Rain of Terror
Aeromancer Specialist Class
The Aeromancer can harness mystical illusions to manipulate weather or vanquish enemies with a flick of her umbrella. Fill up her special Sun Shower meter to gain offensive and defensive benefits, giving your basic attacks splash damage, and you and your party damage reduction.

Coming Soon
New Raids

Absolute Corruption
Akkan Legion Raid
The Plague Legion Commander is endlessly extorting life and souls in Arthetine. Join a new 8-player Legion Raid to defeat him, bring peace to Arthetine, and earn rewards.

Complete Darkness
Sonavel Guardian Raid
A long time ago, the Elemental King protected Arkesia by following light and order. Once he abandoned that mission and chose chaos and darkness, he became Sonavel, determine to cause destruction. Once you’ve completed the Elgacia World Quest and met Vairgrys, you must defeat Sonavel.

Maharaka Festival
Tooki Bangbang
Use water balloons to fill up the weapon gauge and shoot the Overheated Tooki to get points.

Neria's Wardrobe
Beatbox & Overalls
From crop tops to overalls, shorts, shades, spikes, and more. Deck yourself out in new studs.