Jungle".
Before: Outgoing Damage +50.0/57.0/64.0/72.0/80.0%. Move in a wide area and pull foes into a straight line.
After: Damage to Challenge or lower foes +200.0/216.0/232.0/248.0/264.0%.
Changed the "Ghost Sprint" Skill Tree to "Tailwind".
Before: Change to Holding Mode. On 3 or more hits, Fear foes for 2s.
After: During skill use, Dodge Rate +30.0%. On skill use, Move Speed +20.0/22.4/24.8/27.4/30.0% for 3.0/3.2/3.4/3.7/4.0s.
Call of the Knife
Improved the Reaper's sword to drop more quickly to match the Reaper's attack motion.
Improved so that after using the skill, it can be canceled more quickly.
Adjusted the Damage of each hit.
Changed the "Charge Shadow" Skill Tree to "Weak Point Enhancement".
Before: On hit, Persona Meter and Chaos Meter gain +30.0/33.0/37.0/41.0/45.0%.
After: Explosion attack's Weak Point Level +1.
Changed the "Growing Darkness" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: The last explosion's Damage +50.0/62.0/74.0/87.0/100.0%.
After: The last explosion's Damage +50.0/67.0/84.0/102.0/120.0%.
Changed the "Call of Despair" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: The skill can now stack up to 2. Charge Time is now 30.0/28.8/27.6/26.3/25.0s.
After: Skill can now stack up to 2 times.
Black Mist
Improved so that entry the shadow is faster.
Chaos Meter gain +45.0%.
Changed the "Charge Shadow" Skill Tree to "Fog Curtain".
Before: On hit, Persona Meter and Chaos Meter gain +30.0/33.0/37.0/41.0/45.0%.
After: During skill use, Dodge Rate +10%.
Shadow Trap
Changed the skill's base Stagger Point as follows:
Before: Lowest
After: Low
Changed the skill effect as follows:
Before: Summon a shadow trap at your current position, then move 6 meters backward, detonating a shadow that inflicts N Damage to foes within a 3-meter radius, stunning them for 2s.
After: Summon a shadow trap at your current position, then move 6 meters backward, detonating a shadow that inflicts N Damage to foes within a 3-meter radius, stunning them for 2s. Upon successful counterattack with the skill, immediately enter Chaos Mode.
Glowing Brand
Damage +32.2% when in PvE.
Changed the "Vital Point Hit" Skill Tree to "Long Range Swoop".
Before: Crit Rate +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%.
After: Maximum movement distance 2 meters. Collisions are ignored, even with Guardians.
Changed the "Testament" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Jump higher and slam down harder to inflict 150.0/157.5/165.0/172.5/180.0% of Base Damage.
After: Jump higher and slam down harder for Crit Rate +20% and inflicts 125.0/131.3/137.5/143.8/150.0% of Base Damage.
Rage Spear
Damage +22.9% when in PvE.
Damage -10.0% when in PvP.
Changed the "Fatal Dagger" Skill Tree to "Assassin's Trade".
Before: Crit Rate +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%.
After: During skill use, gain Push Immunity, but Atk. Speed -6%.
Changed the "Quick Prep" Skill Tree to "Covert Assassination".
Before: Cooldown -5.0/6.0/7.0/8.0/9.0s.
After: Changes to Combo Mode. Use the skill again to stab the foe and move backwards 6.5 meters. Move Speed +40% for 2s.
Changed the "Slaughter" Skill Tree to "Concussion".
Before: Max Damage +60.0/68.0/77.0/86.0/95.0% according to number of foes hit.
After: Increases Stagger Level to [Mid - High].
Changed the "Tenacity" Skill Tree to "Concentrated Attack".
Before: During skill use, gain Push Immunity.
After: The attack's width is narrowed but range +3 meters. Before stabbing, pulls the target with Dark Energy, inflicting 10% of base Damage. The stabbing attack's outgoing Damage +35.0/42.0/49.0/57.0/65.0%. On hit, knockback foes.
Changed the "Isolation" Skill Tree to "Execution".
Before: Element is now [Lightning]. Crit Damage +80.0/94.4/109.6/124.8/140.0% if attack hits only 1 target.
After: Attack range is reduced to 4 meters but attacks faster and incoming Damage +35.0/42.3/49.7/57.4/65.1%.
Changed the "Concentrated Attack" Skill Tree to "Fatal Dagger".
Before: The width of the stabbing attack shortens but the length increases by 3 meters. Damage +50.0/58.0/67.0/76.0/85.0%.
After: Imbues fatal energy into the dagger. Crit Rate +30.0%. Outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
Changed the "Execution" Skill Tree to "Quick Kill".
Before: Stab faster and move 5 meters backwards. Outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%. Attack length -4 meters. Damage +50% when foe is Stunned or Feared.
After: Cooldown -9s. In Chaos Mode, outgoing Damage 25.0/31.0/37.0/44.0/50.0%.
'Boneless' Skill Tree effect has been changed as below.
Before: Cooldown - 9.0 seconds, During Chaos Mode, outgoing Damage + 30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
After: Cooldown - 9.0 seconds, During Chaos Mode, outgoing Damage + 25.0/31.0/37.0/44.0/50.0%.
Dance of Fury
Damage +22.0% when in PvE.
Changed the "Nimble Movement" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Atk. Speed +15.0/18.0/21.0/24.0/27.0%.
After: Gathers Shadow Energy faster, reducing attack charge up time.
Changed the "Piercing Strike" Skill Tree to "Swift Preparation".
Before: On hit, ignore foe's total Defense by 30.0/38.0/46.0/54.0/62.0%.
After: After defeating foes, chance to reset cooldown is 15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%.
Changed the "Chaos Enhancement" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: In Chaos Mode, outgoing Damage +45.0/52.2/59.8/67.5/75.2%.
After: In Chaos Mode, outgoing Damage +50.0/57.5/65.0/72.5/80.0%.
Changed the "Swift Preparation" Skill Tree to "Law of the Jungle".
Before: After defeating foes, chance to reset cooldown is 15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%.
After: Damage to Challenge or lower foes +60.0/68.4/76.8/85.8/94.8%.
Changed the "Fatal Dagger" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Element is now [Lightning]. Crit Rate +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
After: Element is now [Lightning]. Imbues lightning energy into the dagger. Crit Rate +30.0%. Outgoing Damage +10.0/16.0/22.0/28.0/35.0%.
Changed the "Shadow Dance" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: AoE Radius +30%. Crit Damage +100.0/115.0/130.0/145.0/160.0%.
After: Hides among the shadows. During skill use, Dodge Rate +30%. Gathers even more Shadow Energy. AoE Radius +30.0%. Outgoing Damage +45.0/52.0/59.0/67.0/75.0%.
Silent Rage
Damage +7.1% when in PvE.
Changed the skill cooldown as follows:
Before: 25s
After: 28s
Changed the skill effect as follows:
Before: Jump 3 meters backward and gather dark energy to shoot yourself forward, slashing foes for N Damage and knocking them down as you pierce through them. Ignore collisions with adventurers and Normal monsters while moving.
After: Gather dark energy to shoot yourself forward, slashing foes for N Damage and knocking them down as you pierce through them. Ignore collisions with adventurers and Normal monsters while moving.
Changed the "Quick Prep" Skill Tree to "Weak Point Enhancement".
Before: Cooldown -5.0/6.0/7.0/8.0/9.0s.
After: Weak Point Level +1.
Changed the "Sharp Turn" Skill Tree to "Quick Prep".
Before: Can turn while attacking.
After: Cooldown -8.0/9.0/10.0/11.0/12.0s.
Changed the "Sharp Fall" Skill Tree to "Propulsion".
Before: Instantly attack without jumping backwards.
After: Jump back 3 meters and slam into foes with even greater force. Outgoing Damage +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%. Can change direction before attacking.
Changed the "Shadow Afterimage" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Changed so that the shadow clone's attacks don't trigger paralysis when in PvP.
Before: Shadow Clone attacks +3. Inflicts 30.0/37.5/45.0/52.5/60.0% of Base Damage.
After: Before descending, the shadow clone performs 2 additional attacks, inflicting 10% of base Damage each. If target is hit by the clone, Silent Rage Damage +8.0/11.5/15.0/18.5/22.0%.
Changed the "Ground Smash" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Element is now [Dark]. Descend with more power. Outgoing Damage +60.0/68.0/77.0/86.0/95.0%.
After: Element is now [Dark]. Descend with more power. Crit Rate + 20.0%, Outgoing Damage + 30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.
Awakening Skills
Lunar Eclipse: Cadenza
Changed to gain Chaos Meter upon successful hit.
Solar Eclipse: Requiem
Changed to gain Persona Meter upon every successful hit.
Changed the skill effect as follows:
Before: Focus your mind and blend into the shadows for 4s. Use the skill again to sneak up to your foe in the shadows and deliver 3 strikes to inflict N, N, N Damage, launching your foe in the air with the last strike. Become Stealthed again for 4s upon each strike, and you can still attack foes while you are not. Ignore collisions with adventurers and Guardians during skill use.
After: Focus your mind and ambush foes like the shadow to inflict N Damage and become Stealthed for 6s. Use the skill again to sneak up to your foe in the shadows and deliver 3 strikes to inflict N, N Damage, launching your foe in the air with the last strike. For every hit, Swoop Skill's Cooldown -10%. After the attack, become Stealthed again for 6s, and you can still attack foes while you are not. Ignore collisions with adventurers and Guardians during skill use.
Changed so that the Nightmare skill can be used by pressing the Specialty key.
Improved to make the Nightmare skill faster to use.
When using the Nightmare skill, dagger projectile size +25%.
When using the Nightmare skill, dagger projectile speed +20%.
Improved so that after using the Nightmare skill, it can be chained more quickly.
When using Nightmare skill while in Chaos Mode, changed so that targets hit by the dagger attack are inflicted by Bleeding Poison.
When using Nightmare skill while in Persona Mode, changed so that targets hit by the dagger attack are inflicted by Nerve Poison.
Improved so that the skill can be used faster.
Improved so that after using Persona skill, using Battle Items that don't have any motions doesn't remove Stealth.
Added Nightmare skill remaining Cooldown -30% effect when entering Persona Mode.
Changed the Chaos Mode duration as follows:
Before: 9s
After: 15s
Changed the Chaos buff effects as follows:
Before: Atk. Speed +10%, Move Speed +10%, Crit Rate 15%.
After: Atk. Speed +10%, Move Speed +10%, Crit Rate 15%. Nightmare skill Cooldown -40%.
Changed the "Lunar Voice" engraving effect as follows:
Before: Gain Lunar Voice effect instead of the Swoop Enhancement effect that stacks every 1s upon switching to Persona Mode. Upon gaining Lunar Voice effect, Swoop Damage +120/140/160% and Atk. Speed +10%.
After: Gain Lunar Voice effect instead of the Swoop Enhancement effect that stacks every 1s upon switching to Persona Mode. Upon gaining Lunar Voice effect, Swoop Damage +120/135/150%. Additionally, Crit Rate +0/5/10%, Atk. Speed +10%, and resets Cooldown of "Shadow Step".
Changed the "Hunger" engraving effects as follows:
Before: Chaos Meter +30%. Atk. Power +16/22/30% when the Chaos Meter is full.
After: Chaos Meter +50%. Atk. Power +12/18/25% and Crit Rate +3/5/8% when the Chaos Meter is full.
Souleater Stats
Changed the Skill Damage coefficient when in Deathlord Mode from the Specialization Stat as follows:
Before: 0.59
After: 0.564
Lunatic Edge
Changed so that the "Shadow Snatch" Skill Tree effect triggers "On skill use" and not "On hit".
Ghost Step
Changed so that the "Shadow Snatch" Skill Tree effect triggers "On skill use" and not "On hit".
Changed the "Isolation" Skill Tree to "Lightning Strike".
Before: Element is now [Lightning]. When attacking a single foe, Damage inflicted +115.0/126.5/138.0/149.5/161.0%.
After: Element is now [Lightning]. On hit, outgoing Damage +115.0/126.5/138.0/149.5/161.0%.
Soul Drain
Skill's Stagger has changed as below.
Before: minimum
After: mid
Reaper's Scythe
Skill's Stagger has changed as below.
Before: mid
After: mid-high
Guillotine Swing
Skill's Stagger has changed as below.
Before: mid
After: mid-high
' Concussion' Skill Tree effect has changed as below.
Before: Increases the skill's Stagger Level to [Mid - High].
After: Increases the skill's Stagger Level to [High].
Stroke: Hopper
Improved so that the next skill can be used faster when this skill is in use.
Paint: Starry Night
Changed the "Sturdy Armor" Skill Tree to "Energy Enhancement".
Before: Damage received -40.0/42.9/45.8/48.7/51.6% while casting skill.
After: On hit, Harmony Meter recovery +30.0/33.0/37.0/41.0/45.0%.
Modified the "Azure Starlight" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Incoming Damage -75% for other party members within range for 1s. Creates a shield that absorbs Damage equal to 10.0/11.0/12.0/13.0/15.0% of Max HP.
After: On skill use, incoming Damage -50%. Incoming Damage -75% for other party members within range for 2s. Creates a shield that absorbs Damage equal to 10.0/11.0/12.0/13.0/15.0% of Max HP for yourself and party members.
Paint: Illusion Door
Changed the base effect as follows:
Before: Create a Dimensional Opening at a target location within 12 meters to teleport one party member to your location. The Dimensional Opening lasts for 10s, allowing party members to interact with it to travel as far as 32 meters. The transported party member generates a shield that absorbs Damage up to 30% of Max HP for 6s.
After: Create a Dimensional Opening at a target location within 12 meters to teleport one party member to your location. The Dimensional Opening lasts for 10s, allowing party members to interact with it to travel as far as 32 meters. Generates a shield 7 meters wide on the other party member that absorbs Damage up to 15% of Max HP for 6s.
Paint: Sun Well
Artist's Scroll becomes 30% bigger.
All Skill Damage, except Awakening Skill, +8.6% when in PvE.
Changed the "Current Occurrence" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Oh hit, the Raindrop Meter gain decreases by 30%, but gain a Current Shield that absorbs Damage equal to 10% of Max HP for 3s.
After: Oh hit, the Raindrop Meter gain decreases by 30%, but gain a Current Shield that absorbs Damage equal to 15% of Max HP for 4s.
Downward Strike
Changed the "Current Occurrence" Skill Tree effects as follows:
Before: Oh hit, the Raindrop Meter gain decreases by 30%, but gain a Current Shield that absorbs Damage equal to 10% of Max HP for 3s.
After: Oh hit, the Raindrop Meter gain decreases by 30%, but gain a Current Shield that absorbs Damage equal to 15% of Max HP for 4s.
Moved the Weak Point effect to be applied on the first strike of the skill.
When Sustain Enhancement Skill Tree is applied, changed the first attack to pull foes when in PvE.
Wind Gimlet
Changed the "Single Attack" Skill Tree to "Concentrated Attack".
Before: If the attack hits a single target, inflicts +60.0/68.0/77.0/86.0/95.0% Damage.
After: Outgoing Damage +60.0/68.0/77.0/86.0/95.0%.
Wiping Wind
Added Weak Point Lv. 1.
Wind Fury
Slightly increased the changed radius of the Sun Shower skill when "Wind Fury" engraving is applied.
Other Improvements and Changes
Skill Effect Improvements
Wardancer, Scrapper, Striker, Deathblade, Reaper
Improved motion and effect for Scrapper's 'Fist of the Wind God' skill
Scrapper's specialty skill 'Tenacious Power' increased slightly in hit range
Improved certain sounds for Scrapper's 'Shredding Strike' skill
Improved to make sound when Scrapper's 'Tenacious Power' gauge is full
Improved to decrease the 'Penalty Meter' by 50% under the following conditions.
Gunlancer's 'Defensive Stance' activated
Destroyer's 'Hypergravity' activated
Destroyer's 'Endure Pain' skill in effect
Artillerist's 'Barrage: Impregnability' effect activated
Fixed issue where Deathblade's Blade Assault skill inflicts abnormally low damage.
Applying Deathblade's Remaining Energy engraving will bring up a new UI.
Sound and Specialty UI effect when Scrapper’s Tenacious Power is full improved.
Effect upon Scrapper making successful skill hit improved.
Both skill and Skill Tree effect for Scrapper’s 'Charging Blow' improved.
Both skill and Skill Tree effect for Scrapper’s 'Judgment' improved.
Both skill and Skill Tree effect for Scrapper’s 'Fist of the Wind God' improved.
Both skill and Skill Tree effect for Scrapper’s ‘Dragon Advent' improved.
Sound of Scrapper’s 'Explosive Fist' skill improved.
Sound volume and hit sound effect for Scrapper’s 'Fist of the Wind God' skill improved.
Deleted and Changed Skills Compensation
Players with Lv. 2 or higher skill tree for the deleted skills will have compensation sent to their Universal Storage. The compensation will correspond to their skill tree level. You will get 1 item per skill tree effect.
Lv. 2 : Oath Amulet x1
Lv. 3 : Prayer Amulet x1
Lv. 4 : Hope Amulet x1
Lv. 5 : Wishful Amulet x1
Notable Bug Fixes
Fixed the incorrect Skill Rune and Skill Pont information for the Reaper class in the Book of Coordination.
Fixed the issue causing PvP Weekly rewards to not be sent beginning with the December Update. Weekly rewards that have not been sent will be distributed via Universal Storage after the update.